
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

9th, November 2013 Royal Family

The Great Royal Family Poppy Off - Who Wears The Biggest?

Which Member of the Royal Family can wear the biggest Remembrance Day Poppy?... More »

9th, November 2013 In Pictures

Road Workers Paint Over Dead Animals And More - Photos

How the fox got its stripes.... More »

9th, November 2013 Celebrities

Arsenal: Piers Morgan's Fails All In One Place

Celebrity Arsenal fan Piers Morgan likes to tweet about his team... More »

8th, November 2013 Music

For Sale: Joy Division Lead Singer Ian Curtis' Kitchen Table

The £100 reserve price for Ian Curtis' kitchen gable had yet to be met... More »

8th, November 2013 Money

Ryanair's Michael O'Leary In Quotes

RyanAir chief executive Michael O’Leary is man known for opening his mouth and letting absolutely anything fall out of it. He's in the papers today saying that burkas should be banned in the UK and claimed the country is “leaning over far too much for some of these minority religions”... More »

8th, November 2013 Money

Banning Child Labour Means The Kids Get Paid Less

A ban on child labour makes it more expensive to employ those children... More »

8th, November 2013 Fashion

Everyday Sexism: The 1972 Golden Hands Complete Book of Dressmaking

What is the dude in the pink neckerchief thinking? More »

8th, November 2013 Reviews

Frederik Rosén: International Humanitarian Law Says Drones Are Good

If a state possesses drone technology, and if the deployment of this technology may potentially reduce unnecessary harm from armed attacks, the state is obliged to employ the technology.... More »

8th, November 2013 Key Posts

The 11 Best Football Red Cards

People say that a red card can spoil a decent game of football. Nonsense. It adds a layer of wonderful jeopardy into proceedings and, more to the point, sometimes they're really very funny... More »

8th, November 2013 In Pictures

Panoramic Photographs Gone Wrong

Oh, snap... More »

8th, November 2013 In Pictures

Aging Superhero: Andreas Englund Paints The Old Mavel

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it time for my bath..? More »

8th, November 2013 Celebrities

RIP John Cole - BBC's Politcal Editor Hangs Up His Glasses

A voice of our past has died... More »

8th, November 2013 Sports

Home Run: A Video And Story In A Single Sentence

I’m hard-pressed to think of another story without a downside.... More »

8th, November 2013 Flashback

On This Day In Photos: The Hunt For Lord Lucan Begins

Where is Lord Lucan. Someone always knows. Someone always tells. ... More »

8th, November 2013 Strange But True

Saudi Arabian Man Shoots Dead Woman He Mistook For A Monkey

To Saudi Arabia, a man has accidentally killed an elderly shepherdess after mistaking her for a monkey.... More »

8th, November 2013 Fashion 1

Teen Suspended For Wearing Girl's Bag To School

And he won't be allowed back into the school until he should he ditches the bag.... More »

8th, November 2013 Key Posts 1

Save Your Child From A House Fire In Missouri And Get A Tasin' And A Jailin'

Ryan Miller discovered this early on Halloween morning, when an electrical fire started in the house he shared with his wife and three-year-old stepson... More »

8th, November 2013 Reviews

Sham Wedding: Couple's First Dance Was To 'The First Time I Saw Your Face'

The UK border police don't always get it right. They raised Massimo Ciabattini and Miao Guo’s wedding at London's Camden Town Hall... More »

8th, November 2013 Reviews

Kapow: Wind Turbines Cause 600,000 Bats To Explode With Joy

More than 600,000 bats were killed in the United States last year by wind turbines... More »

8th, November 2013 The Consumer

RyanAir 'Bans Burkas': Cheeky Bikini-Clad Stewards Are the Future

Quotes from Michael O'Leary's latest interview... More »

8th, November 2013 Arsenal 5

Piers Morgan On Arsenal: 'What DOES Wenger see in Ramsey? A complete and utter liability'

More »

7th, November 2013 TV & Radio

Posing For A Photo That's Really A Video Is Awkward (A Nottingham Trent University Study)

You pout. Your pose. You show your best side. But the camera never clicks. You wobble... More »

7th, November 2013 Arsenal 2

Daily Mail: Arsenal's Defence Is The Best But Worse Than That Of Chelsea, Spurs, West Ham And Southampton

Neil Ashton writes of Arsenal FC in the Daily Mail... More »

7th, November 2013 Celebrities

Max Mosley Really Should Have Heard Of The Streisand Effect By Now

Max Mosley has just won yet another court case about that sadomasochistic orgy he had a few years back. This time it's against Google.... More »

7th, November 2013 Politicians 1

David Cameron Looks Like: This Toy Train

No change, please... More »