
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

8th, January 2014 Flashback

The Kegworth Air Disaster: The Story In Photos

On January 8 1989, British Midland Flight 92, a Boeing 737-400, crashed onto the embankment of the M1 motorway near Kegworth, Leicestershire. The engines had 'failed' on the flight scheduled to travel from Heathrow to Belfast... More »

8th, January 2014 In Pictures

Freezing Days and Nights - 34 Photos of the Polar Vortex

It's cold in 2014. Much of the Northern Hemisphere is covered by God's own polar vortex... More »

8th, January 2014 Money

Making The Bankster Swine Pay For What They Did To Us

Here's what the banking levy actually is: it's an insurance premium against ever needing help in the future. That's why it is charged only on those liabilities of banks that are not already insured under some other scheme. And because banks have this "too big to fail" guarantee from the government they benefit from it by paying lower interest rates on their borrowings. So, Standard Chartered does benefit and it's right that they should be charged this levy... More »

8th, January 2014 Reviews

Jay Z Invites 12 Year Old On-Stage And Invites Him To His Clique

While performing in his 'Magna Carter World Tour' over the weekend in Greensboro, N.C., Jay noticed a young fan holding up a sign in the audience which said "Can I rap for you?"... More »

8th, January 2014 In Pictures

The Best Of #animalselfie - Because Animals Can Take Photos

Dogs with cameras... More »

8th, January 2014 Celebrities

In 1978 Muhammed Ali Boxed Marvin Gaye, Sammy Davis Junior, Richard Pryor - The Story And Some Great Photos

On May 8, 1978, Muhammad Ali delivered a punch to the body of entertainer Sammy Davis, Jr. during their benefit fight and show at the Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles... More »

8th, January 2014 Strange But True

Is Nothing Safe? Angus Man Admits 'Sex' With Train's Drinks And Snacks Trolley

Is Nothing Safe? Andrew Davidson, 25, shouted "I want to kiss you" and attempted to have sex with drinks trolley on board train travelling from Aberdeen to Glasgow... More »

8th, January 2014 Strange But True

Four Live Cows Found Inside Car

I say, I say, I say, how many live cows can you get inside a Proton Wira car? Four... More »

7th, January 2014 Reviews

Chicago Zoo Moves Polar Bears Indoors To Escape The Cold

How cold is it in Chicago..? More »

7th, January 2014 Key Posts

Roll Over Reeva Steenkamp Today's Sexy Corpse Is Monica Spear Mootz

When Reeva Steenkamp was found dead, the Sun led with her dressed in a bikini. Now, another model has been killed... More »

7th, January 2014 Money

Intel Declares Itself Conflict Free! Coltan Congo Killers Sacked

Or rather Intel declares that its processors are now made without the use of conflict minerals. These so called "conflict minerals" are the stuff mined by the rapists and murderers out in Eastern Congo. With such names as "coltan" and "wolframite" they're the sources of some of the metals (tantalum for example) that go into making all of our electronics... More »

7th, January 2014 Film

5 Inconceivably Awkward 80s Movie Moments

I should also mention that this isn't a “top five” list as there’s plenty worse out there. These are just five scenes (plus a runner-up) which spring instantly to mind when thinking of the worst of the worst... More »

7th, January 2014 Celebrities 1

Rare Nirvana Footage Appears Online (And Other Greatest Vids)

Rare footage of Nirvana playing their last ever LA gig has been put online by someone who knew the band. Within months of the recording, Kurt Cobain would cut his life short and rid us all of a band who, whether you liked their music or not, were really fun to be around... More »

7th, January 2014 Flashback 3

The Top of The Tops Unofficial Celebration

In the past decade, some missing footage has been retrieved from private collectors, which boded well for the big 50th anniversary. Or so you might think... More »

7th, January 2014 Reviews 2

'W*nking The TV Commentators': The Greatest Guardian Typo Ever

The Guardian, folks... More »

7th, January 2014 Celebrities

Richard Pryor's Greatest Hits: Mr Black Death Metal Sings The Blues

Richard Pryor could sing. Before the comedy hits came, Pryor headed to New York City and sang the blues... More »

7th, January 2014 Money

No, We're Not All Going To Get 3D Printers At Home

Given that some businesses are now successfully using 3 D printers there's a bit of technophile crowing that the whole world is about to change. That we'll all have one at home, producing anything and everything we want, and we'll finally be clear of this capitalism shite and live forever in peace and harmony... More »

7th, January 2014 Books 1

Highlights From The Book Witnessing Made Easy: How to Pass Out Tracts for Jesus

We've got some highlights from its 319 pages of dogmatic wonderment... More »

7th, January 2014 In Pictures

Cat Shaming: Humans Try To Make Cats Look Less Spiteful And Cruel

Cat Shaming. WTF? If cats could talk - which they can - they would sound like a teenager gargling spite... More »

7th, January 2014 Flashback

Your Biased Lesson For Today: Who Started World War One?

Who started it? Who started World War 1. This is a big year in remembering the fallen in the war to end all wars. The experts are wading in... More »

7th, January 2014 In Pictures 1

2013 In Passive Agressive Notes

2013 was a great year in Passive Aggressive Notes... More »

7th, January 2014 The Consumer

Combat Garden Gnomes: 'The Finest Militarized Lawn Ornaments In The World'

Tell the pink flamingoes to surrender... More »

7th, January 2014 Reviews

Idiot Watch: Smoking Men Huffing Lighter Fluid And Heating Frozen Pipes With Kerosene Go Kaboom

Men and flammable things presents a double-header of stupidity... More »

7th, January 2014 Reviews

Dennis Rodman Is Back In North Korea - Photos Of Kim's Basketball Pal

Dennis Rodman has swapped Celebrity Big Brother for another kind of prison. He's back in North Korea, touring Kim's Kingdom with his "all-star team" of American basketball players... More »

7th, January 2014 The Consumer

Rosemary Conley Slimmers Of the Year 2014 Grow Feet

Feet make you look taller and thinner... More »