
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

21st, September 2013 Sports

Sunderland boss Paolo Di Canio makes his ridiculous hand gestures do the talking

Hand balls! More »

21st, September 2013 Key Posts

Baba Ramdev: Keith Vaz supports India's celebrity swami who says gays are a sickness to be cured by yoga

Why was Swami Ramdevji detained at Heathrow Airport for eight hours as he tried to make way to Glasgow...? More »

21st, September 2013 Sports

In photo: double amputee Jumping Jim Simpson tackles the Spartan Super Race

More »

21st, September 2013 Gifs

Vladimir Putin rides a Ritz Cracker

Cheesy rider... More »

21st, September 2013 Flashback

Old school hop hop megamix 1 and 2

This video's theme is about the culture and music of Hip Hop vs Rap... More »

21st, September 2013 Strange But True

Gargantuan 2-year-old has gastric bypass surgery

The Saudi Arabian tanker was so fat he had bow legs and sleep apnoea... More »

21st, September 2013 Madeleine McCann 1

Madeleine McCann: Kate's 'suicide', an 'evil' plot to kidnap a twin and another libel trial

Anorak's look at the missing child in the news: the Goncalo Amaral libel trial is underway in Portugal... More »

21st, September 2013 Money

Kickstarter needs to you to help book that says Obama is the Antichrist!

or your buck, you'll be able to buy a book that includes the theory that Obama is secretly the 'Great Lizard Overlord' and that his wedding ring features a secret inscription from the Koran... More »

21st, September 2013 Money 1

Idiot governments and renewable power: the subsidy strike prices shambles

OK, so, let's say that all this concern about climate change is correct. It's happening, we're responsible and we've got to do something about it. OK, fine, so, what should we be doing?... More »

21st, September 2013 Flashback

Musical Youth return to place Welsh children under heavy manners

Come on, we all know the words... More »

21st, September 2013 Politicians

BBC portrays UKIP leader Nigel Farage as Hitler

Nigel has arrived... More »

21st, September 2013 The Consumer

Ryanair vows to treat passengers better (for a small fee)

It turns out that Ryanair's abrasive captain Michael O’Leary has admitted that the airline's staff can be utter swine... More »

21st, September 2013 Celebrities

Louis C.K. explains why his kids can't have Smartphones

"Because underneath everything in your life there is that thing, that empty—forever empty..." More »

20th, September 2013 Politicians

Euan Blair and Suzanne Ashman wedding photos (but not Tony Blair's family discounted speech)

t is not known if Tony gave a speech at the do, nor if the bride's father was offered to opportunity to pay for one in instalments with a small family discount... More »

20th, September 2013 Reviews 1

Nina Davuluri stars in the second-stupidest racist beauty pageant controversy of the decade

Granted, finding stupidity in Internet comments is like finding salt in the ocean, and the people who posted racist tweets were vastly outnumbered by the people collecting racist tweets to archive them on public-shaming blogs.. More »

20th, September 2013 Reviews

South African schoolboy attacks teacher with a broom - Wackford Squeers is away

The little.... More »

20th, September 2013 Film

Haifaa Al-Mansour: Saudi Arabia's first female direction on Wadjda and growing up where cinemas are forbidden

What's it like being Saudi Arabia's first female film director? Haifaa Al-Mansour knows. Well, it has tricky. She directed Wadjda via a walkie-talkie... More »

20th, September 2013 Reviews

Newcastle United scout Ajax keeper who moonlights for PSV

The Daily Mail says Newcastle are looking at Jeroen Zoet. He plays for PSV in the Dutch Eredivisie. But the Daily Mail is uncertain, delivering the headline... More »

20th, September 2013 Reviews

Chelsea want to win Champins League, says newspaper expert

Pundit of the Day: the Daily Mail's tame former Arsenal, Everton and England player Martin Keown... More »

20th, September 2013 Reviews 2

Spurs: Erik Thorstvedt gets AVB's praise for bootlegging Garth Crooks' Beatles and a dead Elvis

Tonight, AVB, Garth Crooks is Pete Best... More »

20th, September 2013 Reviews

The Guardian cheered when tabloid journalists were arrested but now laments Leveson

The Guardian that saw nothing wrong with tabloid writers being arrested. When the Wooden Tops raided the Daily Star's offices and removed computers and notebooks, did the Guardian complain? No. Bu then the police knocked on its doors and took and destroyed things... More »

20th, September 2013 Reviews

Brilliant man invents the McEverything

Wonderful Nick Chapman forked out $140 at his local McDonald’s in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, to make the delicious artery collapsing 20,000 calorie uber-sandwich... More »

19th, September 2013 Reviews

Watch the $1 Million FAIL

Fail... More »

18th, September 2013 Sports

David Cameron apologises for not supplying British Lions with a flaming and naked John Bercow

Dave apologises... More »

18th, September 2013 Sports 1

Man denies sex with sheep by Spurs training ground

Gareth Bale is away... More »