
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

7th, March 2014 Celebrities 1

That Moment When Kurt Cobain Met Courtney Love

Already infamous in Portland, Love was holding court in a booth when she saw Kurt walk by a few minutes before his band was set to appear onstage. Courtney was wearing a red polka-dot dress. "You look like Dave Pirner," she said to him... More »

7th, March 2014 Sports 1

Spurs Fans Free To Sing 'Yid Army' After Tottenham Three Case Thrown Out

Sing what we want to... More »

7th, March 2014 Celebrities

Sharon Stone Takes Just One Bottle To The Shower

SHARON Stone wants us to know: “There was a point in my forties when I went into the bathroom with a bottle of wine, locked the door and said, ‘I’m not coming out until I can totally accept the way I look right now.’ ” Sharon takes one bottle into the shower... You might need several. They really aren't like the rest of us... More »

7th, March 2014 Flashback 2

March 1978: 18 Classic Photos I Found

Back when hair was long, costumers were loud and men were angry... More »

7th, March 2014 Money

Old Man Who Hired Escort Surprised To See Son's Girlfriend Arrive

An elderly Italian man got a rather unwelcome surprise when he ordered an escort – and his son’s girlfriend turned up... More »

7th, March 2014 Film

Stills From How We Used To Live

How we used to live... More »

7th, March 2014 Arsenal

Sky Sports Presenter Calls Arsenal's Per Mertesacker A 'Big F***ing German'

A chant is born... More »

7th, March 2014 Arsenal

Arsenal Balls: Theo Walcott Eats, Shoots And Leaves

Eats, shoots and leaves.... More »

7th, March 2014 Celebrities 3

Victoria Beckham Is Looking For Her Chest

Victoria Beckham Is Looking For Her Chest: CELEBRITY Quote of the week came form the mouth of Victoria Beckham who was talking about her surgically enhanced breasts: "I don’t have them anymore. I think I may have purchased them." Next week, Vicky uses both hands to find her arse*.... * Clue: It's in David's sock drawer... More »

7th, March 2014 Strange But True 1

These Children in 'Country Interiors' Magazine Are Called Perpetua, Clarendon and Helvetica

Those other parents.... More »

7th, March 2014 Reviews

Getting To Know Stepan Bandera And What He Means For Ukraine's Fight With Russia

ARE you familiar with the name Stepan Bandera? He was the Ukrainian Insurgent Army leader Stepan Bandera who fought against both Nazis and Red Army soldiers during World War II in a bid to create an independent Ukraine. On October 15, 1959, he died. He'd been poisoned on a Munich street by the KGB.... More »

7th, March 2014 Strange But True

Man Carrying Adult Nappy And Can Of Skol Attempting Coitus With Cow And Sheep By Tottenham Hotspur Training Ground Evades Jail

"THIS is a case which as far as I am concerned is unique," Judge Patrick James Patrick told Paul Lovell at Wood Green Crown Court. He tells the jurors to stop giggling. .. More »

7th, March 2014 In Pictures

War Drags You Out: World Leaders And Dictators As Drag Queens

SAINT Hoax has created these gifs of leaders as drag queen. Called War Drags You Out, we see the likes of George W. Bush, Vladamir Putin, and Osama Bin Laden getting gussied up... More »

7th, March 2014 Flashback 3

11 Gastro Abominations From The Mid 20th Century

THE mid-century palette was vastly different than it is today. Much of what we find advertised in vintage cookbooks and magazines seems nauseating by today’s standards. I’m sure the same will be true of our current tastes when viewed fifty years from now. This gastronomic sea change certainly makes for an interesting browse through recipes and food adverts from yesteryear. Here are a few exceptionally foul examples... More »

7th, March 2014 Sports

Chelsea Balls: Jose Mourinho Fails To Add Up To Manchester City

THE wisdom of Chelsea's chatty manager Jose Mourinho.. More »

6th, March 2014 Reviews 1

Memory Wound: Photos Of The Sublime Tribute To Anders Behring Breivik's Victims

Memory Wound is large slice of rock removed from the Norwegian mainland near the island of Utoeya, where Breivik murdered most of his 77 victims. Some of the removed rock will forma statue in Oslo to the people he murdered there... More »

6th, March 2014 Music

England To Have A World Cup Song Befitting How Dull They'll Play

So step forward Gary Barlow - the dowdiest of popstars - alongside Mel C and Emma Bunton, Kimberley Walsh and Gary Lineker - who together, will record England's official 2014 FIFA World Cup single... More »

6th, March 2014 Film

The Greatest Rock Biopics: From Hendrix to Guthrie

BIOPICS are problematic at the best of times, but get it right and you can cement a person's place in history forever. Especially tricky are rock biopics because, half the time, the person or people they celebrate, are still alive. Or at least, they were around not that long and you can remember if they were horrible or not. However, some rock films are better than the actual careers of the artist they pay tribute to.... More »

6th, March 2014 Flashback

May 25 1951: The Story Of The Day Traitors Burgess and Maclean Left Town

GUY Burgess woke at around 9.30 on the morning of Friday, 25 May 1951 in his untidy, musty-smelling bedroom. Next to his bed was an overflowing ashtray and lying on the floor was a half-read Jane Austen novel. Since his return from Washington DC three weeks previously, where he had been second secretary at the British embassy, he had been rising relatively late... More »

6th, March 2014 Flashback

20 Classic Photos I Found From March 1963

WE'VE raided the archives and bring you 20 Classic and off0-beat photos from March 1963... More »

6th, March 2014 Flashback

The Story Of The Airship In Classic Photos: Death, Disaster And Deliveries

On May 6, 1937, the Hindenburg airship crashed over Lakehurst, New Jersey. The airship that had known for the Nazis and taken the wealthy from Germany to America in under two days, was now part of a new billing: The Hindenburg Disaster. But it wasn't all that unexpected. The airship business had experienced other crashes. Airships had delivered death in war. This is the story of the airship from the early 20th century until now... More »

6th, March 2014 Money

British Women Have More Leisure Than Most In Europe

THIS is a fun little finding about how much leisure time people seem to have. It rather gives the lie to those complaints of ever greater working time that we hear so often... More »

6th, March 2014 Flashback

18 Great Photos Of Teeth In The 1950s

Teeth... More »

6th, March 2014 Strange But True 1

Delhi Police Unable To Investigate Cases Because They Forget Password To Files

Fetch the robots... More »

6th, March 2014 Reviews

Listen As The BBC Broadcasts Cries Of A Screaming Woman' Over Oscar Pistorius Murder Trial Report

BBC Coventry and Warwickshire blames a "technical" error for adding screams to a report on the Oscar Pistorius murder trial... More »