
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

18th, December 2013 Technology

The Detonation Cord Christmas Tree Lights Up Everything

Where's the fairy? More »

18th, December 2013 Technology

Organising Traffic By Colour: A Beautiful Time Lapse Video

Cy Kuckenbaker filmed a 4-minute shot from the Washington Street bridge above State Route 163 in San Diego at 2:39pm Oct 1, 2013... More »

18th, December 2013 Celebrities

Daily Mail Shocked When Fans Fail To Mob Nicholas McDonald On A Cold Tuesday School Night At Glasgow Airport

The Daily Mail has a question: "Where have they gone? Defeated X Factor finalist Nicholas McDonald jets home to Scotland... and finds his army of fans has vanished"... More »

18th, December 2013 Celebrities

Daily Mail Bashes BBC Over Wrong Roux

They all look the same... More »

18th, December 2013 The Consumer

Drinkers Outlive Non-Drinkers, Says Study

Hurrah! More »

18th, December 2013 Celebrities

Lookalikes: Harry Styles Is Karl Marx

One is an -ist... More »

18th, December 2013 Reviews

Penzance: How The Market Jew Got His Illuminated Christmas Knickers

My great-aunt, displaying her ignorance of political correctness, also felt that possible jewishness was reinforced by Richard Benney's insistence on having his children "spread dung by moonlight."... More »

18th, December 2013 Reviews

Geelong Boasts The World's Worst Christmas Tree

That's some claim. But Australians love to talk big... More »

18th, December 2013 Reviews

Real Life Overly Attached Girlfriend Poisoned Boyfriend Who Dumped Her

More »

18th, December 2013 Music

Artist Recreates Punk And Indie Stars As Super Heroes

Billy Butcher has turned faces of music into superhero. He asks: What makes a pop culture icon? More »

18th, December 2013 Flashback

5 Unforgivably Awful Christmas Songs

There have been so many awful, bowel shaking Christmas songs over the years, it’s hard to narrow them down... More »

17th, December 2013 Reviews

Meredith Kercher Murder: Amanda Knox's Original Email Home And A Five Page Denial

Amanda Knox is on trial for the 2007 murder of British student Meredith Kercher. Knox is 26. she seems older... More »

17th, December 2013 Reviews

No Date Set For Digital Radio Switchover Because So Few People Care

It seems, such is the radio malaise, that everyone is still using analogue devices. Or the internet, of course... More »

17th, December 2013 In Pictures

Zwarte Piet Must Die: Black Pete And His White Angel Are Coming To Get You This Christmas

HUZZAH! It's Zwarte Piet, “Black Pete" and Sinterklaas parade (Dutch Santa Claus). Santa sails from Spain., He brings gifts for the good children - "naughty children get a spanking with Black Pete’s bundle of twigs." More »

17th, December 2013 Sports

Don't Panic Spurs Fans: Harry Redknapp Has Annointed Your Next Manager

Harry Redknapp speaks... More »

17th, December 2013 TV & Radio

The Hidden Messages In Brighton's Christmas Lights

Nicely done... More »

17th, December 2013 Reviews

Gender Neutral Marks And Spencer Introduces The Most Sexist Children's Toys

Marks & Spencer will not longer wrap girls' toys in pink and boys' toys in black and blue. By 2014, packaging on toys will be gender neutral by spring 2014... More »

17th, December 2013 Sports

Spurs Balls: Andre Villas-Boas Needs The Salvation Army

Juxtaposition of the day... More »

17th, December 2013 Flashback

Photographic Proof: Santa Misbehaving In The 1970s

PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE has been unearthed which solidly proves Santa Claus enjoyed the company of beautiful women.... More »

17th, December 2013 Key Posts

How To... Party In Public At Christmas

Here's some helpful tips that will ensure you're not absolutely loathed by all of humankind through the festive party season... More »

17th, December 2013 Reviews

The Race To Mine The Moon For Helium-3 Is On

Last weekend, China landed a lunar probe on the moon. It was the world's first soft landing of a space probe on the moon in nearly four decades... More »

17th, December 2013 Reviews 2

Edward Snowden's Letter To The People Of Brazil In Full

Six months ago, I stepped out from the shadows of the United States Government's National Security Agency to stand in front of a journalist's camera. I shared with the world evidence proving some governments are building a world-wide surveillance system... More »

17th, December 2013 TV & Radio 1

Watch The Most Complained About Thing On TV In 2013

If you want complaints, who should you go after? The working classes? No. They can take a joke and besides, they know corporations don't listen to them at all.... More »

17th, December 2013 Music 1

The Angriest Christmas Caroling Ever (With Lyrics By Donny Tourette And George Michael)

No. It's NSFW... More »

17th, December 2013 Music

Cool Kids: Malcolm Brickhouse & Jarad Dawkins Are Metalheads

In Unlocking The Truth - Malcolm Brickhouse & Jarad Dawkins, we meet two metalheads... More »