
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

14th, August 2013 Money

Maths offers absolute proof that Zombies don't exist

The same mathematical technique has been used in the past to show that vampires cannot exist as well. More »

14th, August 2013 Money

Neoliberal globalisation is making those exploited foreigners richer than us

Fifty years ago the great worry was, well, how do we make the poor rich? And we've found the answer too... More »

14th, August 2013 Film

Worinelve! The latest instalment of Wolverine, apparently...

Does anyone fancy going to the cinema to watch Human Ghjac in the latest blockbuster, Worinelve?.. More »

14th, August 2013 Reviews

Transfer Balls: West Bromwich Albion hire the Arsenal and Spurs traget who never was

West Bromwich Albion have recruited Czech international Matej Vydra from Udinese. What did his agent, Ondrej Chovanec, to say on the move?.. More »

14th, August 2013 Reviews

Fox News attack Muslim author on Jesus for not being Christian enough - audience agrees

One does not expect much from Fox News at the best of times; but a recent interview with Reza Aslan has – deservedly – come under particular mockery for the interviewer’s ignorance and bad faith... More »

14th, August 2013 Gifs

Sloths are the best animals on the Internet - these Gifs prove it

Sloths rule... More »

14th, August 2013 Photojournalism 3

A day in the life of the KKK - in photos

Is that a Cross in your pants or are you just in the KKK? More »

14th, August 2013 Reviews 1

Eddie Shah says underage girls can be blamed for some rapes

Of course, one should point out that adults should avoid having sex with people if they're in doubt about someone's age because, y'know, a bit of resolve goes a long way... More »

14th, August 2013 Sports

Lionel Messi signs for English club

See, down at Farnborough FC, they've signed ‘Lionel Messi’, ‘Franz Beckenbauer’, ‘Paul Gascoigne’, ‘Pele’, ‘Diego Maradonna’ and ‘David Beckham’ amongst others, giving their manager a real selection headache... More »

14th, August 2013 Sports 6

Transfer Balls: Luis Suarez will be off to Arsenal in the January sales

Is Liverpool's Luis Suarez going to Arsenal?.. More »

13th, August 2013 Celebrities

Environmentalism summed up by Audi, Bianca Jagger and fracking in Balcombe

How environmentalism works... More »

13th, August 2013 Reviews 2

Russian State TV says gays have hearts that aren't fit for life

Russian top dog, Vladimir Putin, is waging some chilling war against homosexuals and people are 'going missing', being tortured and arrested for having the audacity to be born liking the same sex. More »

10th, August 2013 Royal Family

Prince George: Duchess Kate's former piano teacher creates a song from the baby's viewpoint

Prince Gore gets a theme tune... More »

10th, August 2013 Key Posts

Ten landmark innovations that shaped football

As Hawk-Eye is launched at the Emirates, bringing goal-line technology to the Barclays Premier League at last, we look back on ten landmark innovations that have shaped the game we know and love... More »

10th, August 2013 Reviews 2

Alexandra Hill’s murder: More collateral damage in America’s pathetic War on Drugs

Two-year-old Alexandra Hill is dead because the state of Texas in its infinite wisdom believes “violent foster parents prone to flinging toddlers about like rag dolls” are more suitable caretakers for children than “the child’s own loving parents, if one of those parents occasionally smokes the dreaded illicit marijuana.” More »

8th, August 2013 Music 1

Rappers love Jewish lawyers - black singers pay tribute to the legal tribe

So. You've got the beats. You've got the rhymes. You've got the money, What you now need is nice Yiddisher lawyer to look after you... More »

8th, August 2013 In Pictures

The Simpsons: A gallery of shows you might remember Troy McClure from

You Might Remember Me From... is a Tumblr collection of posters from Troy McClure's Film and Television Career... More »

8th, August 2013 Sports 1

Liverpool: Suarez's hand balls turned Manchester United's Evra into a history book hero

Eurosport has a question about Liverpool's loverly Luis Suarez: 'Do Arsenal really want a player with a rap sheet as long as Luis Suarez's? Let's take a look.'... More »

8th, August 2013 Celebrities 1

Matt Damon loves public schools enough to sends his children private

Matt Damon - compare and contrast... More »

8th, August 2013 Gifs

Wonderfully trippy Gifs from Paolo Čeric

We love gifs... More »

8th, August 2013 Strange But True

A bear walks into a bar... (video)

We've all the joke that starts with 'a horse walks into a bar...', but what about a bear? Well, this is no joke as, over in Colorado, CCTV cameras caught a bloody great beast wandering into a pub!... More »

8th, August 2013 Technology

Cameron supports tabloid Trolling: 'We need solid, reliable dial-up and ASCII only services'


8th, August 2013 Strange But True

Man comes up with fabulous excuse for being with a prostitute

You say tomato... More »

8th, August 2013 Reviews 1

Detroit becomes a national park of wonders: how education works in a failed city

In the city of Detroit, 47 percent of adults are functionally illiterate. Students in Detroit’s public school system have a higher chance of going to prison than they do of graduating high school.”.. More »

8th, August 2013 Reviews 3

Rehearsing to be shot in Egypt

Any clues..? More »