
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

10th, March 2014 Reviews

Newspaper Juxtaposition Laugh-In: Why are Surbiton's Starlings Disappearing?

Any clues..? More »

10th, March 2014 Strange But True

Hampshire Sturgeon Found Living At A Carwash

IN today's 'You'll Believe A Fish Can Cycle', we learn of a sturgeon named Steve, who left the World of Water in Romsey, Hampshire, in early February... More »

10th, March 2014 Flashback

The Saucy 1957 Cherry Pie Bake Off

Cherry Pie honies... More »

10th, March 2014 Strange But True

Stoke Highland Oatcake Scammer Sought

"We were frightened they might have come from the bins but we are convinced that’s not the case," adds Mrs Gavin. "There’s not a lot we can do... More »

10th, March 2014 Reviews

Spanish TV Station Moves Germany Into Poland, Belarus Into History And France Into The Sea

A DEGREE in geography and journalism sounds like it would be useless. But Spanish TV channel Telemadrid could do with a such a graduate.... More »

9th, March 2014 Flashback

1943: Olive McDonald Brands The Casting Of A 3-inch Mortar-Bomb

Women in World War 2... More »

9th, March 2014 Flashback

1947 In Photos And Film: The Building And Only Flight Of Howard Hughe's Massive Spruce Goose

The largest airplane ever constructed, and flown only one time, the Spruce Goose represents one of man’s greatest attempts to conquer the skies. It was born out of a need to move troops and material across the Atlantic Ocean, where in 1942, German submarines were sinking hundreds of Allied ships... More »

9th, March 2014 Books

Little Nemo: Watch The Film And Read The Adventures Of The Most Sublime Comic Strip Hero

EVER read Little Nemo, the comic strip about the lad's fabulous dreams? The strip ran from October 15, 1905 to April 23, 1911 in the New York Herald... More »

9th, March 2014 Money

Charles Koch Of Koch Industries Hates Cronyism - Gives Son Top Job

CHARLES de Ganahl Koch is an American businessman and philanthropist. He is co-owner, chairman of the board, and chief executive officer of Koch Industries. In 2010, he told the Wall Street Journal: "Corporate Cronyism Harms America"... More »

9th, March 2014 Flashback

1960: 'Girls' Take Stretch Breaks At Tokyo's Sony Factory

'Stop working, take a deep breath, one, two, three, four.' says a loud speaker... More »

9th, March 2014 Books

16th Century German War Guide Teaches How To Make Flying Cats Bombs (Photos)

YOU'RE looking at an illustration from a 1530s manual on warfare. The advice is to "set fire to a castle or city which you can't get at otherwise"... More »

9th, March 2014 Arsenal

Arsenal Balls: Manchester United Pay £7m Over Asking Price For Thomas Vermaelen

ARSENAL Balls: The Sun leads with an "exclusive" on "Arsenal misfit" Thomas Vermaelen... More »

9th, March 2014 Reviews

The Sun's Utter Balls On Jeremy Forrest And Gemma The Teenage Teacher Fancier

THE teenager who at 15-year-old fell for her 30-year-old teacher Jeremy Forrest has "dumped him for another teacher". So says the Sun of the teenager was abducted by Forrest and taken to France... More »

8th, March 2014 Flashback

The Women's League of Health And Beauty: Nazis, Pilates And The Birth Of The Keep-Fit Movement

Mary Bagot-Stack founded the Women’s League of Health and Beauty in 1930 when her daughter Prunella was just fifteen years old, but when Mary died at a tragically young age in 1935, Prunella was called upon to continue the work of the League... More »

8th, March 2014 Key Posts 1

Casting Call Woe: The Funniest Real Casting Calls From Casting Websites

"The actress will be required to perform a lap dance routing. The actor will be required to drive a car.." More »

8th, March 2014 Flashback

Fighting Malaria In World War To - A Photo Story

Including experiments on the the disabled and prison inmates... More »

8th, March 2014 Reviews

LSD Reduces Anxiety In Terminally Ill Patients

THE Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease presents Peter Gasser's work with LSD. The paper, called Safety and Efficacy of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide-Assisted Psychotherapy for Anxiety Associated With Life-threatening Diseases, and researchers concluded that when terminally ill patient were tested with the drugs their anxiety"went down and stayed down"... More »

8th, March 2014 Arsenal

Arsenal Win The FA Cup For The First Time: Photos From April 26 1930 (WIth Bonus Cup Final Record)

ON April 26, 1930, Arsenal beat Huddersfield Town at Wembley Stadium. Arsenal won 2–0, with goals from Alex James and Jack Lambert. Arsenal had won their first FA Cup after a defeat in their FA Cup final debut in 1927... More »

8th, March 2014 Reviews

Today Is When Every Oppressed Male Asks Power 'When's International Men's Day?'

TODAY is International Woman's Day. What's that , you say. 'When's International Men's Day?' A swift search of the web revels that it's on November 19... More »

8th, March 2014 Strange But True

Lack Of Working Pens Triggers Crime Spree At Irish Police Station

FEW below middle-age cannot understand the irritation of not being able to find a working pen. The youth have iPads and creepy Google goggles to record the everyday, but for many nothing best the pen when you need to sign a name of jot something down quickly... More »

8th, March 2014 Strange But True

Man Who Swallowed Whistle 15 Years Ago Finally Stops Playing That Tune

GOD fear the whistleblower, China's Liu Yougang, 23, who swallowed a plastic whistle when he was 9-years-old. For 14 years, whenever he slept, his breathing would create a whistling sound... More »

8th, March 2014 Reviews

Lydia The Flying Great White Shark Puts Cornwall On Summer Alert

THE DAILY Star has chilling news: Lydia is coming to the UK. Lock up your flippers and stick a plug in the sink. The tabloids works in cycles... More »

8th, March 2014 Music

Lily Allen: Not Keen On Feminists

"Feminism. I hate that word because it shouldn't even be a thing anymore," she said. "We're all equal, everyone is equal. Why is there even a conversation about feminism? What's the man version of feminism? There isn't even a word for it. Menanism. Male-ism. It doesn't exist.".. More »

7th, March 2014 Gifs

How Things Are Made In 11 Lovely Gifs

THESE are 11 wonderful gifs show us how things are made... More »

7th, March 2014 Flashback

1978 Letter About Vermin In Jimmy Carter's White House

One trapped mouse found on the West Wing... More »