
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

23rd, May 2014 manchester united 2

Transfer Balls: Toni Kroos Snubs Manchester United After Signing For Them

WHAT really happened with the Toni Kroos to Manchester United story? More »

23rd, May 2014 In Pictures

Low-Budget Beasts: A Tribute To Low-Budget Beauty And The Beast Costumes

WE love the internet. It gives people with niche passion a chance to showoff their collections. And so it is with Low-Budget Beasts More »

23rd, May 2014 In Pictures

Bikes Of Burden: Massvie Loads Carried On Small Motorbikes In Vietnam

WHEN Hans Kemp moved from his native Holland to Ho Chi Minh City he was struck by the overburdened motorbikes... More »

23rd, May 2014 Chelsea

Transfer Balls: Diego Costa Joins Chelsea For £80m And Lukaku Scratches His Head

TRANSFER Balls: Anorak's seasonal look at the bilge and to-deadline guesswork passing for news in the mainstream media.... More »

23rd, May 2014 Flashback

The Sputnikburger And Small Dog - 1957

THIS picture shows an Atlanta, Georgia, restaurant's Sputnikburger, complete with small dog, November 4, 1957. Garnished with Czarist Russian dressing and caviar, the sandwich is topped with a large satellite olive pierced with three toothpicks for antennae... More »

23rd, May 2014 Books

Lifesurfing: Your Horoscope Forecast Guide 2015 - Monthly Forecasts Of Uncanny Precision

SUCH a joy to be back among you, especially given the egregious state of blogging these days. I can but do my best, permitting you a glimpse of Arcati's ancient soul which bubbles with spite and acuity and long memory, though I dress it all up in a sage's garb and vocabulary of daunting endowment... More »

23rd, May 2014 The Consumer

110% Meat: Bubbledogs Come With A Free Foreskin?

The "110% meat" hotdog... More »

23rd, May 2014 Chelsea

Transfer Balls: Chelsea Sell Luiz To Barcelona And Also To PSG

TRANSFER Balls looks in on Chelsea's David Luiz... More »

23rd, May 2014 Music

Jack White: Bring Back The Clapometer At Gigs

More »

23rd, May 2014 Money 1

Montenegrin Patriarch: Conchita Wurst Caused the Balkan Floods

SO says one of the more conservative churchmen of the Balkans, that Conchita Wurst, the bearded bloke in a dress who won the Eurovision song contest, caused the Balkan Floods that have forced 150,000 people from their homes. Quite remarkable what God gets pissed off about really, isn't it?.. More »

23rd, May 2014 manchester united 1

Transfer Balls: Toni Kroos Agrees To Join Manchester United And Then Doesn't

SO. Is Toni Kroos going to Manchester United? Just two days ago the Daily Express stated that the deal to take the German star from Bayern Munich to United had been done... More »

23rd, May 2014 Politicians

War On Free Speech: Danish TV Journalists Defeats The Extremists With A Whistle

The war on free speech... More »

23rd, May 2014 Politicians

Look Natural Ed: The Best Of Ed Miliband V Food And Cameras

ED Miliband only needs a baby blue bow in his hair to look more like a gift to the Tory election strategy... More »

23rd, May 2014 Flashback 1

Funny Not Found: TV Guide Adverts For Terrible Comedies

IF you ever start to get depressed by the current TV offerings, take a look at the comedies airing in the States in decades past. Here are 15 adverts from TV Guide which will have you counting your blessings... More »

22nd, May 2014 Arsenal

Arsenal Balls: Sagna Takes The Silver And Runs To The Manchester City Cashpoint

What facts..? More »

22nd, May 2014 Flashback 5

All Broken Up Inside: The Five Most Shocking Character Deaths in Cult-TV History

WILLIAM Shakespeare once wrote that “the valiant taste of death but once,” while cowards die “many times” before their actual demise. Audiences of cult TV classics might also be said to die many times too, especially if they watch and re-watch beloved characters die in their favorite genre programming... More »

22nd, May 2014 Money

This Terribly Stupid Strike Against McDonald's

THERE'S a very stupid piece of labour activism going on over in the US. It's a series of strikes and demonstrations against McDonald's over the pay that the people working in the stores receive. The reason it's such a silly set of demos and strikes is simply that McDonald's doesn't actually employ the workers. So why shout at the people who can't change the situation?.. More »

22nd, May 2014 Politicians

UKIP Photos: Nigel Farage Heads To Cudham Church of England Primary School in Kent

WE took lots of photos of UKIP Leader Nigel Farage arrives at Cudham Church of England Primary School in Cudham, Kent, to cast his vote in today's Local and European elections... More »

22nd, May 2014 Reviews

No Weapons Restaurant Robbed At Gunpoint

JOINING the gun law debate, we turn to events in Durham, NC, where armed villains have robbed Pit Authentic Barbecue. That;s the store displaying the “No Weapons” sign in its reports... More »

22nd, May 2014 manchester united

Manchester United Balls: Release The Van Gaal Journobots

DUTCH newspaper NRC have called on their many years’ experience of treading on eggshells around the notoriously volatile Louis van Gaal in press conferences to provide their British colleagues with ten golden rules to follow when interviewing the new Manchester United manager to avoid having their danglies torn off… More »

22nd, May 2014 manchester united

Manchester United Balls: Toni Kroos Signed For David Moyes But Stayed At Bayern

Want to hear what Bayern president Karl Hopfner told German magazine Kicker?... More »

22nd, May 2014 Technology

Making Sense of Chemical Stories: The Posters

Not all man-made chemicals are bad for you... More »

22nd, May 2014 Money

In America Rising Court Fees Mean The Poor Always Go To Prison

In Augusta, Ga., a judge sentenced Tom Barrett to 12 months after he stole a can of beer worth less than $2... More »

22nd, May 2014 Politicians

Prince Charles Know His History: Vladimir Putin Is Doing A Hitler

WHAT are we to make of the news that Prince Charles likened Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler?... More »

22nd, May 2014 Liverpool 1

Liverpool Balls: Hands Up Who Wants Luis Suarez To Miss The World Cup

THE Daily Suarez: A look at the Liverpool star in the news... More »