
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

13th, December 2013 Sports 2

QPR's New Ground Boasts The Second Worst View In Football

When you're sat in row Z and the ball... More »

13th, December 2013 Reviews

Games Publishers Stick Up For Fans Against The Internet

YouTube is awash with walkthroughs, compilation videos, nostalgia clips and more, all made by fans for fans. The gaming community understands that it is all free publicity and enables gamers to feel at one with the games they enjoy... More »

13th, December 2013 In Pictures

WTF Craigslist? The 21 Weirdest Ads of 2013

Situations vacant... More »

13th, December 2013 Reviews

The Black Dog of Depression: The WHO Takes Up Where Churchill And Johnson Left Off

It's an awful illness. Anyone who has lived with it or lived a sufferer will understand. The rest of us should try to... More »

13th, December 2013 Flashback

The Golden Age of Meat

Up until the health craze of the 1980s, your average meal consisted of meat, more meat, an additional piece of meat, and one more piece of meat for good measure garnished with a tiny fleck of vegetable matter... More »

13th, December 2013 Celebrities

Blue |vy Carter is 'Dog Shamed' - Beyonce Perp Walks 'Blue Ivy Farter'

On message... More »

13th, December 2013 Celebrities

Mary Berry Reaches For The Wooden Butter Pat Child Catcher

Berry confided in Piers Morgan that when her little Berries - Thomas, Annabel and William - were young she would smack with a wooden butter pat.. More »

13th, December 2013 Reviews

North Korea Executes Kim Jong-un's 'Despicable Human Scum' Of An Uncle

Whoever writes the North Koreans Press releases is a master of the bombastic... More »

13th, December 2013 Reviews

Australian Dad Sympathises With Terribly Bee-Stung Son

"It was a bit disturbing but..." More »

12th, December 2013 Arsenal

Manchester City's Pelligrini And Arsenal's Wenger Are No Alexis Fergusoni

John Dillon says Manchester City's Manuel Pellegrini "realises being cool doesn't count if you can't add up"... More »

12th, December 2013 The Consumer

Britain's Loudest Christmas Lights

Lordy Lights: A look at the kind of Christmas display that a Jumbo Jet, let alone Santa, can use to land by... More »

12th, December 2013 Reviews

Louisa Hodkin And Alessandro Calcioli Marry In A Scientology Church

Scientology is a religion. We know this because Louisa Hodkin and her fiancee Alessandro Calcioli went to the Supreme Court in London, where they won their battle marry in a Church of Scientology chapel... More »

12th, December 2013 Reviews

Scene Of The Day: London By Fog

London... More »

12th, December 2013 Strange But True

Man Banned From Every Supermarket In Britain

Eugenio Freitas, 49, has been banned from every supermarket in Britain unless supervised by an adult... More »

12th, December 2013 Celebrities

Who Is Liverpool Lovely Chelsey Harwood? Photos

A celeb is born... More »

12th, December 2013 The Consumer

Wonderful Romania: The Salina Turda Salt Mines

As you might expect in a salt mine, everything has ben well preserved... More »

12th, December 2013 Money 1

Why Worry About Bitcoin? Why Not Just Start Your Own Currency?

I always feel remarkable clever when I find the Financial Times agrees with one of my ideas... More »

12th, December 2013 Reviews

Watch The Top 10 Twitter Spikes Of 2013

The Football Association are very disappointed that numbers of people taking up football are dwindling. It seems less kids want to run around in dreadful weather, getting lumps kicked out of them and paying their subs for the privilege... More »

12th, December 2013 Celebrities

Tom Daley And Joe McElderry: When Dan Wootton Wanted One Teenager Out

When Tom Daley came out as bisexual, the Sun's Dan Woottoon was happy... More »

12th, December 2013 TV & Radio 1

I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas (Without The Asians, Blacks, Or Jews)

May all your Christmas's be white... More »

12th, December 2013 Reviews 7

Celebrity Sex Offenders Get Longer Prison Sentences Than Your Local Priest, Policeman Or Dad

This is insane. And unfair. And mad... More »

12th, December 2013 Money

'Snuggle House' Gets Closed Because Everyone Thought It Was Filled With Prostitutes

The idea behind the place was to offer snuggles to anyone who wanted one. For £37 an hour. You could have a little intimacy and get your hair stroked and then be on your way... More »

12th, December 2013 Celebrities

A Quick Message And Death Threat From Doris Day

Doris Day speaks... More »

12th, December 2013 Reviews 3

Was Nelson Mandela Sign Language Man Thamsanqa Jantjie Talking To You?

Jantjie became a laughing stock for his signing that hinted at a misspent youth watching silent comedies... More »

12th, December 2013 Key Posts

Bitter Coffee: French Cafe Charges Less For Being Polite

Nice's Petite Syrah café is offering customers the chance to get a discount on their coffee. Asking for a “a coffee” will set you back €7. But “a coffee please” is €4.25. “Hello, a coffee please,” is a bargain €1.40... More »