Other Parents' Kids With Stupid Names: Biggles, Posie and Tuppence JACKSON-KEW
OTHER Parents presents those parents who give their ordinary kids extraordinary names... More »
OTHER Parents presents those parents who give their ordinary kids extraordinary names... More »
THERE are three important questions about climate change: is it happening, is it us causing it and how bad is it going to be? It's the answers to those three that determine what, if anything, we should try to do about it. My answers to those three have been yes, yes, and maybe not as bad as people think for some time now... More »
DARREN Gough was once a cricketer with Yorkshire and England. And then he reached the dizzy heights of TalkSPORT radio... More »
BETWEEN February 8, 1918 and June 13, 1919, General John J. Pershing published the United States Army newspaper for its forces in France... More »
The first Marriages That Happen To Have People Who Are The Same Gender will take place across England and Wales on Saturday, with some tying the knot on the stroke of midnight, after the government’s legislation received the Royal Assent... More »
FLASHBACK to March 3 1950, where the FA Cup sixth round game between Arsenal and Leeds United is underway. The hot topic is the latest technology... More »
WITH nearly 3 million films in their database, it’s quite a dubious accomplishment to be ranked in IMDb’s Bottom 100. That’s the bottom of a very deep barrel – the bottom 0.003% in fact. I’d love to explore all the members of this exclusive club; but, in the interest of time we’ll start with the 1960s... More »
KELLY Osbourne is dating an American skater-boi called Braydon Szafranski... More »
KELLY Brook is engaged to be married. We know this because she's bought a ring balloon... More »
Listen closely at around the 4mins 25s marks. What's that she says of Sutherland? He's a what..? More »
IN South Korea, The Diary of Anne Frank is a story of seduction, romance, 1980s fashions and a model who looks like Brian Eno... More »
ONCE upon a time, we had the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles on British TV because on these shores, everyone is far too chicken to use the word 'ninja'. Mercifully, times have changed and now, we're all set for a brand new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film. More »
SVERRE "Bex" Braathen captured 1940s and 1950s circus performers on Kodachrome slides... More »
THERE'S an old saying that goes: "if you’re going to take a shot at the king, make sure you don’t miss." Such words of wisdom also apply to the movie monsters of the 1980s... More »
“Now I’m a living billboard,” Ytterdahl yells the newspaper Romereskes Blad, “But I think all this is just fun. Maybe it won’t be as fun when I’m 50 or 60 years, but it’s my choice.”.. More »
IN "Strike forces parents to find emergency child care", ITV's Simon Harris, has news of the teachers' strike. He speaks with a victim of those striking teachers... More »
ARE you aware of the ITV2 series, The Big Reunion? Thus far, the show has brought Blue, Atomic Kitten, Liberty X and more, back together. Now, voice of the show - Andi Peters - has said he wants to do a Britpop version. Just imagine. All those 30somethings fishing out their velvet blazers and flared cords out of the bedding box!.. More »
MANCHESTER United fans have become a monocular, retrospective bunch. Used on success in the Alex Ferguson years, a group of them are looking to raise enough money to hire a plane to fly over Old Trafford during Saturday’s game against Aston Villa towing an anti-David Moyes banner behind it... More »
THIS is perhaps a bit unkind of the IRS over in the US, issuing new tax guidance about Bitcoin in late March when everyone has to have their tax returns in by April 15th. But that's what they've done and the ruling isn't a surprise to anyone except those with the most absurd ideas of what Bitcoin actually is... More »
Dors was one of the country's biggest stars. Dors was billed as Britain's Marilyn Monroe. Her real name was Diana Fluck - but her mother said she should change it because there was always the chance that her name would be up in lights outside a cinema - and one of the letters might fall off.... More »
WHEN Nick Clegg took the Yellow corner and Nigel Farage the purple one, LBC radio realised it had a fight on its hands, the likes of which we have not seen since chocolate teapot fought a glass hammer... More »
IT shouldn't be a big deal when a familiar actor or actress is abruptly replaced on a TV show. Yet audiences are often unable to cope. I suppose it’s due to the fact that a subconscious connection is often developed between audience and actors. When, suddenly, an interloper appears in his or her place, all hell breaks loose. The textbook example is Darrin from Bewitched: when Dick York was replaced by Dick Sargent audiences were left confused and disoriented. What happened to Samantha’s husband? Did she remarry, or did she magically transform his physical appearance? What in the name of all that is holy is going on?!?... More »
LETTER of the day is in the Times. It concerns Dylan Thomas and the Royal Mail's new stamps calling him a "Barrd ac awdur" (poet an author)... More »
THIS really ought to take some sort of a prize for the amount of cluelessness it shows about our fellow humans. Yes, of course we're ruthless, greedy and destructive swine, what the hell else did anyone ever think we were?.. More »
Awesome... More »