
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

17th, March 2014 Reviews

Domenico Rancadore, Amanda Knox And An Italian Justice Sytem Every Bit As Crap As The British Reporting

AMANDA Knox, we have some good news. The woman found guilty of murdering Mereditch Kercher should be able to escape extradition to Italy by citing the case of Sicilian Mafia fugitive Domenico Rancadore. Thought by Italian police to be the leader a Mafia clan based in Trabia near Palermo, Domenico has been living in the UK for 20 years as one Marc Skinner... More »

17th, March 2014 The Consumer

Dumb Products You Never Knew You Didn't Need: Smart Sheets

TODAY learnt that we don't need Smart Bedding. For those four or five of you who sleep beneath a sheet beneath your duvet, there is a solution to sheet ride... More »

17th, March 2014 Celebrities

Bez Joins The Happy Anti-Frackers At Barton Moss

SO. There was the Happy Monday's dancer Mark 'Bez' Berry kicking off his campaign to run for Parliament by joining the Barton Moss anti-fracking site, Manchester. Bez, famous for winning Celebrity Big Brother, playing the maracas whilst white-and-not-drunk-in-a-Spanish-pub and being the subject of the line "Everyone thinks Bez has about two pounds of coke up his nose all the time and he's on about eight E's", aims to “stir things up” in the Commons. His manifesto is concise... More »

17th, March 2014 Books

Comic Book Nerdorama: 12 Ways 2000AD Is Zarjaz

More »

17th, March 2014 Music

Miley Cyrus Gives Out To Security During Gig

Angered by it, Miley goes into a rant, doing the unthinkable and actually giving a monkeys about her fans and how much money they've spent on her. She notes that, if people are paying loads of money, then they really should be allowed to take some pictures at concerts... More »

17th, March 2014 Flashback

March 1977: 18 Classic Photos I Found (Hanafi Muslims, the Pan Am-KLM crash, Manchester United, The Sex Pistols And More)

Hanafi Muslims, the Pan Am-KLM crash, Manchester United and The Sex Pistols... More »

17th, March 2014 The Consumer

Burlington France's Peado Inspired Advert For Socks Is Weird

This is odd... More »

17th, March 2014 Money

Five Families Are Richer Than 20% Of All Britons - And So Are 80% Of You

In a report, a Tale of Two Britains, Oxfam said the poorest 20% in the UK had wealth totalling £28.1bn – an average of £2,230 each. The latest rich list from Forbes magazine showed that the five top UK entries – the family of the Duke of Westminster, David and Simon Reuben, the Hinduja brothers, the Cadogan family, and Sports Direct retail boss Mike Ashley – between them had property, savings and other assets worth £28.2bn... More »

17th, March 2014 Music

Listen To When Irish Eyes Are Smiling And Other St Patrick's Day Nightmares

HAPPY St Patrick's Day to anyone who wants an excuse to drink. Here is a lovely rendition of When Irish Eyes Are Smiling for the St. Patrick’s Parade and Festival in Atlanta, USA... More »

17th, March 2014 Strange But True 1

Saudi Arabia Bans The Names Linda And Sandy But June Is OK

SAUDI Arabia has banned the name Linda.The country's interior ministry says Linda contradicts the religion or the culture of the Kingdom... More »

17th, March 2014 Reviews

Emily Bell Upset That Vice, Quartz, Vox And Buzzfeed Are As Misogynistic As The Guardian

THE GUARDIAN'S Emily Bell on Comment is Free on the lack of diversity in journalists hired for new startups.. More »

17th, March 2014 Flashback

15 Great Moments in Sexually Suggestive Pop Music

IN 1985, Tipper Gore’s Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) released their “Filthy 15” – fifteen songs they felt were the most objectionable on the planet. Prince’s “Darling Nicki” topped the list, Sheena Easton's “Sugar Walls” came in at #2, and Cyndi Lauper’s “She-Bop” rounded out the list at #15... More »

16th, March 2014 Flashback

The Russia Empire In Colour 1905-15: 18 Photos

WHAT did the Russian Empire between 1905 and 1915? Thanks to these images and more from the work of Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii Collection, we get some idea. Prokudin-Gorskii (1863-1944) set out to record the landscape and its people in colour... More »

16th, March 2014 Flashback

1930: The Mechanical Hen Demonstrates The Anatomy Of A Chicken

The hen with the mechanical internal organs, who surprised visitors at the World's Poultry Congress in London by giving a brief lecture on how she utilized her food to make eggs... More »

16th, March 2014 Flashback

Swearing Peppa Pig Presents The World's Rudest Toys

PEPPER Pig was in the news again this week, and once again the news wasn’t good. Following previous complaints about her disrespectful and naughty behaviour, there are now claims that one of the characters in her DVD used the f-word, and that this has caused a young Welsh child to use the same foul curse. In the event, it turned out that the actual word in question was ‘rocking’, but the pronunciation left enough ambiguity to cause mischief. Judge for yourself… More »

16th, March 2014 Liverpool

Manchester United And Liverpool Balls: 'David Moyes Is A Football Genius' And Other Great Reactions

MANCHESTER United are in the mire. David Moyes' team have been thumped 0-3 at home to Liverpool. Taxi for Moyes!... More »

16th, March 2014 Strange But True

Man Conceived After Phil Collins Concert Protests At Destruction Of His Heritage

"IT is a weird story, I must admit, " says Kevin Walters. "About 21 years ago, my parents were at a Phil Collins concert here in Chicago, and one thing led to another. They ended up at the oasis … and I was conceived there. They were like, 'Oh yeah, hey, we never really told you how you were born, or your conception,' and my parents are weird people, so it's not that surprising.".. More »

16th, March 2014 Books

Jackie Magazine 1982: 'Rebel' Bev Is Banned From Using The New ZX Spectrum

1980s drama in the Pc department... More »

15th, March 2014 In Pictures 1

25 Ventriloquist Dummies Made In Hell

Open your mouth and scream.... More »

15th, March 2014 Reviews 2

School Orders Bullied Nine-Year-Old Boy To Leave My Little Pony Bag At Home

"THEY'RE taking it a little too far, with punching me, pushing me down, calling me horrible names, stuff that really shouldn't happen," says nine-year-old Grayson Bruce, a North Carolina boy being picked on at school for carrying a My Little Pony Rainbow Dash bag... More »

15th, March 2014 Flashback

March 1951 In 25 Classic Photos: Spies, Mobsters And Jumping Beans Horses

From the archives... More »

15th, March 2014 Money

Is The Resurgence Of The Clap About To Reverse The Sexual Revolution?

WE'RE all used to the idea of getting our jollies fairly regularly these days. Certainly it's all very different from Victorian times when it was supposedly marriage, celibacy or prostitution. But what is it that actually caused the change?... More »

15th, March 2014 Strange But True 1

Reckless Youth Prankster Who Pretended To Rob ATM Machine User Gets Punched (Video)

“The reason we made the video was it was a social experiment and what we wanted to try prove was that there are people out there that are going to help in a robbery..." More »

15th, March 2014 Strange But True 2

Anti-Racism Event Cancelled For Banning White People

COMBATTING racism in America by showcasing racism in America... More »

14th, March 2014 Key Posts

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: Stolen By Pirates And Other Batshit Mental Theories In The British Tabloids

And lots of people might be dead... More »