
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

10th, September 2013 Celebrities 1

Susan Boyle's Christmas LP to feature Elvis' ghost

Boyle has landed a plumb duet with the ghost of Elvis Presley... More »

10th, September 2013 Money

Why do men still have to pay for dates?

There really are some handwringing feminists who need to get out a bit more... More »

10th, September 2013 Strange But True

Ramblers trapped between two bulls in Cornwall (video)

Jennifer O'Malley and Dave Alden were rambling when a bull spotted them. It charged. They climbed a stile to escape. But on the other side stood an second bull... More »

10th, September 2013 Strange But True

Builders try on massive lingerie haul found on site

"I don't know much about women's underwear but it's pretty flash. It looks expensive, doesn't it? I tried some on and found it quite comfy..." More »

10th, September 2013 Strange But True

Superman 'reflected' attacker's cowboy boot into Wonder Woman's face - TV report of the year

"She actually hits Wonder Woman again with the boot. I reflected it and it just kind of ricocheted off my arm and hit her in the face..." More »

10th, September 2013 Sports

Daily Mirror continues its drive to undermine Roy Hodgson's England

Get behind your team - and stab your blades at will... More »

10th, September 2013 Sports 2

West Ham United's Andy Carroll has a mental issue with his heel

Carroll adds to West Ham United's £15m summer signing is injured. He could be out of action for four months. What says the Sun..? More »

9th, September 2013 Strange But True

Monkey rips off and eats baby's testicles

The baby's mother was changing her child's nappy when the monkey struck.... More »

9th, September 2013 Flashback

1933: How the yo-yo triggered war in Syria

Tempertaure goes up; temperature goes down.... More »

9th, September 2013 Reviews

Jamaica moves to legalise 'Blue Montain' ganga for export

The criminalisation of citizens who prefer marijuana to martinis has no basis in science. The short-term health effects of ganja are inconsequential compared to the long-term effects of criminal records... More »

9th, September 2013 Key Posts

Nitrous Oxide laugh in: Spurs and England's Kyle Walker is a victim of the Daily Mail's drugs misinformation policy

Spurs and England defender Kyle Walker has been pictured inhaling laughing gas from a balloon. The picture was taken last June. Is that bad? Yes. And no. Says the Daily Mail... More »

9th, September 2013 Sports

Behold! The Lionel Messi of Stevenage

Not to be confused with... More »

9th, September 2013 Money

Finding the Holy Grail in cutting emissions

The answer is that no, this isn't the Holy Grail of anything... More »

9th, September 2013 Money 1

And now for a really stupid investigation into a bank

Putting this in English terms it's like investigating a firm in the City for hiring Old Etonians. WTF? More »

9th, September 2013 In Pictures

11 great protest signs

More »

9th, September 2013 Flashback

1982: When Michael Fagan met the Queen in her bedroom and urinated on the corgi food

Fagan spent 10 minutes of 1982 talking to the Queen, who was in bed, after he climbed Buckingham Palace walls and up a drainpipe. It was the second time he'd broken into the Palace in a month... More »

9th, September 2013 Royal Family

Palace break in: did any police think to search Prince Andrew?

Confusion as to what really happened when a man was found in Buckingham Palace tourist trail after hours (the Mirror says he'd paid to be there; the Indy said he scaled 12 floors) was only made worse when two days later Prince Andrew was challenged by police... More »

9th, September 2013 Sports 2

Coventry City fans watch home matches on Jimmy's Hill in Northampton

City fans seem to have decided that it's best to watch their team from a safe distance with a restricted view... More »

9th, September 2013 The Consumer

Cool Ads: Wren Kitchens Advert

Cool Ad Watch: Wren Kitchens Advert - Which costs more?... More »

9th, September 2013 Celebrities

Pippa Middleton shows off her latest arse in fu**ing red trousers

Pippa's arse says look at my f***ing red trousers.... More »

9th, September 2013 The Consumer

Typo of the day: You’re Local Professionals in Dublin

Flyer of the day is presented via a letter box by Dublin property agents Lappin Estates... More »

9th, September 2013 Celebrities

How James Blunt prevented World War III - but not how you think

Blunt says he prevented World War III. How so? Were his song splayed on loop across the battlefields until everyone agreed to stop shooting? ... More »

9th, September 2013 Money

You've not lost 40% of the value of your house for a quick sale

Err, no, she's not lost 40% on the value of that home. She's unloaded something for the price she can get in a market. ... More »

9th, September 2013 Reviews

Police kill 107 year old man in Arkansas shoot out

Arkansas, where a police S.W.A.T. team have shot and killed - get this - a 107-year-old man... More »

9th, September 2013 Film

New RoboCop trailer released - start wetting yourself with excitement, now!

Joel Kinnaman replaces Peter Weller as Murphy, who goes from Injured Cop to Super Cool Robot Cop.... More »