
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

7th, November 2013 Flashback

Irena Sendler: The Polish Catholic Social Worker's Story In Photos

Ever hear of Irena Sendler...? More »

7th, November 2013 Reviews

Luna County V Grant County Arizona

In the land of the free... More »

7th, November 2013 Celebrities

Jews To Blame For Russell Brand

A Taxi Driver explains what's what to Brendan O'Neill: More »

7th, November 2013 Music 2

Imam Says 'Only Gay Men Play Musical Instruments' - Lemmy Is A Faker

Elton John. Liberace. George Michael. All gay. We know this because they can play musical instruments... More »

7th, November 2013 Celebrities

What's All This About A Brazilian Prostitute Filming Justin Bieber While He Sleeps?

Dancing foetus, Justin Bieber, has been trying his darnedest to be a man in recent years, spitting off balconies, giving fruity hand gestures to paps and generally throwing wobblers all over the place... More »

7th, November 2013 Arsenal

Arsenal Fans Rejoice At This Gif Showing Borussia Dortmund Fans Reaction To Ramsey's Goal

Gotcha... More »

7th, November 2013 Arsenal

Champions' League Balls: Arsenal Have Four Shots On Goal But Borussia Dortmund Had Hundreds

Only one fact matters in football: the money. But in modern day footy reporting, there are many, many facts. Take the number of shots in a game... More »

7th, November 2013 TV & Radio 1

Mic Wright's Remotely Furious: Richard Hammond Builds A Planet But Fails To Go And Live On It

Here’s the real calculation you need to get your head around: one Richard Hammond ego equals half a Jeremy Clarkson ego but about 1/1000 of the average man on the street’s ego... More »

7th, November 2013 Money

Nigerian Scammers Float Messages In Bottles Up River Thames

Nigerian scammers have found a way to reach Lottery winners and recipients of General Goodboy's largesse: messages in bottles... More »

7th, November 2013 Strange But True

Sleepy Driver Crashes Into Bed Shop

Cruise control... More »

7th, November 2013 Sports

Bernie Ecclestone Enters The High Court The Hard Way

Formula One action figure (surely man of action? - ed) Bernie Ecclestone is at the High Court. As ever with Bernie the conversation is about his cash... More »

7th, November 2013 Celebrities

Kardashian Kake: Kris Jenner Ices Her Face

Said Kris upon gazing at her iced face: “Now that’s a beautiful cake.” More »

7th, November 2013 Reviews 1

Silk Road Rises From The Grave So Let's Buy All The Drugs!

The road to oblivion is reopened... More »

7th, November 2013 Reviews

French Mutant Hero Killer Rats Invade House Of Commons

Se how they run... More »

7th, November 2013 Sports

Desperate Fans: The Spurs Sugar Puffs Muncher

Today's Desperate Fan is Graham Downes, played by ardent Tottenham supporter Paul Whitehouse... More »

6th, November 2013 Reviews

Ban The Burka Advert Appears On British Bus

Seems legit... More »

6th, November 2013 Celebrities

Dizzee Rascal Goes Nutso Against Radio 1

He went from grime king to the molly court jester who appeared on Newsnight saying he wouldn't mind being Prime Minister... More »

6th, November 2013 Flashback

Soviet Child Care Posters Produced By The Soviet Ministry of Public Health (1930)

Soviet how tos... More »

6th, November 2013 Music

Hurra Torpedo: Norway's Kitchen Metal Band Play Bonnie Tyler's Total Eclipse of the Heart

Morphy Richards on drums... More »

6th, November 2013 Flashback

Colour Pictures Of The Addams Family TV Show Set

Strange but true: not everything in the black and white era was painted black and white... More »

6th, November 2013 Sports

Roy Keane and Martin O'Neill In Irish 'Gay Mariage Vote'

How did the Irish Independent report the news that Roy Keane and Martin O'Neill are to run the Republic of Ireland Football team?... More »

6th, November 2013 In Pictures 13

Epic Photos from Russian Dating Sites

Slice of life... More »

6th, November 2013 Reviews

A Firework Hits Buckingham Palace (Gif) As Her Majesty Gets A Yangban Mask For A South Korea Banquet (Photos)

As the general public burnt effigies of the Catholic reactionary Guy Fawkes, radicals were dressing up as him and screeching at parliament... More »

6th, November 2013 Reviews

Lexi Branson: What Says The Canine Pyschologist?

Reading the dead dog's mind... More »

6th, November 2013 Money

Call Of Duty And The Chinese Rare Earths Monopoly

I've just realised that I was interviewed about the Call of Duty game back a while... More »