
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

6th, June 2013 Politicians

Press pack abandon Australian MP Scott Morrison to chase a bigger beast

You know you're the proverbial dead donkey when you're Liberal Australian MP Scott Morrison... More »

6th, June 2013 Strange But True

Three pictures of a dog with a moustache

The dignified dog... More »

6th, June 2013 Fashion

French designer creates hipster statues

I see your shop window mannequin and raise you a marble God... More »

6th, June 2013 Reviews

Woolwich murder: idiot Michael Adebolajo should shut up and listen to Joe O'Connell

The more Michael Adebolajo talks the more we should realise what a deranged idiot he is... More »

5th, June 2013 Key Posts

Taksim Square, Turkey: the best slogans, graffiti and hats from the anti-Government protest

Turkey is rocking. People are challenging the ruling Islamist-leaning Justice and Development Party (AKP)... More »

5th, June 2013 Reviews

Muswell Hill Mosque: a conspiracy to defame the EDL and other theories presented as facts

When the Al-Rahma Islamic Centre in London's Muswell Hill was destroyed by fire the media went to work... More »

5th, June 2013 Celebrities

Paris Jackson is 15 and suicidal - so Jacksons put her front stage centre

Leave her alone... More »

5th, June 2013 Reviews

Are 'we all Hezbollah now' that they've attacked Syrian rebels?

Israel or Syria? More »

5th, June 2013 Key Posts

Emma West: Sun guns for mentally ill woman but is silent on its in-house 'nutters'

How did the Sun report on Emma West, the woman who became YouTube's Tram Lady on account of her racist rant on a New Addington public transport?... More »

5th, June 2013 Reviews

Phone Hacking: Rebekah Brooks in court, Paul Flattley in jail and Virginia Wheeler in need

The copper goes down... More »

5th, June 2013 Reviews

Croydon tram lady Emma West pleads guilty to racist behaviour - tweeters escape

West, 34, the New Addington Tram Lady whose racist rant was recorded and published on the internet has appeared at Croydon Crown Court... More »

5th, June 2013 Politicians

Hilarious and hypcritical highlights from Nick Clegg and James Caan's Opening Doors social mobility plan

This is almost as rich as them... More »

5th, June 2013 Celebrities 1

Cunnilingus did not cure Michael Douglas' cancer - doctor's prescription invalid

The 68-year-old actor's spokesman Allen Burry tells the world... More »

5th, June 2013 Celebrities

The massive Lionel Richie head Kickstarter is go

Live inside Lionel Richie's head... More »

5th, June 2013 Reviews

Should Church goers get free parking?

Churchgoers park for free on Sundays between 7am and 1pm in Woking, Surrey... More »

5th, June 2013 The Consumer

The creepiest TV adverts of all time

Would these make you buy into the product or service being sold..? More »

5th, June 2013 Reviews

The Homosexual Menace: how to spot a gay man and other 'fancy gentlemen'

The Fancy Gentleman ID kit... More »

5th, June 2013 Strange But True

Police officers arrested for impersonating a police officer

Robert Duggan, a policeman from Upland, Pennsylvania, has been arrested and charged with impersonating a police officer... More »

5th, June 2013 Key Posts

Face tattoos - the big collection of regretful ink

So. You saw someone with a face tattoo and thought they looked great... More »

5th, June 2013 Reviews

Adolf Hitler's dad dresses as a Nazi for court date

Mr Campbell, father to Adolf Hitler Campbell, 7, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, 6, and Honzlynn Jeannie Campbell, 5, was seeking the right to see his 18-month-old Heinrich Hons Campbell, who was taken from him after his birth in November 2011.. More »

4th, June 2013 Strange But True

Cat caught smuggling mobile phones to Russian prison

More »

4th, June 2013 Celebrities

Tulisa drugs arrest: What did the Fake Sheikh say to win singer's trust?

The Celebrity Police Force, tired of nicking alleged aged paedos and perverts, have arrested former X Factor judge Tulisa Contostavlos on suspicion of supplying class A drugs... More »

4th, June 2013 Flashback

31 photos of America in colour from 1939-1943

Americans were desperately poor... More »

4th, June 2013 TV & Radio

The Internet Animal Orchestra

No Beatles or Eagles... More »

4th, June 2013 Money

So this has been Amazon's plan all along, eh? France gets it wrong, as ever

France’s culture minister has attacked Amazon, the online retailer, for deliberately undercutting traditional rivals to create a “quasi-monopoly”, in the latest assault by the socialist government on internet companies... More »