
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

15th, February 2014 Politicians

Real Members Of Congress Read Frank Underwood's Lines From House of Cards

HERE'S a video of real members of the US Congress saying Frank Underwood's lines from House of Cards. Kevin Spacey's character - a delicious US rendering of Ian Richardson's Bafta Winning performance as Tory politician Francis Ewan Urquhart - epitomises the venal, self-serving, charismatic, survivalist politico... More »

15th, February 2014 Flashback

1970: The Miss London Stores Festival Trolley Dolly Race

Finalists of the Miss London Stores contest race for the title of 'Festival Trolley Dolly' on the South Bank. The race was 100 yards sprint along the embankment pushing a trolley laden with Wedgewood bone china, claimed to be unbreakable. Before the more serious business of choosing Miss London 1970... More »

15th, February 2014 Flashback

Ten Largely Forgotten Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ripoffs

Some of the ripoffs were alright, some of the ripoffs were terrible, but none of them are being made into a giant-ass Michael Bay film, and none of them had nunchuks, so the Turtles win. Here are ten of our “favourite” TMNT clones... More »

15th, February 2014 Money

The School Holiday Travel Trap: What Is It That People Don't Understand About Markets?

THIS is one of those stories where you just have to put your head in your hands at the gross stupidity of our fellow citizens:

When he vented his frustration about holiday prices shooting up during the school half-term break, Paul Cookson struck a chord with other parents... More »
15th, February 2014 Reviews 1

Meet Donny Reagan, America's Most Racist Pastor?

AY 'Jesus Christ' to Donny Reagan of the Happy Valley Church of Jesus Christ in Johnson City, Tennessee. The American Jesus blog think he could be the most racist preacher in the USA. Is he? More »

15th, February 2014 Photojournalism

Jesus Called: The Hotline To Heaven Grave Tribute

Best let the answerphone get it... More »

15th, February 2014 Reviews

Anders Behring Breivik Vows To Commit Suicide By Playstation 3

NDERS Behring, the Norwegian who murdered 77 in 2011, is suffering. The Playstation 2 in his cell is out of date... More »

15th, February 2014 Sports 1

Winter Olympics: Curling With Cats

Uses for cats: number 546... More »

14th, February 2014 Celebrities

The Simpsons Meets Helmut Newton By AleXsandro Palombo

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14th, February 2014 Books 1

On This Day In Photos: Iran Orders Salman Rushdie To Be Murdered For Writing A Book

ON this day in photos: February 14 1989: Iran's leader Ayatollah Khomeini sentences British author Salman Rushdie to death. He also sentenced to death the publishers of Rushdie's book the Satanic Verses. Khomeni said the book is a blasphemy against Islam. His decree introduced many of us to the word 'fatwa'... More »

14th, February 2014 Celebrities 2

Dave Lee Travis Was Snared By The Child Abuse Panic

Dave Lee Travis, as reported by the Telegraph: "I did lose my reputation as well, which I may try to get back later, but basically I want to say that I have had two trials. One trial by the media and one trial by the Crown Court and I have to say that I prefer the trial by Crown Court More »

14th, February 2014 Strange But True

The 1856 Guano Islands Act Gives Americans The Right To Claim Bird Poo Covered Rocks For Their Own

CAN the USA expand its borders and influence by means other than guns and burgers? Yes. It just needs to find the bid poo... More »

14th, February 2014 Celebrities

Terrible Toys: The 1964 Beatlee Beatles Dolls

So life-like! More »

14th, February 2014 Flashback

The Valentine's Day Massacre And A Nightclub Toilet

AT half-past ten on St Valentine’s Day, 1929 in a cold, unheated brick garage at 2122 North Clark Street, Chicago, six members of the Bugs Moran gang were sitting around waiting for a consignment of illegal whisky due to be delivered that morning. Moran himself was meant to be there too but had slept in and was late... More »

14th, February 2014 Key Posts

Top 10 De La Soul Tunes To Celebrate Them Giving Away Their Whole Back Catalogue

YOU may have heard about De La Soul giving their entire back catalogue away for free over at their website - - which is great news for hip hop fans, the rap curious and anyone who like music... More »

14th, February 2014 In Pictures 2

Middle-Class Graffiti

Putting the graphic art in graffiti... More »

14th, February 2014 Royal Family 1

Prince Harry And William Use Datchet Floods For A Spot Of Anti-Media PR

William has told the Guardian's reporter: “Why don’t you put your notebook down and give us a hand with the sandbags?”... More »

14th, February 2014 Flashback 1

Mud, Flood And Blood: Photos Of London's River Thames 1895-2000

More »

14th, February 2014 Sports

Legends Of The Ice: Evgeni Plushenko Burns The Pony Bomb Routine On Your Mind

Let's remix this old classic figure skating routine... More »

14th, February 2014 Celebrities

Bruce Jenner Bids For Michael Jackson's Face

And now, Bruce Jenner - the man about the house on Keeping Up With The Kardashians - is seemingly going through something similar to Michael Jackson. The narrative is troubling... More »

14th, February 2014 Celebrities 4

10 Devastating Action Figure Disappointments

IMAGINE you’re a kid, it’s 1978 and you’re opening birthday presents. Your heart is full of optimism and joy in anticipation of what lies underneath the festive wrapping. As you tear away the paper, your smile fades to an expression of horror. “A Love Boat action figure?”... More »

13th, February 2014 The Consumer

An Invitation To Spend St Valentine's Day At Brooklyn’s Greenpoint Sewage Plant

THIS St Valentine’s Day, don't get that special one a children's toy (it's creepy). Get them something grown up. Get them a ticket to the 3rd Annual Valentine’s Day Digester Egg Tour... More »

13th, February 2014 Music

New Zealand Puts A Ban On Odd Future

More »

13th, February 2014 Strange But True

Jesus, Darth Vader And Superman Witness Hollywood Smash And Grab

"I LOVE Jesus,” declared the man smashing in the window on an LAPD patrol car parked in Hollywood. He then steal the laptop inside. Not too far away a man dressed as Darth Vader looked on... More »

13th, February 2014 Books 2

Daniel Defoe Reports The Great Storm of 1704

We have reckoned, including the City of London, about 123 People kill’d; besides such as we have had no account of; the Number of People drowned are not easily Guest; but by all the Calculations I have made and seen made, we are within compass, if we reckon 8000 Men lost... More »