
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

4th, September 2013 Reviews 1

How convenient: Cleveland child rapist and kidnapper Ariel Castro ‘found dead in cell’

Castro was not deemed to have been a suicide risk... More »

4th, September 2013 Reviews

Syria: Obama leaves 'unreliable' British out in the Maldives

How is that Special Relationship getting along?.. More »

4th, September 2013 Flashback

First World War: the Short Form of Wills go online

The archive of hand-written wills of 230,000 soldiers can be accessed .. More »

4th, September 2013 Strange But True 1

This kitten with one huge eye died (photos)

Cat of the day... More »

4th, September 2013 Flashback

Terrible Tunes: Mickey Katz's K'nish Doctor

Katz's other tunes include: Borscht Riders in the Sky, Old Black Smidgick, She'll Be Coming 'Round the Katzkills, Barber of Schlemiel, and That Pickle in the Window (How Much Is)... More »

4th, September 2013 Money

MP Mary McLeod entirely misunderstands the gender pay gap shocker!

Now there is indeed a gender pay gap. But it isn't because the capitalist bosses are directly discriminating against women... More »

4th, September 2013 Sports

Watch Atletico player telling team-mate where to 'do' injured Messi

Great footballers get kicked around. That's always been the case. Look at the savage treatment doled out to Pele in the '66 World Cup, kicked out of the competition entirely... More »

4th, September 2013 Money

You can't have safer banks and more spending at the same time

For a bank assets are the amount of money that they have lent out. So, if you want safer banks you need to have a higher ratio of capital to assets. Or, for any given level of capital, you can make fewer loans... More »

4th, September 2013 Sports 1

Is Chris Froome better than Bradley Wiggins?

However, the relationship between the two isn't exactly great with the pair trading blows in a sport that brings out incredible levels of shark-eyed one upmanship... More »

4th, September 2013 Celebrities 1

John Cleese attacks the bad press while talking to the good press

Discussing how Twitter and other types of social media had lessened his need to co-operate with newspapers to publicise his work, he suddenly went off on one about the British press... More »

4th, September 2013 Books

Sex sells! seriously, who knew?

One of the less surprising findings from Forbes magazine this year is that the top earning author in the world is EL James. You know, Shades of Grey stuff... More »

4th, September 2013 Money

This'll annoy The Greenies: India needs supermarkets

It's a general theme here in the UK that supermarkets just ruin everything. You know the drill... More »

4th, September 2013 Money

Why Vodafone won't pay any tax on the Verizon sale

There's a number of reasons for this too: but basically it's because the law says that Vodafone don't have to pay any tax on this.... More »

4th, September 2013 Books

Leads cast in Fifty Shades Of Grey... so start imagining them naked now

For those who must know, the British Charlie Hunnam and US actress Dakota Johnson will be taking their clothes off and talking to each other with clunky euphemisms... More »

4th, September 2013 Sports 9

Bitter at Ozil's move to Arsenal Spurs fans start petition because Real Madrid gave them loads of money

In a not at all mental way, Tottenham Hotspur fans have launched one of those thoroughly useful petitions, calling for their club to end its "strategic partnership" with Real Madrid CF... More »

3rd, September 2013 Sports 5

Talking balls: Olivier Giroud is Arsenal's brilliant culprit and Ozil thrashes Spurs on twitter

Anorak's been scouting round to see which football experts in the media are now telling us that they knew what was what all along? We spot the Mirror's John Cross,... More »

3rd, September 2013 Sports 1

Vinnie Jones: English-born Wales footballer and celebrity emigrant living in LA says England has too many foreigners

Ruddy foreigner complains about ruddy foreigners... More »

3rd, September 2013 Celebrities 2

Would you like to see John Lennon cloned back to life from a manky tooth?

Thanks to a preserved rotten tooth, a Canadian dentist wants to bring back the late John Lennon back via the scientific miracle of cloning... More »

3rd, September 2013 Money

Microsoft buys out Nokia's handset business: market freezes

So. Microsoft has taken the plunge and bought out Nokia's handset business. They didn't pay that much for it, under £5 billion all in.. More »

3rd, September 2013 Sports

Transfer Balls: Which man won big when Spurs sold Bale to Real Madrid? This one...

Golden balls... More »

3rd, September 2013 Key Posts

The Talking Balls Awards: Anorak awards the best and worst of the mad transfer season

The Transfer Season was a reporting frenzy. Experts in the media made guess after guess. And time after time they got it wrong. In light of their sterling work in fulling space with speculation we present the Transfer Season awards... More »

3rd, September 2013 Key Posts 2

Mother persuaded to let her 4-year-old finish her drawings reveals the great results

Mica Angela Hendricks shared her new sketchbook with her 4-year-old daughter. She didn't want to.. More »

3rd, September 2013 Strange But True

RNLI ends dog's Humber swim record attempt

Blyth RNLI claim to have rescued a dog swimming out to sea. Anorak has long suspected that theses rescues are unwanted. The animal could have been on a charity swim... More »

3rd, September 2013 Strange But True

Police seek female thief who wore fake moustache to steal perfume in Salisbury

Blending in in Wiltshire.... More »

3rd, September 2013 Reviews

Swan arrested as spy in Egypt

An unnamed man is said to have become suspicious of the necky bird when he noticed that it was wearing an odd electronic device... More »