
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

1st, September 2013 Reviews 3

'We’re bombing Syria because Syria is bombing Syria' and other views on vain Western intervention

So. The UK is not going to bomb Syria. Yet. Assad can wait a while longer to be pictured in his underpants and hanged... More »

1st, September 2013 Sports

Transfer Balls: Jefferson Montero becomes Arsenal's 34th summer signing

More balls... More »

1st, September 2013 Sports

Transfer Balls: Arsenal buy Julian Draxler for £26m plus Podolski, £38.4m and £60m

More facts in your trusty media... More »

1st, September 2013 Sports

Transfer Balls: Manchester United pay £2m over the odds for Everton's Marouane Fellaini

Such are the facts... More »

31st, August 2013 Sports

Transfer balls: Javier Mascherano named as the 33rd player Arsenal are definitely buying

Who next? More »

31st, August 2013 Key Posts

When sport gets dirty: the sports stars who urinated on the pitch

So here, to put the ‘Slashes’ furore into context, are some of the more famous examples from the world of sport… More »

31st, August 2013 The Consumer

En Puntas: Ballerina dances on sharp kitchen knives atop a piano

F sharp... More »

31st, August 2013 Sports

Transfer balls: the 38 players Arsenal were going to buy this summer (and didn't)

Time to look at what players the Press have told us Arsenal are going to buy this summer. With the transfer windows closing, this is the list in full... More »

31st, August 2013 Sports

Jose Mourinho names himself 11 times in Chelsea's first team that beat Bayern Munich (morally)

THE journalist asks Chelsea manager Joe Mourinho before his team took on Bayern Munich in the Super Cup: "You have played Guardiola's teams 15 times and only won three times. Why is it so difficult to beat his teams?"... More »

30th, August 2013 Sports

Transfer Balls: Willian loves Liverpool, loves Chelsea and only used Spurs for the free medical

You can'y buy that kind of loyalty.... More »

30th, August 2013 Celebrities

Seamus Heaney: Metro newspaper protrays poet laureat as the crazy Irishman

To be sure... More »

30th, August 2013 Flashback

What's your formula for happiness, Friedrich Nietzsche?

The answer is... More »

30th, August 2013 Reviews 3

Princess Diana murdered by a mentally ill SAS fantasist

More »

30th, August 2013 Sports

Transfer Balls: Newcastle United's Yohan Cabaye strikes a blow for Arsenal

When is a strike not a strike? More »

30th, August 2013 Politicians 1

Syria fail: Defence Minister Philip Hammond wants to end chemical attacks from Saddam Hussein

Well, they do all look alike... More »

30th, August 2013 Technology

New ankle tag device lets stressed parents watch their children breathing and not breathing

You need help. Seriously... More »

30th, August 2013 Sports 1

Transfer Balls: Arsenal's next manager says Spurs Bale isn't up to much

Tony Adams has been busy... More »

30th, August 2013 Reviews

Transfer balls: Arsenal set to buy almost half Real Madrid team

Anyone they miss? More »

30th, August 2013 Celebrities

Rolf Harris: newspaper front pages portray the many faces of the TV star

What picture do you choose to illustrate the news that Rolf Harris OBE CBE MBE, 83, has been charged with nine counts of indecent assault and four of making indecent images of children?... More »

30th, August 2013 Flashback

In 1977 JG Ballard predicted the dawn of social media in Vogue in 1977

The birth of electronic wallpaper... More »

29th, August 2013 Celebrities 2

Rolf Harris sings about touching himself

Can you see what it is yet... More »

29th, August 2013 Flashback

Presenting the Losers: Eastern Airlines 1970s advert for pretty, vacant and sexually available airline stewardesses

Sexism in the 70s... More »

29th, August 2013 Sports

Transfer Balls: Arsenal lose Di Maria, find Guilavogui and wonder what Chelsea's Mata wants

Balls, more balls and damned balls... More »

29th, August 2013 Politicians 2

Why Marriage? Republican Senator says gays create poverty and violence

“If we wanted to purposefully establish a culture of poverty and violence we would work to arrange for most children to be born to single teenage mothers with little or no family support. — Oh wait, that is exactly what we have done."... More »

29th, August 2013 Celebrities

Sir Patrick Stewart teaches his girlfriend how to act surprised

Take 4... More »