
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

21st, December 2013 Reviews 11

The Most Stupid And Violent Reactions To Justine Sacco's AIDS Tweet

TWEETS Justine Sacco, PR supremo for IAC, the parent company of Vimeo, Tinder, and OkCupid: "Going to Africa. Hope I don;t get AIDS, Just kidding. I'm white!"... More »

21st, December 2013 Strange But True

Otto The Pig Says 'Christmas'

Pig votes for Christmas... More »

20th, December 2013 Reviews

Welling, Kent's Anjem Choudary Helps The BBC Sell The War On Terror

The grandstanding Muslim Council of Britain says the BBC was wrong to give Welling, Kent's Anjem Choudary a spot on the BBC Radio 4's Today. This, they said, gave the idiotic preacher “the oxygen of publicity”. The BBC has a big commitment to multicultural diversity, so if it wants to show a laughable Islamist benefits mullah speaking for the Islamist Benefits Mullah community, then so be it... More »

20th, December 2013 In Pictures 3

They Died In 2013

These are just the people whom we at Anorak remember most. The ones who made us think... More »

20th, December 2013 Flashback

Flashback: The Nuclear Bomb Alarm In Washington

If the bomb should have fallen in 1960, this is where the alarm would have been sounded from... More »

20th, December 2013 Film 1

10 Wonderfully Insane VHS Action Movie Covers

Here are some particularly interesting examples of VHS box art in the action genre. And by “interesting” I mean “utterly insane”. These covers represent the perfect synergy of over-the-roof subject matter in the hands of unskilled mental patients. The words “quality control” and “subtlety” simply weren't a part of the vocabulary of VHS cover artists…. And that’s why we love them so. More »

20th, December 2013 Flashback

British Intelligence File: 'Michael Collins Will Stop at Nothing'

Michael Collins, Chief of I.R.A. & organizer of all ambushes and murders, eyes dark & sharp. Often wears the disguise of a Priest... More »

20th, December 2013 Money

CV Bloopers: 54 Interesting Things Written On Resumes

It;s not a CV. It's a confession... More »

20th, December 2013 The Consumer

Funny Food Names: Crabnobs

Royal...with cheese... More »

20th, December 2013 Music

The Bad Brains Charlie Brown Christmas Mash Up

Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown... More »

20th, December 2013 Celebrities

DiCaprio Annoys PETA Who Want Jar Jar Binks Rather Than Animal Actors

In his new film, Leonardo DiCaprio does something really, really awful - persists in having that Nearly Beard. However, it isn't Leo's goatee that has caused a kerfuffle, rather, PETA are going after him and calling for the actor to stop working with animal actors... More »

20th, December 2013 Key Posts 6

The War On Boys: Essex School Uses Golf To Stop Boys Behaving Like Defective Girls

Chase High School in Westcliff, Essex, is offering students 'man days'. An Ofsted inspection found achievement among male students was "inadequate". Victoria Overy, head teacher, says this is down to male students lacking a "positive male role model at home". This lack of manliness has created a "barrier" to the boys' learning. So. There are to be "man days". These will teach the feckless lads how to be manly... More »

20th, December 2013 Strange But True 1

Epsom Shopper Shows Off Her Waitrose Glow-In-The-Dark Prawns

"Just to make sure I had not gone completely mad I took this saucer next door to show my neighbour. They were still glowing the next morning when I went down to Waitrose. I took them down in a box and said ‘if you go into a dark room you will see they are glowing’..." More »

20th, December 2013 Strange But True

Thieves Steal Stuffed Cat, Humans Ashes And Scales Of Sentimental Value

"Thieves have broken into her Sunshine, Australia, home and stolen a velvet box containing the ashes of her dead husband and other items, such as a stuffed cat..." More »

20th, December 2013 Strange But True

Santa Claus Crucified In Texas

To Corpus Christi, Texas, where Santa Claus has been crucified by homeowner Aaron Olivares and renamed 'SLAYER' (geddit?). He says: "It's December, it's Christmas time. It is just a Christmas ornament." Maybe the pressure to have fun at Christmas got to Santa. Was is suicide? Did he just want to en it all, fed up and depressed at having to be jovial on demand?.. More »

20th, December 2013 Reviews

Apollo Theatre Collapse Triggered By Audience Being Asked To Lean Over The Balcony

There's been an incident at London's Apollo Theatre. The news media goes into overdrive. The Times says: Scores of theatre-goers have been injured after part of a balcony collapsed during a performance at the Apollo theatre in London’s West End. Members of the audience reported creaking noises followed by a crash as the balcony fell." Or did it..? More »

19th, December 2013 Celebrities 5

Heather Mills Attacks Olympic Official, Allegedly

News just in - Heather Mills has been accused of lunging at a Paralympic official and screaming insults at them after being forced to abandon her attempt to qualify for the British skiing team for next year's games... More »

19th, December 2013 Sports 2

Spurs Balls: The Daily Mail Loves 'Man's Man' Tim Sherwood

He drives a man's man's white van... More »

19th, December 2013 Key Posts 4

London School of Economics Apologises For Banning Free Speech

Freedom of Speech is under attack on your student campuses. The London School of Economics (LSE) banned Chris Moos and Abhishek Phandis, of the student Atheist, Secularist and Humanist Society (LSEASH), from wearing Jesus and Mo cartooons at the SU Freshers’ Fair... More »

19th, December 2013 TV & Radio

What's Up With Your Friend? - A Comedy Short

Hilary Barraford is your fun friend... More »

19th, December 2013 Flashback

12 Terrifically Awful Christmas Album Covers

I suppose I could have compiled a list of the “best and greatest Christmas album covers” and sound like less of a Grinch, but that wouldn’t be near as fun... More »

19th, December 2013 Reviews

Watch This Video Of Islamists In London Cheering Narcissistic Michael Adebolajo - But Don't Be Afraid

No excuses. The killers are responsible for their own actions. More »

19th, December 2013 Celebrities

Adele Gets Her MBE In Highly Amusing Gifs

Gotta love Adele... More »

19th, December 2013 Gifs

Inappropriate Use Of A Mobile Phone - The Gifs

Time to get off the phone... More »

19th, December 2013 Reviews

Lee Rigby: Michael Adebolajo Police Interview Video

The police custody tape... More »