The Best News Pictures Of The Week - Vote On Your Favourite Photo
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The best photos from the last week... More »
WHEN one of the Olympic rings failed to covert form a snowflake at the Sochi Winter Olympic opening ceremony jokes abounded abounded about the clenched fifth being a tribute to the uptight Vladimir Putin. But on Russian telly it never happened... More »
WE need to talk about the weather. We need to talk about it because a large part of the UK is about to be sucked into a black hole... More »
MANY all eyes on the Winter Olympics in Sochi for signs of anti-gayness. But what about racism? Irina Rodnina is an MP from Vladimir Putin's United Russia party. She used to be a champion figure skater... More »
Otl Aicher designed these, the Games' pictograms, the figures that pointed the way to the Games' events, told you where smoking was forbidden and where the toilets were located. His simplistic design would become the universal standard. More »
Go. Laugh. I dare you.... More »
William's celebrated lid is called the Mountain Hat. It’s made by Vivienne Westwood. Yep, she is that avid Ken Dodd fan, the leader of the Diddymen gang... More »
IN 1968, a 21-year-old Joanna Lumley told us about her keep-fit regime. "I've never been a skinny bird" - not like Twiggy - says Lumley... More »
Well, Comic Enterprises Ltd, who run four stand-up comedy clubs called 'The Glee Club' since the 90s have accused the Hollywood behemoths at Twentieth Century Fox of "swamping" its rights and "putting off" customers. Nothing worse than turning up somewhere and expecting a nice singalong and being faced with a comedian crying to himself on a stage... More »
SOCHI is hosting the Inter Olympics. Thanks to Russia's pogrom on gays, the winter games are now one long protest against bigotry. Journalists lucky enough to be in the sun-dappled snow kingdom (it says here) have been settling into their quarters... More »
JIHADIS are using social media to recruit British fighters. Hear the call to arms for Syria's ISIS and their subgroup the Muhajireen Brigade: “Brothers, what are you waiting for? There are plenty of weapons here waiting for you to play with, plenty of food and plenty of women waiting to get married...” More »
IS there anything better than a mid-century men’s action magazine? They were chock full of lurid stories and provocative artwork depicting female biker gangs, nympho pirates, Gestapo dominatrices, etc. If it fulfilled a macho fantasy, it was fair game, and the headlines beckoned men to go along for the ride. Here are ten worthy examples... More »
FIFTY years ago, The Beatles landed at JFK and caused mayhem. Their presence hit America so hard that they re-evaluated their own music history, screamed a lot, got competitive with the pop world again (great news for everyone) and generally got a huge kick up the arse from four scruffy Scousers who loved them right back... More »
In his 2011 text, The Sociology of Childhood, author William Corsaro wrote that horror movies can form a sort of “risk management for children and youth in which they challenge themselves emotionally to deal with fears.”... More »
HAS Ed Miliband, the Labour Party's unbelievable leader (as in - how the hell is he their leader?), given up pretending to be inanimate objects to work as a chef in India?.. More »
Putin is on the cusp of pushing for an all out pogrom of LGBT people. It is ‘the gays’ as the hate groups would have it are Russia’s latest disposable minority, a political distraction that can be liquidated... More »
PIERS Eady has an Our Maddie scoop in the Daily Mirror: Madeleine McCann: Cops probing claims a kidnapper tried to snatch another British tot from holiday flat in Portugal... More »
Which media organisations have mastered making the web jump to their own sick tunes? Buzzfeed and The Daily Mail. The rest of the media runs like pissed wolves behind these lean beasts... More »
The head of the Mormon Church movement is being summoned to prove the religion is based on facts that can be proven by science... More »
Anyway, if you were a child of the seventies (or eighties for that matter), I’m sure you can recall a few tees near and dear to your heart. Whether it be Ziggy or The Six Million Dollar Man, I know you had at least one. To jog your memory, here are some advertisements from the T-shirt heyday… More »
This incident was taped at the anti-fracking protest on Barton Moss Road, Irlam, Salford on 14/1/14. The man with the camera is Dr Steven Peers, an Electronic Engineer. On linked In we learn that his interests are "Electronics, Jiu Jitsu, Aquaponics"... More »
HOW do you follow Cop Killer and date night with the well upholstered Coco Austin? If you're Ice-T you create an audiobook for Dungeons & Dragons... More »
“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last...” More »
Who says women don't have balls?... More »
How to do when married.... More »