
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

11th, April 2014 Reviews

Jealous Parents Rage At Headteacher Taking Time Off To Get Married In Term Time

VINA Pankhania is the acting headteacher at Little Hill Primary, in Wigston, Leics. She's off on a four-week, unpaid trip to arrange her wedding. Vina will not be at school between April 28 and May 23... More »

11th, April 2014 Money

Hilary Benn Spent Enough For 720,479 Packets of Jammie Dodgers from Waitrose

I know that the right hon. Member has a particular interest in biscuits, so to help quantify this amount, his spending in his last year in office is equivalent today to buying 720,479 packets of Jammie Dodgers from Waitrose (albeit, with a free cup of coffee thrown in).’... More »

11th, April 2014 Money

Aaaaand the Bitcoin Bubble Is Deflating

I'VE been saying for some time now that Bitcoin is a bubble. And we're seeing the usual and classic bubble behaviour in its price too. It's down to just under $400 today: Bitcoin reached another milestone today, with the cryptocurrency falling below the $400 per-coin mark. Bitcoin sold for over $1,100 inside of the last 52 weeks.... More »

11th, April 2014 Reviews

Andrew Bush Killing: Mayka Kukucova Is Always The 'Stunning Swimsuit Model'

HOW do you report on Mayka Kukucova the woman accused of murdering Andrew Bush at his home in Estepona, Spain?... More »

11th, April 2014 Reviews 1

Keira Knightley Confesses An Addiction To Food

GARY Neville fan Keira Knightley was discussing her favourite places to eat in Hello! magazine. Knightley likes all sorts of food, stating: “I’m a real food addict.”... More »

11th, April 2014 Madeleine McCann

Chloe Campbell Is Australia's Madeleine McCann

MADELEINE McCann: The media has news of another Maddie... More »

11th, April 2014 Arsenal

Arsenal Balls: World Cup Striker Stickers Shocker

IS the Sun turning into Viz? ... More »

10th, April 2014 Flashback 5

Paleotechnology: A Curious Glimpse Into An 80s Computer Book

Suffice it to say, things have come a long way in just a short amount of time, and it’s a lot of fun to look back. So, let’s jump into Living With Computers by Patrick G. McKeown (1986)... More »

10th, April 2014 Flashback

1955: Ruth Ellis Shoots Her Lover David Blakely Outside the Magdala Pub in Hampstead

ON this day in 1955 Ruth Ellis shot her lover David Blakely outside the Magdala pub in Hampstead.... More »

10th, April 2014 Music

Kurt Cobain Conspiracy Theorist Sues Seattle Police Department

One man, called Richard Lee, is a Kurt Cobain death conspiracy theorist and he's suing the Seattle Police Department. He used to have a public access TV show called 'Kurt Cobain Was Murdered'. It's no 'Everybody Loves Ray'.... More »

10th, April 2014 Film

Watch Jean-Pierre Léaud's Fantastic Audition for The 400 Blows In 1958

FRENCH cinema's intense The 400 Blows (Les Quatre cents coups - the French title comes from the idiom, faire les quatre cents coups—“to raise hell”) features a fantastic performance from Jean-Pierre Léaud as the delinquent adolescent Antoine Doinel... More »

10th, April 2014 Sports

Chelsea Balls: The Richest Teams Dope The Transfer System To Ensure Unequal Competition

THE loan system isn't fait, is it? It favours the rich clubs. It favours Chelsea... More »

10th, April 2014 Music

Red Hot Chili Peppers Used As Guantanamo Bay Torture T(rack)

OF all the dreadful, heart-wrenching stories to come from Guantanamo Bay, the news that the CIA are using the Red Hot Chili Peppers music as a torture device is surely the worst... More »

10th, April 2014 In Pictures

Marutaro: The Hedgehog of 1000 Faces

Hedgehogs aren't just for crisps.... More »

10th, April 2014 Flashback

Pope Leo XIII And A Cup of Bovril: 'The Two Infallible Powers' c.1900

HERE'S an unusual advert for a nice cup of Bovril, as drunk by Pope Leo XIII. It's from circa 1900. .. More »

10th, April 2014 Arsenal

Arsenal Balls: If Not Diarra Then Who Is The ‘Former Arsenal Star Fighting Jihad In Syria’?

WHO is the former "Arsenal "star fighting as a jihad warrior in Syria", as The Sun revealed... More »

10th, April 2014 Key Posts 1

Admit it Guardianista Handwringers, You Love Game of Thrones For The Sex And Violence...Just Like The Rest Of Us

THAT irritating rubbing noise you can hear is the handwringing from British TV reviewers who love their restarted weekly dose of Game of Thrones but must make sure to tell their readers how appalled they are by the objectification of women and the gratuitous violence... More »

10th, April 2014 Celebrities

1937: John Barrymore and Elaine Barrie Stage The World's Most Awkward Kiss

FLASHBACK to June 28, 1937 at a Los Angeles station - file under awkward kisses... More »

10th, April 2014 Music 1

Were KISS Anti-Semitic?

LIFE as a member of KISS must be more mental than living in a hedge filled with laughing spiders. And depressing too. More depressing than Gene Simmons blood-chilling sex tape. No, we're not providing a link. Look for it yourself. You'll never listen to Foreigner in the same way again... More »

10th, April 2014 Reviews

The Times Thinks It's OK To Call Male Golfers Fat: Is It Different For Girls?

Why is it ok to attack a man for his looks but not to 'bully' a woman? More »

10th, April 2014 Flashback

The Top 10 Sappiest Songs Ever Recorded

We can’t go calling every romantic ballad “sappy”. Just as depressing songs have their place, so do overtly romantic songs. Perhaps, the best way to illustrate sap at its worst is by example. So, here we go... More »

10th, April 2014 Flashback

1981: IRA Hunger Striker Bobby Sands Elected To Westminster As MP for Fermanagh and South Tyrone

ON April 10, 1981, IRA prisoner and hunger striker Bobby Sands was elected to Westminster as the MP for Fermanagh and South Tyrone. Bobby Sand's victory was the second time the voters of Fermanagh and South Tyrone had elected a republican prisoner as their MP. The first, Philip Clarke, in 1955, was disqualified because the law then did not allow convicts to take up political office... More »

10th, April 2014 Celebrities

Ultimate Warrior Jams Brian Hellwig: Gloriously Mad And Regrettably Gone

THE Ultimate Warrior has died at the age of 54, WWE has sadly confirmed. Born James Brian Hellwig, Warrior electrified kids and adults alike during his time as a fearsome wrestler of the WWE (formerly WWF). His wild antics, shock of crazy hair and charged entrance made him a hit with those who are fans of professional wrestling.... More »

10th, April 2014 Money

Dodgy Maths: Where Apple Goes Wrong In Calculating The Samsung Damages

YES! We've another exciting instalment of the Apple v. Samsung patents battle and this time Apple are asking for over $2 billion in damages from the Korean firm. The problem is that they've used a very dodgy indeed method of trying to calculate those damages.... More »

10th, April 2014 Film 2

The Five Most Shocking Death Scenes Of The ALIEN Franchise

For a death scene to be considered shocking, it must be one that the audience can't see coming. In other words, we expect that Colonial Marines fighting aliens by the pack are going to die, or that confused convicts running from a monster in a dark corridor will come to a bad end... More »