
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

7th, May 2013 Reviews

I was the face of Vladimir Tretchikoff's Chinese Girl

"I thought I looked like a monster from a horror film - I pulled an ugly face and said 'Ugh - green face!' ” More »

7th, May 2013 Reviews

BBC blocks licence fee payers from accessing BBC websites

What utter tossers... More »

7th, May 2013 Politicians 1

Nigel Evans comes out the police station's 'rear entrance'

Is it becuse he's gay...? More »

7th, May 2013 The Consumer

Jeweller sells "ARSE" diamond and silver necklaces for Mother's Day

I saw this and thought of you.... More »

7th, May 2013 Strange But True

Car park demolished around a car

A driver will probably be bemused when he returns to his vehicle to find the car park around it has vanished... More »

7th, May 2013 Money 1

MPs are greedy bastards aren't they? They want us to pay for their booze

There's also a concept (very important in economics) called opportunity cost. This is the amount that we would have if we put whatever it is to a different use rather than doing whatever it is with it right now... More »

7th, May 2013 Reviews

Kid confronts illegally parked police officer getting food and goes viral in the process

Over in America, they have a funny relationship with the police. Basically, they revere and loathe their force in equal measure... More »

7th, May 2013 Reviews

The Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight story in photos and timeline

An incredible story... More »

7th, May 2013 Celebrities 1

Jimmy Tarbuck - a life in photos

Tarby and friends... More »

7th, May 2013 Celebrities

Live From Her Majesty's: Jimmy Tarbuck arrested in Yewtree historic sex abuse purge

And odder and odder it gets... More »

7th, May 2013 Reviews

Mug shot of the day: he might have been drinking

Mug shot of the day is Cabrone Deron Brewer, 32, who was arrested for parking his Volkswagen Beetle oon train tracks... More »

7th, May 2013 Celebrities 2

Hybrid celebrities: Harry Styles morphs into Taylor Swift and more

Mash-ups... More »

7th, May 2013 Sports

Ronnie O'Sullivan match interrupted by farting fan

The Rocket blasts off... More »

7th, May 2013 Key Posts 4

In 2004, TV psychic Sylvia Browne told Louwana Miller that her daughter Amanda Berry was dead

In 2002, Michele Knight vanished. She was 21. In 2003, Amanda Berry was working at a branch of Burger King in Cleveland, Ohio. She was 16. Tomorrow would be her 17th birthday. She vanished. In april 2004, Georgina "Gina" DeJesus vanished on her way home from school. She was just 14... More »

6th, May 2013 Celebrities

In 1967 The Muppets worked as IBM instructors (video)

In 1967, IMB hired Jim Henson to educate their staff... More »

6th, May 2013 Technology

The Liberator 3D gun secures victory for who owns the best printers

Texas University law student Cody Wilson has printed and fired a 3D gun. The gun was manufactured on a 3D printer that cost $8,000 (£5,140) from eBay... More »

6th, May 2013 Celebrities 2

Revealed: the animals who died for Donald Trump and John Travolta's hair

It's what they would have wanted.... More »

6th, May 2013 Technology

Using DNA to make portraits

Heather Dewey-Hagborg's collects stray hair, dropped chewing gum, and discarded cigarettes, extracts the DNA and constructs models of the faces of the comber, chewer and smoker... More »

6th, May 2013 The Consumer

Epic adverts: David's Pizza

PizzA! More »

6th, May 2013 Celebrities

Helen Mirren chose David Cameron to back her up in a fight - is she mad?

Helen Mirren is front-page news on account of her telling a drumming band to “shut the f**k up”... More »

6th, May 2013 Reviews

Feminist steals clothes because she didn't want boyfriend to pay for them

In Niceville, Florida... More »

6th, May 2013 Celebrities

Crazed fan pushes Justin Bieber's inflatable piano off stage in Dubai (video)

You should see him on the sax... More »

5th, May 2013 Strange But True

Man arrested for abusing parakeet after police dog eats his hamster

Don't panic. The police are here... More »

5th, May 2013 Reviews

Air India pilot let air stewardesses turn off auto pilot and fly busy passenger plane

On Air India flight AI 133 from Bangkok-Delhi flight, First Officer Ravindra Nath and Captain B K Soni decided to take a break from the cockpit... More »

5th, May 2013 Reviews

Husband bites dog on nose that had bitten off wife's nose

A Labrado attacks... More »