
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

16th, January 2014 Key Posts 1

5 Outrageous and Unexpected Moments of Sexual Innuendo on TV

There has been plenty of blatant sex on the television in decades past. Shows such as Benny Hill and Three’s Company weren’t afraid to show the playful side, while soap operas and gritty crime dramas took a more serious bent. But naughtiness belonged in those places; it didn't need to be masked. In this article I’m talking about when they unexpectedly lay it between the lines in the most outrageous manner possible. The kind that leaves you asking, "Wait - what just happened?"... More »

15th, January 2014 Celebrities 2

Susuan Boyle Pulls Yet Another Fantastic Face

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15th, January 2014 Flashback

Early Flying Car Soars Above Rome (1947)

In 1947, a flying car --a propellor-driven automobile that flies-- took its first test in Rome, Italy.... More »

15th, January 2014 Celebrities

Hey Hey! It's The Razzies! Grown-Ups 2 Could Sweep The Board

Too frequently, the world of entertainment is very willing to pat itself on the back and gush all over itself about just how wonderful it has been all year... More »

15th, January 2014 Reviews

Thieves Smash Sigmund Freud's Urn In An Attempted Burglary

The Greek urn holding the ashes of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, and his wife Martha, was "severely damaged" by thieves who tried to steal it from its home at from Golders Green Crematorium in London... More »

15th, January 2014 Money

The Vexed Question Of Children In Restaurants

And perhaps most importantly, if you don’t allow kids in restaurants because of how they behave, what you’re doing is raising a whole bunch of kids who’ll never know how to behave in restaurants. I consider taking my kids out to eat an educational moment: teaching them while they gorge.... More »

15th, January 2014 Flashback

Did Somebody Drop His Mouse? Harry Nilsson And The Pensioners Sing 'I'd Rather Be Dead Than Wet My Bed'

Sing along as Harry Nilsson (pictured above in 1972 at his New York home) leads a coachload of pensioners in his new hit I'd Rather Be Dead than Wet My Bed. The charabanc singing session forms part of the unreleased documentary Did Somebody Drop His Mouse... More »

15th, January 2014 In Pictures

Inside Mexico's Drugs Smuggling Tunnels - Photos

THERE are tunnels beneath the US-Mexico border. It's thought them that tonnes of drugs make their way to the Land of the Free. This is big money construction. Laborers, architects and engineers are required. The Tijuana-San-Diego route is one favourite. Many others have been found in the Nogales area in Arizona... More »

15th, January 2014 Sports

Spurs Balls: Tim Sherwood Steers Tottenham To Double Champions League Victory (And He's Better An Van Gaal)

Louis van Gaal used to manager Bayern Munich. In the vote for FIFA's player of the year, the Ballon d'Or, Gaal didn't pick winner Cristiano Ronaldo or runner-up Lionel Messi... More »

15th, January 2014 Celebrities

The Elephant Man: Blondie And David Bowie At New York's Booth Theater In 1980

The story of David Bowie's Elephant Man... More »

15th, January 2014 Reviews 2

Was Kruger Wrong To Kill Elephant That Charged Tourist Car? Video

Sarah Brooks, a teacher at Gleed Girls Technology College in Spalding, and her South African boyfriend Jans De Klerk were filming a bull elephant "when suddenly it charged, overturned the vehicle three times and shunted it 40 metres into the bush".... More »

15th, January 2014 In Pictures

Joel Bauer Presents The World's Best Non-Crap Business Cards

Joel Bauer has lots of say about business cards. Is he the work of master parodist? No. He's a motivational speaker in the US of A.... More »

15th, January 2014 Flashback

15 Curious and Intriguing Beatles Covers

erein are fifteen from the Golden Age of Beatles Covers - when everyone from Deep Purple to Peter Sellers had a Beatles song to make their own. Enjoy. More »

15th, January 2014 Key Posts

Kenya's Gay Hatred Is Rooted In A Global Evangelical Movement

In Nigeria, President Goodluck Jonathan has put his signature to the Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Act. Among a range of anti-gay laws, homosexuals can be jailed for ten-years for displaying affection in public. Helping homosexuals avoid detection is also a crime... More »

14th, January 2014 Reviews

Faces Of The Day: Isabella Sorley, 23, From Newcastle, and John Nimmo, 25, From South Shields

There be trolls (allegedly)... More »

14th, January 2014 Celebrities

Alex James Is Doing Everything He Can To Stop You From Liking Britpop

Alex has applied to use the term Britpop for a range of new beverages... More »

14th, January 2014 In Pictures

Badass Arts: French Illustrator Tohad Updates Your Classic Childhood Cartoon Characters And Toys

Let's update those cutesy dolls into no-nonsense action figures and sinewy doers of badass deeds. Sylvain Sarrailh (a.k.a. “Tohad“) has developed the characters Disney and other brought you... More »

14th, January 2014 Celebrities

Kanye West Batters Someone For Being Racist

"The named suspect was identified as Kanye West by the victim and several witnesses," police said in a statement obtained by numerous outlets. "Mr. West had left the location prior to officers' arrival. As of this writing, BHPD detectives are conducting a follow-up investigation."... More »

14th, January 2014 Money

Google To Team Up With RyanAir On A Flight Comparison Site

There's more than one oddity here of course. The first being that RyanAir has never allowed anyone's spiders (these are the bits of software that go look at a website to see what it says. All search engines and comparison sites run their spiders over other peoples' sites in order to actually work) to look at its site. They just don't, or at least didn't, want anyone to know and thus be able to compare their offerings... More »

14th, January 2014 Books 1

A Field Guide to 1970s Men’s Sweaters

With so many “important things” going on the world, why spend time looking at forty year old sweaters? Simply put, the brain needs a break from the barrage of jarring images of a world on the brink. A tour of 70s men’s sweaters is exactly what the doctor ordered... More »

14th, January 2014 Reviews 1

Lisa Adams Remembered By Emma And Bill Keller

Emma Gilbey Keller's story on Stage 4 cancer sufferer Lisa Adams has been removed from the Guardian's website. A message said: "This post has been deleted with the agreement of the subject because it is inconsistent with the Guardian editorial code". But it's been updated. It is "pending investigation"... More »

14th, January 2014 Sports 1

'Here Goes Something I Guess': Nine-Year-Old Takes His First Ski Jump

Boy, it's high. The ice is slippery. And the audio makes the video great... More »

14th, January 2014 Flashback

The Beatles Remastered: Artist Rutherford Chang Plays 100 White Albums Played At Once

Record collector and New York-based Beatles fan Rutherford Chang has collected 918 first-pressings of 1968 The White Album, the band's least butchered album that allowed George Harrison to come into his own More »

14th, January 2014 Celebrities

Justin Bieber Is Bottom Choice For Funeral Music

In The Daily Express, P. Norman from Liverpool 'riffs' on Justin Bieber... More »

14th, January 2014 Politicians

Diane Abbott's Portrait Alludes To Her Role As Swimming Pool Tsar

Abbott's is a bit odd. Have any of you seen her naked or, as it appear, about to take a dip in the swimming pool? As with most art, we're intrigued by what we cannot see... More »