
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

17th, December 2013 Flashback

Boring Board Games: Canberra Visitor

"Most unusually it starts to rain..." More »

17th, December 2013 Reviews 2

Lying US Climate Change Expert John C. Beale Travelled Everywhere By Plane And Taxi

In a newly filed sentencing memo, prosecutors said that his lies were a "crime of massive proportion" that were “offensive” to those who actually do dangerous work for the CIA.... More »

17th, December 2013 Reviews

Santa's 'Cheap Tricks' Help Transvestite Hold Up Jeweller

"His make-up was very well done, with blackened eyebrows and very long eyelashes," said the jeweller... More »

16th, December 2013 Flashback

Watch Bob Dylan's TV Singing Debut In The Madhouse on Castle Street

In January 1963, an unknown young Bob Dylan got some work in a (now lost) BBC play The Madhouse on Castle Street... More »

16th, December 2013 Flashback 12

6 Offbeat Reasons Why Vinyl Is Better Than Digital

We've all heard the arguments why vinyl or digital music is best – no need to beat a dead horse... More »

16th, December 2013 The Consumer

The Beerger: A Burger Wrapped In A Fried Beer Bun

Beer. Wrapped in Pretzels and wontons. Fried. Around a burger... More »

16th, December 2013 Celebrities

When Peter O'Toole Died The Mail Raced To Beat God And Shout 'FIRST'

XX died today in XX hospital after suffering XX More »

16th, December 2013 Reviews

Isabella Sorley From Newcastle And John Nimmo From South Shields Charged wIth Abusing Caroline Criado-Perez

Caroline Criado-Perez launched a successful campaign to have a portrait of a doll-like Jane Austen on the £10 note... More »

16th, December 2013 Sports 5

FIFA Ban Josip Simunic From World Cup For Being Racist

Finally, it looks like FIFA are taking racism seriously... More »

16th, December 2013 In Pictures

The Best Of Darcey The Flying Hedgehog

Cute warning.... More »

16th, December 2013 Reviews

Corporate Horrors: A TP Bennett Christmas Song

Take them away.... More »

16th, December 2013 Strange But True

Santa Wars: Santa Claus Fights Santa Claus At New York Santacon

Santa Wars... More »

16th, December 2013 Money 1

Sacked Oxford Chef Uses Pub's Twitter To Claim All Food Comes From Asda

A chef allegedly sacked from The Plough in Oxford after, as he claims, he asked to spend the holiday with his baby daughter has been using the restaurant's Twitter feed to tell all... More »

16th, December 2013 Celebrities

Jim Davidson Is Innocent - What Now For the Celebrity Police Force?

He will not be investigated further over an alleged historic sex offence - a claim that he assaulted a woman in the Falkland Islands in the 1980s... More »

16th, December 2013 Celebrities

Peter O'Toole Recalls Connnemara: 'Nicest Asses In The World'

“Oh, look at that ass,” O’Toole said softly, shaking his head, raising his eyes with approval. “That ass is covered with tweed made in Connnemara, where I was born.." More »

16th, December 2013 Flashback 4

4 Ways Air Travel Has Become Objectively Terrible

But this isn’t a history lesson - this is a gripe session, so bear with me as I count the ways air travel has become objectively terrible over the past few decades... More »

16th, December 2013 Sports

Spurs Balls: AVB Was Sacked For £20 And A Dare

Says her dad Des Brown said: "I said I'd give her £20 to give him the thumb to the nose and the twiddly fingers.." More »

16th, December 2013 Celebrities 2

1970s Pop Stars And DJs Outraged By James Arthur's Teenage Sex Shame

James, 25, had consensual legal sex, with 17-year-old Ellie Shepherdson. John Peel must be turning in his grave... More »

16th, December 2013 The Consumer

The Milton Keynes Winter Wonderland: Tun In To Hear About Kids Not Believing In Santa

What went wrong with the Milton Keynes Winter Wonderland? Lorenzo Franco explains what went wrong with his event... More »

16th, December 2013 Reviews

Kent School Kids Evacuated From Swimming Pool Amid Disabled Man Panic

Panic at Aylesford, Kent's Larkfield Leisure Centre. Teachers from Kings Hill Primary, near West Malling, fear there is pervert in the hanging rooms. By pervert they mean 'man'... More »

16th, December 2013 Money 2

Well Of Course No One's Paying For Streaming Music Services

Jeebus folks, it's all pretty simple really. If there are ten or twenty companies offering us variations of free and cheap music then we'll all be paying less for our music than if there were 2 or 3 such offerings... More »

16th, December 2013 Books

Dictionary Update Says Geeks Are Cool And Not In the Least Bit Socially Awkward

More »

16th, December 2013 Key Posts 5

Turin-Lyon Train Riots: Nina De Chiffre Charged With Sexual Violence For Kissing Policeman's Helmet (Photos)

"I wanted to make fun of them [the police], and I would say that we were successful,” said Nina De Chiffre, a 20-year-old protestor from Milan. She was demonstrating in Turin against a high-speed train link between Turin and Lyon.. More »

16th, December 2013 TV & Radio

In Which Jimmy The Frog Gets Eaten

Dogs v frogs... More »

16th, December 2013 Flashback

Cashing In On Christmas: The Biggest Rip-Off Albums Ever

It's Christmas! Time for a rip-off… More »