
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

24th, May 2013 Sports

Radamel Falcao: Atletico striker signs for Manchester City but will play Chelsea

Falcao Watch: Is the coveted Atletico Madrid striker on his way to the Premier League?... More »

24th, May 2013 Money 1

Structural change not shopping is killing the High Street

This is an interesting little piece of news from Marks and Spencer... More »

24th, May 2013 Money

African coins find does not mean we have to rewrite the history of Australia

The Mail's got itself all in a tither about a find of African money off the coast of Australia... More »

24th, May 2013 Reviews

Builder survive 15 tonne building collapse (video)

When a building collapses on you, you'll probably think you're a dead-man. Well, Jake Weir thought just that as he was demolishing one and it fell on him. All 15 tonnes of it... More »

24th, May 2013 Reviews

Lancashire duo killed and roasted lamb in field, a la Bear Grylls

We're all entertained when Bear Grylls pops up on the telly to climb inside a hollowed out camel or eats raw zebra. But when men picked up a lamb and killed it with a hammer and roasted it, we're sending them to court... More »

24th, May 2013 Reviews

Mother gets young son arrested for stealing her Pop-Tarts

The news report is entertaining. One highlight is that neighbours were "stunned beyond words" - mainly because they were laughing... More »

24th, May 2013 Celebrities

Mad cow Cara Jocelyn Delevingne gets a 'CJD' tattoo

Top model Cara Jocelyn Delevingne saw fit to show off her new tattoo... More »

24th, May 2013 Celebrities

Kim Kardashian names her 'gates' Bambi and Thumper (in yer face Stu Francis)

“Kanye West’s Lamborghini Trapped In Kim Kardashian’s Electric Gates”... More »

23rd, May 2013 Strange But True 1

Shops owner 'showers' people taking a pee against his shop wall

If you go to Allentown, Pennsylvania, care where you take a wazz... More »

23rd, May 2013 Reviews

Woolwich: We're mad to elevate Lee Rigby's insane murderers to the rank of rational soldiers

David Cameron reacted to these murderous madmen by convening a meeting of COBRA in the Cabinet Office Briefing Rooms. This was just two psychos seeking fame and purpose. It wasn't war... More »

23rd, May 2013 Reviews

Sponsored content is really making big websites swing

Sponsors rule!... More »

23rd, May 2013 Reviews 1

Lee Rigby RIP: a British Muslim's message to Michael Adebolajo and all the Far-Right and Far-Left nutters

The soldier murdered in Woolwich was Cornwall-born Lee Rigby of the 2nd Battalion, the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers... More »

23rd, May 2013 Celebrities

Crap Paps: unusual photos of famous faces

There is a thrill in spotting a famous face. Some people will play it cool when the hearing excited murmurs that a famous face is close by but most - and I am one - will want to see the star... More »

23rd, May 2013 Reviews

Woolwich murder fact: the EDL is not the EDF


23rd, May 2013 Key Posts 2

10 famous people and good causes Spurs' Gareth Bale can sue when he owns the love heart hand gesture

Because it's ll about the brand... More »

23rd, May 2013 Technology

Gif inventor and inventor of letter 'g' in pedantic row

Have you ever jiffawed at a jif? The inventor of the Gif says the thing should be pronounced Jif... More »

23rd, May 2013 Technology

Scooter rider has four accidents in a minute - video

In this video, the hapless scooter boy suffers three accidents in a very short space of time... More »

23rd, May 2013 In Pictures

Latte coffees coming alive - 11 photos

HELP! My latte is trying to escape... More »

23rd, May 2013 Reviews 1

Woolwich: EDL attack police in a cock-eyed fight against religious barbarism

"Around 40 members of the far-right organisation the English Defence League have run towards police in Woolwich following today's attack in the area..." More »

23rd, May 2013 Politicians 6

George Galloway says 'we' are just like the barbaric Woolwich murderers

The murder in Woolwich has all the hallmarks of a religiously motivated attack... More »

22nd, May 2013 Reviews 1

Woolwich terrorists: Ingrid Loyau-Kennett kept a cool head amid the madness

On twitter, Mrs Loyau-Kennet's son Basil, tweeted a tribute to his "motherfu*king badass John McClane mother".... More »

22nd, May 2013 Key Posts 1

Woolwich murderer was 'arrested on his way to join al-Shabaab in Somalia': the front pages

So. What was it about? Islam? Muslims? Mental illness? Psychos? War? More »

22nd, May 2013 Key Posts

Happy-slapping terrorism in Woolwich - bloody lunatics murder man in cold blood for kicks

Bloody hell! Psychos... More »

22nd, May 2013 Celebrities

Demi Moore's man can hold his breath and has a pearl in his dick

Her new lover is called Will Hanigan. And, yes, he is, as his name suggests, all about his penis, which in keeping with his job as a pearl diver features a single pearl embedded in the shaft... More »

22nd, May 2013 Key Posts 1

A history of England's football kits: from Umbro through Admiral to Nike

England's new strip – the first from Nike – ends half a century of involvement with Umbro, the Manchester-based sports manufacturer whose name is synonymous with the Three Lions... More »