
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

11th, May 2013 Reviews

How to conceal the smell of cannabis

How do you cover up the smell of cannabis? The residents of a former estate agency on Edinburgh’s Leith Walk disguised the stink of their marijuana crop of 60 plants by painting the shop's exterior every day... More »

11th, May 2013 Strange But True 1

London's Muriel Street become Leirum Street in Islington Council's back-to-front thinking

Muriel Street has been wiped from the map. In its place is Leirum Street. That's Muriel spelt backwards... More »

11th, May 2013 Celebrities

In photos: the stars' hilarious punk outfits at the Costume Institute Benefit Gala at the Metropolitan Museum

To the Costume Institute Benefit Gala at the Metropolitan Museum - New York. The theme was Punk: Chaos to Couture. Whoah! Punk, you say... More »

11th, May 2013 Celebrities

The Fashion Police are real: Atlanta force slam Reese Witherspoon's hat

Does the hat spell more trouble for the Hollywood star?... More »

10th, May 2013 TV & Radio

Bouncers get refused entry (video)

Wrong trainers... More »

10th, May 2013 Reviews 1

Student owns teacher: Jeff Bliss is right

He's right... More »

10th, May 2013 Celebrities

Ryan Gosling won't eat his cereal (in 8 Gifs)

Eat it. Just eat it, Ryan... More »

10th, May 2013 Sports

Couple break-up on jumbo screen 'kiss cam'

Fans at the Fresno Grizzlies baseball team got more than they bargained for when the kiss cam did the rounds at their stadium... More »

10th, May 2013 Reviews 1

78,000 apply to live and die on Mars, because they hate Earth, clearly

The openings come from a new reality TV series from Dutch non-profit organisation Mars One... More »

10th, May 2013 Reviews

Bangladesh cheap clothing factories: 8 die in fire - survivor pulled from Rana Savar debris 17 days building collapsed killing 1,000

More grim news from Bangladesh... More »

10th, May 2013 Flashback 1

Women being sad and pathetic in 1950s comic books

Women. There was just one hope... More »

10th, May 2013 Reviews

Nominative determinism: Mr And Mrs Speed jailed for dealing amphetamines

Fate and destiny... More »

10th, May 2013 Strange But True

Smoker assaulted cop to kick her habit

Etta Lopez, 31, assaulted a Sacramento police officer as part of her steps to stop smoking... More »

10th, May 2013 Celebrities

How to get laid like Stefan Dennis and Bill Roache

OK!: "Stefan, you hit the charts with Don't It Make You Feel Good in 1989. What was that like?"... More »

10th, May 2013 Celebrities

Pete Doherty and Macaulay Culkin are down and out of it in Paris

Pop f*ckwit Pete Doherty and "troubled" Home Alone star Macaulay Caulkin are cohabiting in Paris... More »

10th, May 2013 Strange But True 3

X-ray of woman's face after husband harpooned her mouth

Fishy... More »

9th, May 2013 Reviews

Marijuana Man runs out of weed (video)

Oh sheesh! More »

9th, May 2013 Strange But True

Bear eats monkey at end of bear v monkey bicycle race (video)

To China... More »

9th, May 2013 Strange But True

Car hit by flying toilet

You have to feel for the poor sod who was driving around, only to find that their wheels were hit by a flying toilet. More »

9th, May 2013 Reviews 1

How Ariel Castro tortured Amanda Berry, Michele Knight and Gina DeJesus

The eyes belonged to Knight, who fled the room and leapt into the arms of one of the officers and repeatedly said "you saved me."... More »

9th, May 2013 Sports

Revealed: why Alex Ferguson really quit Manchester United

Today the Mirror will restore it sense of pride by revealing why Ferguson really quit... More »

9th, May 2013 Money

You can't regulate the banking system just by regulating the banks

Of course, what should happen is much greater regulation of what the banksters are doing with or money... More »

9th, May 2013 Key Posts 1

Charles Ramsey becomes the victim of a media hatchet job - gutter press turn on black hero

Let's get him! More »

9th, May 2013 In Pictures

You know you're in a poor area when...

Seven sings you're living in a poor area... More »

9th, May 2013 In Pictures

Women behaving badly

Ladettes at large... More »