
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

18th, September 2013 Technology

BBC News presenter can't tell the difference between an iPad or a stack of paper

Simon McCoy was doing his thing to camera, talking about ‘drunk tanks’ (not nearly as exciting as they sound) when he accidentally picked up a stack of A4 paper instead of his tablet... More »

18th, September 2013 Celebrities

Nina Davuluri photos: Dusky Miss America less able to end wars and hunger than blonde beauty queen, say experts

She's the first ever Indian American crowned Miss America. This means that to the enlightened mob on Twitter she's a a terrorist Muslim... More »

18th, September 2013 Celebrities 1

Tabloid rules: How to starve with Jude Law but not Justin Bieber or the Manchester United and Arsenal squads

Curtis wants to talk about stars, like Matt Smith, Jude Law and Damien Hirst. But he needs to find a way to work the celeb beat. So. He talks about diets as well... More »

18th, September 2013 Reviews

The celeb hunter: does CPS prosecutor Nazir Afzal target the famous?

Compare and contrast... More »

18th, September 2013 Sports

Manchester United: Moyes reveals new-feel team with same old faces

Why didn't United spend bigger? More »

18th, September 2013 Celebrities

Rich kid Jaden Smith thinks school is for losers like Malala Yousufzai

Smith thinks that the world would be a much better place if everyone dropped out of school. Of course, he might be a bit young... and rich... and mental, for saying something so bold... More »

18th, September 2013 Sports

Chelsea: Mourinho compares his players to eggs - some good, some news, some rotten

The Chelsea manager has been taking about eggs ahead of the Blues Champions' League match against FC Basel... More »

18th, September 2013 Key Posts

Why Aaron Alexis did it: Islam, Noodles, Call of Duty and every other reason on one page

Want to know why he did it? More »

18th, September 2013 Technology

Face of the day: iphone 5s fan Gad Harari sets up camp on the Regent Street iQ

The iQ... More »

18th, September 2013 TV & Radio

Penguin designs bride's wedding dress

What cold go wrong..? More »

18th, September 2013 Sports

Manchester United: Cheryl Cole and Adele can't save fat Wayne Rooney from the Sun's trolls

Wayne Rooney has now scored 200 goals for Manchester United. Stella stuff from the best English footballer. So. How does the Sun report on that news?... More »

18th, September 2013 Politicians

Full-kit wa*ker Jeremy Browne avoids Google cameras by wearing full veil in public

Browne MP, minister for crime prevention at the Home Office, has been captured by Google Street View walking along a street in Paddington. He calls it "unnerving"... More »

17th, September 2013 Technology

Man mugged in Colindale for Grand Theft Auto V an hour after it was launched

And they're off... More »

17th, September 2013 Music

Now That's What I Call Brutality: the songs used to torture prisoners

What music would drive you mad? We've trawled the archives to bring you the list of songs used by torturers to make their victims squirm... More »

17th, September 2013 Music

Woman forced to listen to The Eagles turns into knife wielding nut

We turn to the news that 54-year-old North Charleston woman Vernett Bader, allegedly, was “wielding a knife in an assault on her roommate after he refused to stop listening to rock music by the Eagles on Monday night”... More »

17th, September 2013 Reviews

The abortion-fearing gay-hating Gastonguay family are making one more bid to drown in Kiribati

With their two young children (newborn Rabah and Ardith, 3) and his father, the family left Arizona. They would aim for Kiribati, a place free of abortion, homosexuality and "the state-controlled church"... More »

17th, September 2013 Film

The 22 Rules of Pixar Storytelling

These were guidelines that she learned from her more senior colleagues on how to create appealing stories... More »

17th, September 2013 In Pictures 1

Terrible Estate Agent Photos: the world's worst ever pictures used to sell houses

These pictures were all taken by estate agents with the aim of securing a sale. They are bad enough to be hilarious... More »

17th, September 2013 Reviews

From the annals of drug addled stupidity we present Melissa Kite

Kite has managed to pen one of the most ridiculous columns ever about drug legalisation.... More »

17th, September 2013 Sports 1

Jamie Redknapp: Chelsea's David Luiz not good enough for Stoke but great for Real Madrid, Barcelona and Bayern Munich

Redknapp is the Daily Mail's worst football pundit... More »

17th, September 2013 Sports

Chelsea and Manchester United have lost a true pal in referee Mark Halsey

Given that refs are routinely called biased and some countries have had issues with officials being bribed, Halsey comes across as bit of a berk... More »

17th, September 2013 Sports

The Sun says Premier League offered referee Mark Halsey hush money: newspaper did not hack his phone

Oh, the irony... More »

17th, September 2013 Celebrities 3

Pie and Mash saved the world: the stars who love the traditional cockney staple

Pie and Mash, the traditional cockney staple, is under threat. An ageing fan base, coupled with a shortage of eels, has accelerated the decline of the traditional eel and pie shop... More »

17th, September 2013 Strange But True

Beaver anal secretions taste just like vanilla

Fears over a poor vanilla crop has been salved. The Swedish National Food Agency (Livsmedelsverket) says the anal secretions from the beaver, in the form of castoreum, tastes just like vanilla... More »

17th, September 2013 Key Posts 3

Nigeria's greatest living scientist uses magnets, pi and lions to prove that gay marriage is wrong

I WAS the first to publish report about the 2006 total solar eclipse in the newspaper in Nigeria when I was writing for the defunct New Age newspaper," says University of Lagos post graduate student, Chibuihem Amalaha. And then he showed us his experiments... More »