Local News Watch: Transgender Former Soldier Appeals For Stolen Corsets
Roxanne, 65, tells the News Shopper: "What gets me is she said she never wears suspender belts or things like that so why did she take them?"... More »
Roxanne, 65, tells the News Shopper: "What gets me is she said she never wears suspender belts or things like that so why did she take them?"... More »
ANROAK'S favourite Christian rocker William Tapley, aka the Third Eagle of the Apocalypse, has a song for Lent... More »
IN a bid to stop fishing, or poaching as the officials call it, on the Wiltshire and Berkshire Canal in Swindon, Swindon Borough Council has removed the fish, all 1,098kg (2,421lb) of the stuff... More »
IT was Sr. Barroso who told us, in a piece in The Times, that the aim and purpose of the European Union was to stop Germany from invading France. Again. So, every action of that European Union needs to be looked at in this light... More »
E-CIGARETTES not only make you look like a pillock and a wimp, but they are no good for you... More »
KEVIN SCHOFIELD, Chief Political Correspondent of the Sun has news from the hives of power: VICIOUS Asian hornets three times the size of normal wasps are making their way to Britain, a chilling report warns... More »
WITH every fall season in the US comes another batch of TV shows doomed to failure. The history of American television is littered with roadkill – most of which we have collectively forgotten. Well, no longer. I have personally scooped up the scattered remains of nine TV shows to share with you. It won't be pleasant, but you can feel good that it's all in the name of historical preservation... More »
There be wizards... More »
IN the race to produce a new story on every leading club every day of the week, the Daily Mail does not flinch. Today, the paper of record leads with news that Manuel Pellegrini has visited a cashpoint machine. More »
THE painter Pablo Picasso once asked who can see the human face correctly: the photographer, the mirror, or the painter. Popular horror films and television programs have long highlighted all three possibilities, but focused most intently, perhaps, on the mirror... More »
FEEL free, at any point during this article, to tut to yourself "Cuh! Including yourself are we, Corden?" James Corden has hit out at some of the "horrible" people who attended the Brit Awards while he was doing a very thorough job hosting the dreadful ceremony... More »
European artists painted Jesus as a white guy and everyone cleverly ignored the fact that he would have at least been olive-skinned, or even darker. He definitely wasn't some white guy with fair hair and a neat beard who looked like he might be the road manager for Creedence Clearwater Revival.... More »
IT looks like Facebook is going to open itself up as something of a bank. Why not, they've a billion users already and that could make them the largest bank in the world by a long way if they can pull it off. They're starting over here in Europe too... More »
PSST! Want to buy a vagina? Four women born with an underdeveloped or absent vagina have been living with artificial ones for the past four years. The women hd Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome(MRKH).... More »
EASTER is upon us. How will you celebrate? Chocolate and sweet treats are traditional methods. Let's take a look at some of the best Easter sweets for Jesus:... More »
YOU may or may not know what Airbnb is. It's a system whereby people can rent out their homes, or an extra bedroom, for a couple of days or a week or whatever. And therefore it's also a website where you can rent a room in a town for a week or a night or two or whatever.... More »
You'll p-p-p-pick it up.... More »
LADIES – no need to fight. There are shoes aplenty in this article, so there are more than enough for the both of you. Here is a cornucopia of retro footwear adverts that should keep everyone satisfied for a while. .. More »
Hillsborough In photos.... More »
THIS is the new graffiti work, suspected of being a Banksy, which appeared on the side of a house on Fairview Road adjacent to St. Anne's Terrace, Cheltenham... More »
THE Boeing 787 Dreamliner also did sound a bit like a tampon. Maybe that explains why, US Airways reacted to a woman who complained of a bad flight with a photo of a woman with a model of a Boeing 777 in her vagina?.. More »
WE love crazy Golf. But we don't much like sensible golf. YouTuber Simon Connor has found a way to make sensible golf crazier... More »
THE biggest fare dodger in railway history is Our Hero. Every work day for five years Our Hero travelled from his home in Stonegate to London's Canon Street station. He worked out that if he swiped an Oyster card at Canon Street but not at Stonegate, East Sussex, the machine undercharged him... More »
It's all swings and roundabouts... More »
MEET Mary Magdalene, Jesus Christ's girlfriend. Mary lives in Australia. She is "somewhat known historically but largely unknown". She hangs out with Jesus, known locally as AJ... More »