
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

19th, December 2013 Reviews

Lee Rigby: Squeamish Michael Adebolajo And Michael Adebowale Used Islam's Hate To Murder An Innocent Man

Lee Rigby's killers Michael Adebolajo, 29, and Michael Adebowale, 22, have been found guilty of murder... More »

19th, December 2013 Technology 1

When The Asian Call Centre Phones Ask For Agent Samantha West

Robot or real? More »

19th, December 2013 TV & Radio

How To Wrap A Cat For Christmas - The Video Guide

Don't use a box... More »

19th, December 2013 TV & Radio

My Krafty Elf And Safety Guide To Christmas Telly

Imagine a stiletto with ironic tinsel wrapped round it stamping on true Christmas forever... More »

19th, December 2013 Celebrities 1

21 Facebook Status Updates Made Into Inspirational Quotes

What makes a memorable, quotable quote, the kind of thing you slap in an essay at school to earn a tick, or include in an article to illustrate a point, your theories backed up by a person of note's wit and wisdom? Like you, we have no idea... More »

19th, December 2013 Strange But True

Blackburn Burglar Tried To Sell Stolen Goods To Victim

Idiots are often criminals... More »

19th, December 2013 Books

The Six Best Books of the Year 2013

Excellent books are there to be found, and here's Madame Arcati's brief guide to the six best this festive season... More »

19th, December 2013 Reviews

Juxtaposition of the Day: Robin Hood Takes On NPower In Darlington

Oh, no they aren't.... More »

19th, December 2013 Key Posts 10

Original Art From 'Your Friend' George Zimmerman

In Amerika, any kind of fame ill do so long as it sells... More »

18th, December 2013 Money

$636 millions: Californian Who Sold Winning Ticket Wins $1m But Georgia Vendor Gets Nothing

Young Soo Lee, the owner of a newsstand in Atlanta, and Thuy Nguyen of San Jose, Calif., each sold one of the two winning Mega Millions tickets, worth $636 million in all before taxes... More »

18th, December 2013 Reviews

Google Reinforces The Idea That Santa Is As White As Jesus

We searched Google images for Santa. This is what we got... More »

18th, December 2013 Strange But True

Ever See A Rhinochimera Fantasia Fish?

Now that is one odd fish... More »

18th, December 2013 Reviews

Trouble At The National Zoo In Washington

In November, a zebra attacked a zookeeper. The same day an endangered gazelle ran headfirst into a wall. Dead. Rusty the red panda executed an escape. But after two weeks trying to hitch a ride to - "Hell! Where am I from?" - was soon back in his cage... More »

18th, December 2013 Strange But True

Woman Checking Facebook Page Falls Off Pier And Almost Dies

She admitted, ‘I can’t swim but I seem to be floating OK... More »

18th, December 2013 Celebrities

Miley Cyrus's Foam Finger Absorbs Whatver You Toss At It

At Z100's Jingle Ball 2013 - New York, singer Miley Cyrus was dry humped by Santa Claus. A few days later and Miley was once more grinding Santa's sack at the Hot 99.5 Jingle Ball at Washington DC's Verizon Center... More »

18th, December 2013 Sports

Spurs Balls: Glenn Hoddle Is A Website In The Third Person

" understands that Hoddle will certainly help if the club makes an approach"... More »

18th, December 2013 Flashback

A Tour of Groovy 1970s Sofas

Want to stop society’s self-destructive trend toward isolationism and its unhealthy submersion into electronics? Bring back the convo pit.,, More »

18th, December 2013 Celebrities

10 Things Younger That Keith Richards

Today, Keith Richards is 70 years old! We have to admire him, seeing as he's about 1% blood and the rest is made up of cigarettes, drugs and urinal cakes... More »

18th, December 2013 Celebrities

Petition Asks David Cameron To Put An End To Dirty Music Videos

You may not know, but Robin Thicke is the first man ever on Earth to be featured in a clip with some naked women for spurious reasons. We checked on Twitter and the outrage confirmed it... More »

18th, December 2013 Money

The Great Chinese Rare Earths Panic Is Over

You might recall back a couple of years there was a great panic as China decided to limit the export of the rare earths... More »

18th, December 2013 Music

N-Dubz - Why The Long Faces?

The reunion tour is in the pipeline... More »

18th, December 2013 Celebrities 1

Ian Watkins Gets 35 Sentence For 'Mega Lolz' Police Knew Of In 2008

Trial judge Mr Justice Royce told Ian Watkins did not hold back... More »

18th, December 2013 Money 1

War On Want Goes Doolally Over Alliance Boots

War on Want has decided to show its gross ignorance by complaining about the tax affairs of Alliance Boots... More »

18th, December 2013 Money

Dear Miliboy: It Ain't A Tax Cut For Hedge Funds

Err, Schedule 19 doesn't apply to hedge funds. It applies to unit trusts: and no, unit trusts are not hedge funds... More »

18th, December 2013 Sports

Platini Wants To Replace Yellow Cards With Sin Bins

Michel's latest notion is that he wants yellow cards to be replaced by a rugby-style system of sin bins... More »