
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

4th, October 2013 Key Posts

Edinburgh and Leeds University ban on Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines is racist

Robin Thicke’s hit has everyone's knickers in a twist... More »

3rd, October 2013 Celebrities

Danny Dyer should write his own EastEnders scripts and freak his nut out

Dyer is the new King of the EastEnders Queen Vic.... More »

3rd, October 2013 Sports 6

Spurs fans and other Yids will not be arrested by the language police at West Ham

Ready for the match..? More »

3rd, October 2013 Strange But True

Local News in Somerset: pickle lorry crashed near Cheddar

Branston pickle lorry crashes near Cheddar... More »

3rd, October 2013 Reviews

Lancashire school refuses to teach bearded Muslim boys

Mount Carmel Roman Catholic High School in Accrington, Lancashire, says no student can sport a beard. That means two 14-year-old Muslim boys must shave of be sent ho More »

3rd, October 2013 Key Posts 2

The Council of Europe's purge on circumcision enshrines anti-Semitism and anti-Islam in law

First they came for the halal and kosher meat. Then they came for the clothes. Now, they want your kids... More »

3rd, October 2013 Sports

Qatar erects statue of Zinedine Zidane head-butting Marco Materazzi and plans for many more

The 16-foot high monster depicts "two fighting footballers". Called Coup de Tête, the Glasgow Kiss is the work of Algerian artist Adel Abdessemed... More »

3rd, October 2013 Celebrities

Miley Cyrus did not take Sinead O'Connor's advice (photos to prove it)

Did Miley Cyrus take Sinead O"Connor's advice to keep it real and not to prostitute herself for pop? No... More »

3rd, October 2013 Reviews

Bolton man who smoked legal high and might have taken other drugs and booze dies

Manchester Police says a "herbal incense" called Psyclone might be dangerous. They need to tell us this because a 38-year-old man died not long after smoking it at his friend's home in Bolton... More »

3rd, October 2013 Reviews

Make all drugs legal and stop censoring free thought and recklessness

David Aaronovitch has something sensible to say on the war on drugs... More »

3rd, October 2013 In Pictures

Artist creates Lavatory Self-Portraits in the Flemish Style in airplane toilets

What Nina Katchadourian does in the onboard toilet is a matter of historical record... More »

3rd, October 2013 Reviews

Amanda Hutton starved her mummified son to death: photos of a grim life inside the family home

Hamzah died in December 2009. His mummified body was found in his cot by police in September 2011. He was dressed in a babygro meant for a child aged six to nine months... More »

3rd, October 2013 Celebrities 6

Sinead O'Connor's open letter to Miley Cyrus: 'don't be a prostitute and save your tongue for your boyfriend'

"Dear Miley, I wasn’t going to write this letter, but..." More »

3rd, October 2013 Sports

Manchester United Watch: Zaha didn't sleep with Moyes and other no-news news

Non-story of the day More »

3rd, October 2013 Celebrities 1

Lostprophets announce split as singer faces grim sex charges

Lostprophets have announced that they're splitting up in the face of frontman Ian Watkins imminent trial for sex offences, which make for particularly grim reading... More »

3rd, October 2013 Flashback

1964: Malcolm X evokes Shakespear as he thrills the Oxford Union with talk of armed rebellion

He talked of power by “whatever means necessary", of employing “intelligently directed extremism” and that suffering the slings and arrows achieved nothing.... More »

3rd, October 2013 Money 3

Crap jobs: Job Centre advertises for Fry Cook to work unpaid in Chippy for 30 hours a week

Any takers..? More »

3rd, October 2013 Fashion

Manchester City beaten by a bemused teacher on a Hugo Boss fashion shoot

The media love former Barcelona coach Pep Guardiola. But what did the current Bayern Munich coach look like as his side beat Manchester City?.. More »

3rd, October 2013 manchester united

Manchester Untied discover that for ever is not all that long in the Donbass Arena

How well did Manchester United do in securing a 1-1 draw against Shakhtar Donetsk?... More »

3rd, October 2013 Royal Family

Princess Diana Musical creator says Diana killed by remote control device (now sing-along)

Following the Star's wowsome news that Princess Diana tipped William to marry Kate Middleton despite dying four years before the couple met, the paper says "DI MURDER AUTHOR" has received threats to "shut up" or die... More »

3rd, October 2013 Fashion

How Trendy Are You? Take the 1983 taste chellenge

On August 18, 1983, Smash Hits magazine asked 'How Trendy Are You?' Take the quiz... More »

3rd, October 2013 Sports

Manchester City: Bayern Munich destroy the team and their fans give a masterclass in taking the mick

One problem of playing German sides is that their fans speak good English... More »

3rd, October 2013 Flashback

12 adverts from Smash Hits magazines of summer 1983


3rd, October 2013 Reviews 1

Motorists nicked for brushing teeth and browsing the internet while driving in Hampshire

Lorry drivers get a hard time don't they? People unfairly chide them, when they're just trying to do their job, like those nice men on Convoy or Smokey and the Bandit... More »

3rd, October 2013 TV & Radio

Nominative determinism: Calum Wrist is a TV onanist

Did you catch Porn on the Brain, Channel's 4's insight into the effect smut has on the human head?... More »