
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

5th, September 2013 Strange But True

Jailed man smuggled loaded gun up his rectum

Derringer... Shoots out your bum like a bullet from a gun... More »

5th, September 2013 Sports

Jose Mourinho turns down Chelsea to sign for Fulham

Can it be that the Chelsea bosses has quit the Blues for their local rivals?... More »

5th, September 2013 The Consumer

Tesco tried to implicate 'the whole food industry' in its horse meat scandal

More »

5th, September 2013 TV & Radio

Australian newsreader: "Tonight, I'm going to sound like a drunk..."

WIN News Canberra anchor Kerryn Johnson accidentally began the broadcast by saying: "Good evening. Tonight I'm going to sound like a drunk.".. More »

5th, September 2013 Reviews 2

Syria: Obama provokes the war his America, France and Britain escalated

So. The UK is not in favour of war in Syria. We won't meddle. Sure, in 2011 Foreign Secretary William Hague said Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was "losing legitimacy"... More »

5th, September 2013 Reviews

Syria: Turning al-Assad into Hitler

The process to turn Assad into Hitler is well underway... More »

5th, September 2013 Sports

Liverpool: Kolo Touré fans gets 'Kolo Touro' tattoo

Can an O be turned into an accented E? ... More »

5th, September 2013 Money

Why Mo Farah lost: the cost of banking regulation

There really are costs of regulation of an industry you know... More »

4th, September 2013 Celebrities 1

Robin Thicke to Lana Scolaro: 'I just love the fact that you’re so young'

This might be the worst chat-up line ver... More »

4th, September 2013 The Consumer

Jii: the most insane advert for a USB lighter ever

Ciggies are bad for you. But a Jii Lighter is a necessity, especially if you want to learn the alphabet - O P Q R S T USB! More »

4th, September 2013 Celebrities

David Walliams hates it when people 'come out'

"I hate it when people 'confess' or 'reveal' their sexuality, and also things can change for people over the years..." More »

4th, September 2013 Reviews

Walkie Talkie skyscraper at 20 Fenchurch Street melts lemons, plastic Jaguar cars and faces (photos)

And then it got worse... More »

4th, September 2013 Sports 2

Manchester United: Wayne Rooney shows off his nasty gash

United's Mr Loyal Wayne Rooney wants to show the world the awful cut he suffered in training last week. .. More »

4th, September 2013 Money

They're still wrong about Global Footprint Day

There's a couple of problems with this calculation. The first being that they're very dodgy indeed about the figures they use... More »

4th, September 2013 The Consumer 7

Weirdos vote egg mayo as Britain's best sandwich

These people are like those sickos who choose ready salted over better crisps... More »

4th, September 2013 Reviews

Long-haired country boys below the Mason-Dixon support legalised weed

More critically, the South is one of the country’s premier pot growing grounds, with Kentucky and Tennessee surpassing northern California in marijuana tonnage each harvest... More »

4th, September 2013 Money

Politicians are just too damn cheap to bribe, hire and lobby

So, there's one of these nutty green things that petrol refineries have to do over there, to blend ethanol into the petrol.... More »

4th, September 2013 Strange But True

Brother's room turned 90 degrees in excellent prank

Dutch filmmaker Tobias Mathijsen previously made a viral video last year when he turned his brother's room into a little girl's room, complete with lovely pink walls and posters of Justin Bieber to drool over... More »

4th, September 2013 Politicians

Australia's Sarah Palin steps down after saying 'Islam' is a country

While discussing her views on immigration, not only did she think Islam was a country, but she also confused the Arabic term 'haram' (which means 'forbidden') with the Qur'an and proudly stated that Jews followed Jesus... More »

4th, September 2013 Celebrities

Chris Fountain sacked by Corrie after this 'rape rap'

Now, it is safe to assume Chris Fountain isn't trying to promote rape, going to indulge in rape or likes anything about rapes... however... More »

4th, September 2013 TV & Radio

Newsreader interrupted live on-air by her own child

Lena Alwash's live broadcast on Morocco's Medi 1 TV channel is interrupted when her daughter randomly appears behind her to hand her a mobile... More »

4th, September 2013 Celebrities

50 Cents mocks domestic abuse charges

Fiddy was charged with one count of misdemeanor domestic violence and four counts of misdemeanor vandalism, but he couldn't give a toot, mocking the whole thing on Twitter and Instagram... More »

4th, September 2013 Technology

Why Zuckerberg wants everyone to have the Internet as a 'human right'

In a post on his personal Facebook account, Zuck asked: "Is connectivity a human right?"... No, it isn't. More »

4th, September 2013 Strange But True

Snail grows in toddler's knee - we're all going to die

The family has kept and named the snail, Turbo... More »

4th, September 2013 Money

Economists are better at prediction than the weathermen

We've the economists trying to predict the economy, the weathermen the weather... More »