
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

26th, February 2014 Photojournalism

Finally! A Cure For President Yoweri Museveni Of Uganda's Gay Worms

AS President Yoweri Museveni taught us and the people of Uganda, the wrong kinds of sex gives you worms.. More »

26th, February 2014 Books 6

Sick and Full of Burning: 13 Regrettable BookTitles

FAR be it from me to stifle creativity – an author should be able to title their work as he or she likes. However, there is a limit to my tolerance. Sometimes, the title is so terrible that it simply must go; creativity be damned. Here’s a handful of vintage reads which suffer from just such an affliction... More »

26th, February 2014 Reviews 1

Lewis Gill Killed Andrew Young On A Bournemouth Street: But It Wasn't Murder

LEWIS Gill, 20, punched Andrew Young, 40, hard enough for the older man to fall down on a street in Bournemouth. Mr Young hit his head on the pavement. He never recovered, dying in hospital... More »

25th, February 2014 Flashback

November 1972: Liverpool's Steve Heighway And Brian Hall Read A Greek newspaper in Athens

A passion for fashion... More »

25th, February 2014 Reviews

Rebecca Adlington's Nose Gives The Mail, Sun And Daily Mirror Abuse Amnesia On Fat And Ugly Wayne Rooney

Adlington broke down during her appearance on I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here!, talking about her issues with her looks, feelings of inadequacy, saying: "Every day I look in the mirror and go, ‘God, I’m not pretty. I've got a very big nose’." It's heartbreaking stuff... More »

25th, February 2014 Money

Econophysics: When Physicists Do Economics They Do It Late And Badly

THERE'S a whole new field out there called "econophysics". It comes from the brainboxes in physics noting that they deal with chaotic systems a lot and so does economics: therefore we can apply what we know in one field in the other. It does rather fail in one sense, for absolutely none of the physicists would agree that an economist knows damn all about quantum theory but they're absolutely certain that a physics guy can know all about minimum wages. Odd that... More »

25th, February 2014 The Consumer

British Diner Burns His Knob Shagging A Domino's Pizza

DOMINO'S UK has been in a twitter conversation with a customer... More »

25th, February 2014 Strange But True

Other Parents: Gallia And Hugo Welcome Twin Sons Lorcan And Hector, Brothers For Merlin

Funny names hell... More »

25th, February 2014 Key Posts

Uganda's Red Paper Newspaper Names '200 Top Homos' And Their Worms

TO UGANDA, where the local Red Pepper newspaper leads with: "EXPOSED! Uganda's Top 300 Honos Names" Congratulations to those who made the list, and commiserations to those who did not, could be premature because Uganda is a beacon of intolerance and bigotry... More »

25th, February 2014 Reviews

Adam Alter Wonders About The Perils of Wishful Thinking

More »

25th, February 2014 Reviews

Daily Mail Scare Story Tuesday: Dying From A Broken Heart

IT'S Scare Story Tuesday in the Daily Mail. Let's take a look at this week's ways to die... More »

25th, February 2014 Flashback

1960s Horror Food: The Luminous Metrecal Diet In A Can

IN the 1950s and 1960s, Mead Johnson's Metrecal promised to get you into shape. What that shape was, we people of the future can only guess at - and we guess it was a human form jackknifed over a toilet... More »

25th, February 2014 Flashback 4

This Is What George Washington Drank At His Constitution Signing Do

...we still have available the list of beverages served at a 1787 farewell party in Philadelphia for George Washington just days before the framers signed off on the Constitution... More »

25th, February 2014 Money 1

Christian Aid's Hugely Amusing Ideas About Tax In Africa

CHRISTIAN Aid has a new report out about how tax should work in Africa. And it's a hugely amusing report. Amusing for devotees of blinkered ideologues ignoring reality that is. The page is here and the actual report here.... More »

25th, February 2014 Reviews 3

American Society Has Become Anti-Male

But I’ve noticed that the corollary – a message about the respect women must give men, a message challenging wives and encouraging husbands – isn’t quite so palatable for many people. Disrespect for men has become standard practice... More »

25th, February 2014 Celebrities

Daily Mail's Jobsite Refuses To Find Work For 'Incomprehensible' Piers Morgan (The Paper's Columnist)

PIERS Morgan, sacked by CNN, is the subject of a tweet by Jobsite... More »

25th, February 2014 Flashback

February 25 1964 In Photos: Cassius Clay Crowned World Heavyweight Boxing Champion

ON February 25 1964: Cassius Clay crowned world heavyweight boxing champion. Clay, then just 22 - and a 7-1 underdog - beat the mighty Sonny 'The Dark Destroyer' Liston, 32, in seven rounds at Miami Beach. Before the fight, Clay had trash talked his opponent: "I wanna rumble...I wanna rumble!. You're a tramp. I am going to eat you up. Somebody's going to die at the ringside tonight. Are you scared?"... More »

25th, February 2014 Money 1

Special Offer: 100 Plastic Pennies For $3.49

THE economy can be saved. Keep your bitcoins - invest in plastic pennies... More »

25th, February 2014 Celebrities 2

Suggestorama: Help CNN Find A New Role For Piers Morgan

‘It’s been a painful period and lately we have taken a bath in the ratings,’ Morgan told The New York Times... More »

25th, February 2014 Books

Great Moments in Phallic Occurrences

HERE are a few vintage phallic instances (either real or inferred) which have gained a bit of notoriety over the years. Read on - your inner idiot will thank you.... More »

24th, February 2014 Flashback

1950: The Search For Mr Appollo And A British Man With Great Teeth

IN 1950, Britain's most gorgeous men competed for the title 'Mr Apollo'... More »

24th, February 2014 Arsenal

Zlatan Ibrahimovic Destroys Arsenal And The Daily Mirror

N the Daily Mirror, stereotypical shy, conservative Swede Zlatan Ibrahimovic is talking about Arsenal, the team he never did sign for... More »

24th, February 2014 manchester united

Manchester United Head To Turkey To Play, Er, Olympiacos

HANDS up Manchester United fans who knew where Olympiacos play their home matches? ... More »

24th, February 2014 Celebrities

The Worst Celebrity Statues, EVER!

RECENTLY, you may have seen the terrible depiction of Kurt Cobain in statue form, in Aberdeen (the American one, not the Scottish one). The statue, below, features Cobain looking like a wino busker, crying. Actually crying. Because Kurt was so sensitive. Maaaaaaaan. Of course, most people's memories of Kurt where a little more fun and energetic, rather than the maudlin monstrosity that is roundly being mocked by the whole internet... More »

24th, February 2014 Reviews

Local News: Hunt On For Minehead Scotch Egg Bandit

Local news special... More »