
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

2nd, January 2014 The Consumer

For Sale: Barbecue Helps Man Bed Scarlett Johanssen On The Back Of A Unicorn

It is with a heavy heart that I must put this invaluable relic of culinary excellence up for sale, as there is only so much power that one man can wield for so long. Many moons ago, I unwittingly bought this magical forge of nourishment from a sand swept bazaar named 'Barbecues Galore'... More »

2nd, January 2014 Celebrities

Operation Yewtree Calls Cheryl Cole?

James Robertson is helping the Daily Mirror gain ground on by wrapping a lot of words around wrapping a story around Cheryl Cole's Instagram photo.The headline tells readers: 'Cheryl Cole celebrates New Year by kissing the luckiest boy in the entire world'... More »

2nd, January 2014 Money

No, The NSA Can't Hack Your iPhone Any Time It Likes

One of the claims that was made over the break was that the NSA, the US crypto spies, could hack into anyone's iPhone any time. This was all as a result of the Edward Snowden documents of course. The sad thing about this is that it was rather blown up out of proportion by one Jacob Appelbaum, one of the hangers on along with Glen Greenwald and Laura Poitras, around those Snowden documents... More »

2nd, January 2014 Reviews

My Cloud Pal: Danielle Bruckman Recreates 2013 In Selfies Taken On Her Lost iPhone

On January 1, 2013 my phone escaped me and somehow fell into the hands of a man with a killer mustache. Thanks to Apple and some kinks in the cloud, I receive all of his pictures in my photo stream. Here are his selfies as re-enacted by yours truly... More »

2nd, January 2014 Sports

Solskjaer Takes Cardiff City Job To Prove Just How Mental He Is

Solskjaer could've gone to Aston Villa - a much more sensible outfit - in 2012, but he refused, instead preferring to work with an absolute maniac at Cardiff... More »

2nd, January 2014 Music

BBC Wusses Out Of Top Of The Pops Anniversary Special Because of Jimmy Savile

Cut Savile out of the edit and celebrate the music and you're left with a wonderful and, one of the most comprehensive documents of the British pop charts. Celebrating TOTP isn't making excuses for Savile. In fact, leave him out of it entirely and you wouldn't even miss him... More »

2nd, January 2014 Money

Train Fares Rise: Blithering Sutpidity From The Campaign For Better Transport

They're whining about how train fares are going up again: and as usual, they're managing to get entirely the wrong end of the stick. Here's their complaint about fares... More »

2nd, January 2014 Strange But True

Michigan Woman Shocked To Find Snake Living In Couch She Found On Street

"We smelled it and everything - it looked okay.We peeled off the cushions, cleaned it up, never saw anything," says Holly wright of the sofa she found in the street in Grand Rapids, Michigan... More »

2nd, January 2014 Politicians

Independent Uses Mandela's Funeral To Bash Israel

Do you shape the news to fit your agenda? Do you see in every news story the chance to bang a drum for what it you believe in or desire? In his "2013 - the year in review. Peter Popham writer in the Independent of Nelson Mandela... More »

2nd, January 2014 Reviews

Drop The Dead Possum: Things Dropped on New Year's Eve

How did you know when 2014 had arrived? What singled the change? Was it a text from your mum? A kiss from a waiter? Or were you stood in Kennett Square in Chester County, Pennsylvania, waiting for the eight feet wide and 7½ feet tall illuminated mushroom to drop from a crane at the stroke of midnight?... More »

2nd, January 2014 TV & Radio 1

Mic Wright's Remotely Furious New Year's Special: Sherlock? Shernot

Brett played Sherlock Holmes. Robert Downey Jnr. played an action hero using the name Sherlock Holmes. That’s where we’ve got with the Stephen Moffat/Mark Gatiss fan fiction-take Sherlock. While the first series of their gripping adventure series was closely yoked to Conan Doyle’s original tales, the stories started to diverge in Series 2... More »

2nd, January 2014 Flashback

Awkward Band Publicity Photos

To make in the music biz and get some publicity, it used to be a requirement to take some “professional” photographs for local newspapers, magazines, and venue posters. Trouble is, thirty to forty years later someone like me is going to share them with the world. Chances are, your press photos are a tad on the awkward side, and I’ll have a snarky comment or two. Shake it off. It’s all in good fun. Maybe you can even point and laugh at the other bands... More »

2nd, January 2014 Key Posts

Pace Yourself Nigel: Michael "Mighty Mike" Van Gerwen Wins PDC World Championship (Photos)

PETER “Snakebite” Wright and his ensemble of brightly tinted mohawk created by his wife, Timmy Mallet's cast-offs and an open-mouthed snake painted on the side of his head were not enough to win the PDC World Championship... More »

1st, January 2014 manchester united

Taxi For Moyes: A Look At The Manchester United Manager's Expression As The Red Devils Lost To Spurs

TAXI! More »

1st, January 2014 Money

As Bin Men Strike Portugal Delivers Its Trash To The Banks

The redistribution... More »

1st, January 2014 Books

How To Tell Good People From Bad People According To The International Order of The Golden Rule

More »

1st, January 2014 Strange But True 1

Why Is This 6-Second Movie Scary As Hell?

What makes this six-second movie so utterly horrific?... More »

1st, January 2014 Key Posts 2

Checking The Daily Mail For Lies, Half-Truths And Propaganda Balls

This column exists to check the lies, half-truths and propaganda balls spouted by The Daily Mail but will happily turn its attention to other repeat offenders too including The Sun, The Mirror, The Daily Express, The Guardian, The Independent and my old home, The Daily Telegraph... More »

1st, January 2014 Key Posts

The Best Readers' Letters Of 2013

The best, funniest and rudest readers' letters of 2013... More »

1st, January 2014 Key Posts

DJ Derek Sweet Memory Sounds: A Tribute To The UK's Original White Reggae Star

"The pubs all had a ‘no dogs, no Irish, no blacks’ policy. And black people didn’t want to listen to white music, anyway. Then a gentleman I know opened a pub [The Criterion] and welcomed black people, and I could listen to music we’d never heard before. These people saw a gap in the market because black people weren’t welcome anywhere else..." More »

1st, January 2014 Sports

QPR Balls: The Life And Death Of Alejandro Faurlin

Queen's Park Rangers fanzine AKUTR'S has a cover featuring injured Alejandro Faurlin on the front and a funeral directors on the back. A spot of gallows humour... More »

31st, December 2013 Celebrities

The Steve Buscemi Christmas Jesus Candle

Star of wonder, star of might... More »

31st, December 2013 Flashback 12

Israel And Palestine 1920-1948: The Story In 100 Photos

What Did Palestine look like before 14 May 1948, when the State of Israel declared Independence? We've raided the archives. All captions are the originals. They tell their own story... More »

31st, December 2013 Celebrities

When Muhammad Ali Met Michael Jackson And Became The 'Jackson Six'

In 1977, Jackson met Ali... More »

31st, December 2013 Money

The Distribution Of Wealth In America Is Mindblowing

Part of the reason Americans don’t understand class might be because true inequity is so excessive that we might well characterize it as unfathomable. That’s because one cannot show in any reasonable format, whether in print or on the web, both the wide distribution of people who have virtually no money, and the amount of money possessed by a very, very small portion of rich people... More »