
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

27th, December 2013 Celebrities 1

In 2013 British Parents Named Their Children Ream, Lohan, Puppy And Tea

What's in a name? More »

27th, December 2013 Flashback

Lydia Estes Pinkham Wanted To Cure 'Hysterical Women' Of Their Menstrual Weaknesses

In 1875, Lydia Estes Pinkham reaction to straightened times by creating tonics for "all those painful Complaints and Weaknesses so common to our best female population". More »

27th, December 2013 Celebrities

#TearsForPiers: Piers Morgan V Brett Lee

But is he as good at football..? More »

27th, December 2013 Strange But True

Is Nothing Safe: Man Humps Shop Window

The court papers say: "Colman arrived at the shop at 9:30pm and started tugging on the locked door." And then it got worse... More »

27th, December 2013 Key Posts

Mic Wright's Remotely Festively Furious: Doctor Who Raised By Moffat, Caitlin Moran Raised By Wolves

The biggest offender is Germaine, a clear analogue for Caitlin Moran who even looks like a shrunken version of the Times columnist and speaks in lines ripped straight from her books, columns and, most egregiously, Twitter feed... More »

27th, December 2013 Celebrities

The Celebrity Party Tricks Hall of Fame

By rock’n’roll standards the party was tame, but Johnny Rotten’s antics – including diving face first into the cake – deserve a modest place in the Celebrity Party Tricks Hall of Fame.... More »

25th, December 2013 Celebrities

PETA - The Charity For People Who Fantasise About Humans Burning

Peta's dumb animals of the month.... More »

25th, December 2013 Celebrities

The Tao of David Coleman

He was born at Alderley Edge, the place now famous as the luxury location of choice for the gated homes of multi-millionaire footballers. But Coleman is a man synonymous with the blurred black-and-white ‘soccer’ of a more simple, if not innocent era... More »

25th, December 2013 Celebrities

Celebrity Angle of the Year: What Does The Fonz Think Of The Heathrow Expansion?

Hey-throw.... More »

24th, December 2013 Reviews

Aberdeen Chippies Spoil Customers With Battered Ferrero Rocher

The ambassador blends in... More »

24th, December 2013 Reviews 7

Church of England Supports Marks & Spencer Sharia Checkouts But Not Christians Refusing To Serve Halal

There has been something of a furore over Marks & Spencer's announcement that henceforth Muslim staff on their checkouts will be permitted to decline to serve M&S customers who purchase alcohol or pork... More »

24th, December 2013 Reviews 2

Jesus X: Why Xmas Is A Venerable Abbreviation For Christmas

One of the popular indicators of the supposed war on Christmas is the use of the abbreviation Xmas. The well motivated, if grating... More »

24th, December 2013 In Pictures

The Best News Photos From 2013

These were pictures that told the story of tornadoes, deaths, sorrow, crime, war joy and life on Earth that hit the news cycle.... More »

24th, December 2013 Celebrities 1

How To Cook Nigella's Goose: The Grillo Sisters' Recipe For Revenge (Cold Cuts)

Want to know about the "REAL" Nigella Lawson? The Grillo sisters are here to stick the knife into Nigella's voluptuous moist turkey...* More »

24th, December 2013 The Consumer

How to Cover Up A Tattoo

You're dead to me... More »

24th, December 2013 Strange But True 1

Northampton Drunk Impaled On Pub Fence Failed To Spot Open Gate

More »

24th, December 2013 Flashback

1959 Louis Bleriot Race: Lt Commander W.G Boaks Sets Off From Marble Arch By Rollerskates

Lt Commander W.G Boaks setting off from Marble Arch by roller skates, in a race to mark the 50th anniversary of Louis Bleriot's cross channel flight, using any kind of transport... More »

24th, December 2013 Sports

Chelsea Balls: Mourinho Says He Alone Takes On Arsenal

The ego has not yet landed... More »

24th, December 2013 Celebrities

Nigella Lawson Trial: How Courtroom Artists Show Her Inner And Outer Turmoil

I can't help wonder which portrait Nigella would be the happier with.... More »

23rd, December 2013 Reviews

Life, Humanity And Capitalism Take On David Suzuki's Mighty Ego

Suzuki has a plan. He aims to “design a vision of Earth in which humans live within the planet’s productive capacit.”... More »

23rd, December 2013 Celebrities

Glen Hanson Creates Shower Curtains For A Hollywood Entrance

The world's most excellent show curtains.... More »

23rd, December 2013 Money

Apple Finally Signs The China Mobile Deal

THe financial markets have been waiting for this for some years: for Apple to sign up with China Mobile to take the iPhone. The importance of it is that China Mobile is the last major airtime provider around the world that doesn't currently carry Apple's products... More »

23rd, December 2013 Flashback

5 Small Ways Christmas Has Improved

It's inarguable that Christmas has snowballed into a giant hulking materialistic bezerker over the past few decades. However, it wasn't all poinsettias and candy canes back in the day either. I’d like to highlight just a few things that are perhaps better nowadays… More »

22nd, December 2013 Key Posts 2

Nathan Rao's Killer Christmas: Daily Express Weather Man Predicts 100 Days of Death

An expert writes... More »

21st, December 2013 In Pictures

David Coleman - A 'Grendsternd' Life In Photos

Goals pay the rent.... More »