
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

24th, June 2013 Reviews 5

Julian Assange wants to keep Edward Snowden a secret

No little irony... More »

24th, June 2013 Money

Wonga puts its lending rate up to 5,853 per cent

Sounds appalling, eh?.. More »

24th, June 2013 Reviews

Interesting talks in London and Oxford - where to get free education

Free education... More »

24th, June 2013 Reviews

Spurs: Gareth Bale grabs the tissues and heads for the Tottenham departure gate

Transfer balls - a look at Tottenham Hotspur in the news: More »

24th, June 2013 Celebrities 1

Why the photographer never stepped in to stop Charles Saatchi hurting Nigella Lawson 'immensely'

Watching celebrities is a lot like being David Attenborough playing the voice of God on a BBC nature shows. He's there to see the wolf devour the fawn but never steps in to shoo the predator away or offer it a bun... More »

24th, June 2013 Key Posts

Incredible image of a baby born but still inside the amniotic sac

And that's how you came into the world.... More »

24th, June 2013 Money 2

All hail UKUncut as Starbucks pays some tax it doesn't owe

I guess we should call this a victory for UKUncut. Starbucks has just paid some tax... More »

24th, June 2013 Reviews

Bakery puts cat on student's head

When Laura Gambrel graduated from Indiana University last month, her beamingly proud mother - Carol - decided to order a nice well-done cake... More »

24th, June 2013 Sports

Arsenal buy £50m Gonzalo Higuain for £25.5m with a bid of just £22m

Transfer balls... More »

24th, June 2013 Reviews

Amazing moment as toddler hears for the first time

SHALL we all have a lovely moment? How about a really great video of a young boy called Grayson Clamp, and the exact moment he heard his father’s voice for the first time?... More »

24th, June 2013 Reviews 2

Girl Guides are now all Godless maniacs

There'll still be crafts and activities, however, God has been asked to leave the Girl Guides as they no longer have to swear allegiance to It. Now, Girl Guides will say: "I promise to be true to myself", like they're singing a mid-90s R&B ballad... More »

24th, June 2013 Reviews

Edward Snowden: hunting the source in Moscow (photos of the NSA whistleblower arriving in Russia)

When Edward Snowden landed in Moscow on a flight from Hong, the media was massed... More »

24th, June 2013 Reviews

What do you call an extreme and violent Buddhist like Burma's Ashin Wirathu - Buddhistists?

More lunacy in Burma. A racist lunatic monk called Ashin Wirathu - aka ”the Buddhist Bin Laden” - has been appealing to and for like-minded bigots... More »

24th, June 2013 Reviews

Man gets head stuck in Hemel Hempstead traffic island bollard (video)

Perhaps inspired by the man who got his head stuck in a bin in Aberdeen, a man in Hemel Hempstead got stuck in a street Bollard... More »

23rd, June 2013 Key Posts 1

In photos - creative dog grooming competition goes nuts

In Hershey, Pennsylvania, dog groomers have been showcasing their creations. Cats will laugh... More »

23rd, June 2013 Sports 6

Arsenal swoop for Marouane Fellaini, Gonzalo Higuain, Wayne Rooney and, er, Tony Adams?

Arsenal balls: A looks at the transfer of Marouane Fellaini, Gonzalo Higuain and Tony Adams?... More »

23rd, June 2013 Reviews

Edward Snowden escapes Hong Kong drone strike to spy on Ecuador's enlightened neighbours

Snowden the National Security Agency whistleblower, is heading to... Ecuador. That's where Julian Assange wants to go, should the WikiLeaks head man ever escape his asylum lounge in London's Ecaudorean embassy... More »

23rd, June 2013 Flashback

Posters from British wrestling's glorious heyday

Once upon a time, 4pm on Saturday afternoons meant wrestling on the telly... More »

23rd, June 2013 Reviews

Edward Snowden told the truth - James Clapper's the liar

“I do think that when history looks at this, they are going to contrast the behavior James Clapper, our national intelligence director, with Edward Snowden,” Paul told CNN’s Candy Crowley.... More »

23rd, June 2013 Sports

Malcolm Marshall: 'You know, I wanna dish out pain'

In his series on the "XI most intimidating bowlers" Allan Donald looks at the fearsome West Indian star who died in 1999... More »

23rd, June 2013 Reviews 2

Edward Snowden shuns Brazil and Turkey fo life in Mother Russia

The wanted man acts predictably... More »

23rd, June 2013 TV & Radio

Newsreader laughs through broadcasts on deadly riots in Brazil and dead kids in India

Dying of laughter... More »

23rd, June 2013 Reviews

Jeremy Forrest: What his victim wrote to the sleazy teacher's parents

Forrest, the teacher jailed for abducting and having sex with a 15-year-old pupil continues to make news... More »

23rd, June 2013 Key Posts

Walle wins World's Ugliest Dog title 2013 - photos

Walle took top spot at the 25th annual World's Ugliest Dog Contest at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma, Calif.... More »

23rd, June 2013 Reviews

Weed Man and Beer Man fight in Times Square Smack Down- who wins?

To Times Square, New York, for the bout of the year. It's the NYC Beggars Belief Smack Down (although Smack Man is away)... More »