
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

19th, November 2013 Money

The Top 1% Now Pay 30% Of All Income Tax

It's true... More »

19th, November 2013 Flashback

Flashback: Dr Harb Hayre's Tattletale Machine

Properly applied, says the professor, the machine could: detect a drunk driver; tell who is lying and who is telling the truth... More »

18th, November 2013 Music

Watsky's 30ft Stage Dive Goes Wrong... Wanna See The Video?

More »

18th, November 2013 Sports 2

Qatar Is So Un-Gay Even The World Cup Stadium Looks Like A Lady's Front Bottom

Last one in the stadium's a homosexual... More »

18th, November 2013 Reviews

Sub Editor Horror: 'Brighton's Top Gay Assaults Brave Officer'

More »

18th, November 2013 Gifs

Milos Rajkovic Makes Awesome Gifs of Human Heads

Love this... More »

18th, November 2013 Flashback

Noel Edmonds And More Ungodly Horrors: When Radio DJs Invaded The Pop Charts

More »

18th, November 2013 Reviews

Locate The Best Qulity Marijuana With Denver's Nasal Ranger

To Denver, Colorado, where the city's police Nasal Ranger is investigating the smell of marijuana... More »

18th, November 2013 Flashback

Pop Go The Beatles: The Golden Age Of The Fab Four At The BBC

Two decades ago, the Great Beatles Revival began with the release of the double CD album Live at the BBC... More »

18th, November 2013 Sports

Manchester City: Alan Shearer Says Rusty Joe Hart Will Force His Way |nto Team By Not Playing For England

Alan Shearer is high-paid pundit. Why More »

18th, November 2013 Music

Miley Cyrus’ Wrecking Ball In G-Major Is Damn Creepy

Miley is demonic, most possibly... More »

18th, November 2013 Music

Rave With Mother: Hampshire Police Attacked On Night Of The Living Dead

Can we agree whose side we are on in this story from Beacon Hill, Highclere, in Hampshire? Around midnight last Saturday, police rocked up to a rave... More »

18th, November 2013 Film

Blow-Up: When the Swinging Sixties Came to Stockwell

More »

18th, November 2013 In Pictures

Anthony Howe And His Wonderful Wind-Powered World

The wind turbine dream... More »

18th, November 2013 Sports

Newcastle United: Steven Taylor Does A Massively Racist Tweet

United's Steven Taylor dropped a howler on Twitter today, basically being a '70s racist, just shy of talking about golliwogs and wondering whether or not to say "some of my best friends are darkies."... More »

18th, November 2013 Sports

UFC fighter Will 'The Boner' Campuzano Is Excited About His Next Fight (SFW)

Fight! More »

18th, November 2013 Strange But True

Parents Made Child Wear 'I Am A Liar Sign'

Cheaper than clothes... More »

18th, November 2013 Strange But True

India: Bride Marries 'Relative' After Groom Vanishes

Patience, men looking for a wife. In India, a wedding guest has stepped in to marry a jilted bride... More »

18th, November 2013 Reviews

Husband Stabbed By Wife Run Over Twice On Way To Doctor

To Manitoba in Canada, to hear Lois Cook, 39, plead guilty on Friday to manslaughter for the death of her common-law husband Dave Hudson, 32 on May 31, 2010... More »

17th, November 2013 Reviews

Google Concedes Defeat To Daily Mail On War Over Sexualised Kids: 'We Can't Compete' Say Online Giant

Irony overload... More »

17th, November 2013 Celebrities

Epic Puns: The Lidl Wain Costume

Swag bag... More »

17th, November 2013 Money

Johny Ive: The World's Most Famous Designer And Reluctant Knight

Kahney is talking about the world's most famous designer, Essex-boy and graduate of Newcastle Polytechnic done very good, Johny Ive.... More »

17th, November 2013 Reviews

Vincent Peyrègne, CEO of WAN-IFRA, And Third World Worry About The UK's Attack On A Free Press

No buts. Free speech is under attack... More »

17th, November 2013 Strange But True

Dave's Killer Bread Founder Smashes A Life-Sized Cutout Of Himself And Goes Bonkers

"He went into the store and he smashed a life-sized cutout of himself because he's the symbol of a brand," says the witness to the 911 operator in Washington County... More »

17th, November 2013 Strange But True

Wanted Man Photo: Man Without Crossed Eyes For Stabbing

We interrupt this message to bring you a request form the Oregon State Police... More »