
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

2nd, September 2013 Sports

Transfer balls: Ozil made contact with Manchester United as he signed for Arsenal over breakfast

Transfer Balls: German international midfielder Mesut Ozil, 24, has joined Arsenal on a five-year contract. Arsenal bought the top German player for £42.4m... More »

2nd, September 2013 Sports 2

Transfer Balls: Arsenal's Giroud worth £109m and Ozil cost nothing

How hard is it to be the Mirror's football expert? More »

2nd, September 2013 TV & Radio

Boy celebrates his new toy 'boner'

Boning up on toys... More »

2nd, September 2013 Reviews 1

Kyron Horman: new search finds nothing but more libel against Terri Horman

Are there no libel laws in the USA? More »

2nd, September 2013 Sports 3

Manchester United fans start 'Moyes Out' campaign

There's something about Moyes that says, if he was a normal bloke who won the lottery, he'd still do his shopping at Lidl and would carry on working at the cardboard box factory... More »

2nd, September 2013 Reviews

Completely mental and brilliant freshman delivers epic welcome speech!

Imagine, if you will, the welcome speech at a British university. Some dour face mumbling something about opportunity and hard work while blithering on about past students and how much lottery funding they got for the media department... More »

2nd, September 2013 Sports

Banning homophobic chanting is the latest attempt to make watching football an indecent joyless experience

The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) have issued guidelines warning fans that they would pursue a "robust prosecution policy" against homophobic chanting... More »

2nd, September 2013 Sports

Gareth Bale copyrights the two fingers he gave Spurs - photo

He always wanted to be a Madrid player... More »

2nd, September 2013 Flashback

In 1979 the British Cycling Bureau delivered these 'Bikes of the future'

One day all the cool kids will be riding these... More »

2nd, September 2013 Strange But True

Is this the worst wedding proposal ever?

Fancy it, much..? More »

2nd, September 2013 Flashback

The Peel P50 car was made for pulling

My other car's a can of tuna... More »

2nd, September 2013 Royal Family

Faces of the day: The Princess Diana fans

More »

2nd, September 2013 Sports

Transfer Balls: Mesut Ozil wants to join Manchester United but Arsenal get him

What are Arsenal up to? Well, news is that they are and are not buying Real Madrid's stella German Mesut Ozil. Today's reports... More »

2nd, September 2013 In Pictures

Bristol International Kite Festival - photos

More »

2nd, September 2013 Money 2

What the Co Op bank tells us about the financial crash

That financial crash we all know was caused by a lethal combination of several things... More »

2nd, September 2013 Celebrities

Don't know what Twerking is? Let Morgan Freeman explain...

And so, to clear things up, Morgan Freeman is going to explain what twerking is in a new video. And then, we'll give you an instructional video... More »

2nd, September 2013 Celebrities

Surprisingly, Catherine Zeta Jones splits up with the elderly Michael Douglas

With huge surprise, it turns out that they are taking a break from their marriage... More »

2nd, September 2013 Money 2

Fast food workers protest is the most stupid strike in history

The complaint is that she can't live on the money she earns in a part time job? So therefore she's going to go on strike? You can't make these things up can you?... More »

2nd, September 2013 Sports

Transfer Balls: Gareth Bale leaves Spurs for world-record fee less than Real Madrid paid Manchester United for Ronaldo

More facts... More »

1st, September 2013 Celebrities

David Frost - a life in photos

Photos of a TV great.... More »

1st, September 2013 Sports

Transfer Balls: Arsenal buy £60m Julian Draxler for £15m, so they say

You want facts..? More »

1st, September 2013 Politicians 1

Syria: Al-Thawra newspaper nails Obama's 'historic American retreat'

Oh dear... More »

1st, September 2013 Reviews

Police 'interpret' bloody human head sent to Kenyan police commissioner as death threat

Detective news of the week... More »

1st, September 2013 Sports

Transfer Balls: Wesley Sneijder becomes Arsenal’s 35th summer signing

Only 35 players so far... More »

1st, September 2013 Strange But True

Man drinks corpse toe and gets $500 fine to boot

People complain when they find a fly in their soup. Imagine for a minute, if you ordered a drink at a bar and there was a cadaver's toe in it... More »