
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

22nd, April 2013 Strange But True

Fishing on Arthunkal beach, India, is easy

Fishing is easy... More »

21st, April 2013 Sports 3

Luis Suarez bites Chelsea's Branislav Ivanovic: Liverpool star tastes Champions' League success (photos)

Did Liverpool's Luis Suarez bite Chelsea's Branislav Ivanovic during the Barclays Premier League match at Anfield, Liverpool?... More »

21st, April 2013 Flashback

When Lester Bangs Creemed for Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music

When you wake up in the morning with the worst hangover of your life, Metal Machine Music is the best medicine... More »

21st, April 2013 Key Posts

10 hangover cures from famous writers

Hunter S. Thompson recommended poppers and beer... More »

21st, April 2013 Celebrities

Hunter S Thompson's FBI file

The FBI investigate all kinds of people. They had a file on journalist Dr. Hunter S. Thompson. Cody Winchester distilled it... More »

21st, April 2013 Key Posts 1

Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev fight the religious war with Islam (bigots seize the moment)

Why did Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev allegedly bomb the Boston Marathon? Islam, so they say... More »

21st, April 2013 Reviews

Man smuggles gold bars up rectum

To Rajiv Gandhi International Airport in Hyderabad, southern India, where Abdullah Mohammad Riyaz has 1.4kilos of gold on his person... More »

21st, April 2013 Strange But True 2

Ohio woman is 'too fat to tan'

Kelly McGrevey is too fat to tan. How can that be possible?... More »

21st, April 2013 Reviews

French bus drivers trike over too-tight trousers

Driver in Marseille do not like “the quality, the colour or the fit” of their new trousers... More »

20th, April 2013 Reviews 1

The FBI's 2011 investigtaion into Tamerlan Tsarnaev

It usually takes longer for conspiracy theory to take hold... More »

20th, April 2013 Reviews 2

Paris Brown: Kent police make an example of their youth heroine

Paris Brown has been helping the police with their enquiries. Is Kent's first and to date only teenage crime tsar (Youth Police and Crime Commissioner) back on the job?... More »

20th, April 2013 Reviews 1

American ignorance forces Czech ambassador to issue statement saying Czechs are not Chechens

Beyond parody... More »

20th, April 2013 Reviews

Boston Marathon bombs: How tweeting the Watertown shootout can get you killed (put those lights out!)

Mr Tuinzing's wall planner could have been decorated with his last thoughts - literally... More »

20th, April 2013 Reviews

Great headlines: The Ulster Gazette 's Bohemian Rhapsody

"Is this the rail price...? More »

20th, April 2013 Reviews

Understanding the Jihad Brothers: Tamerlan Tsarnaev's Unicorn blood and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's beer pong

Tamerlan Tsarnaev is dead. The one quote that seems worth repeating ad finitim in all media outlets is his telling a photographer: “I don’t have a single American friend. I don’t understand them.”.. More »

20th, April 2013 Reviews

Weather forecasters to be sued for wrong reports

Predicting the weather is like trying to catch rain with dentures... More »

20th, April 2013 Money

The great unburnable Carbon Bubble: three reasons why the experts are wrong

I do think this is a lovely little misunderstanding of how the world works from M'Lord Stern... More »

20th, April 2013 Strange But True

Vacuum Cat is here to terrify you

Cats suck... More »

20th, April 2013 Reviews

American turned Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev into killers, says expert

So why did Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19 , and his brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, allegedly murder four people and injure scores more. The Boston Globe‘s Kevin Cullen has discovered some fact... More »

20th, April 2013 Photojournalism 1

In photos: the hunt and capture of Boston Marathon bomb suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

In photos: the hunt and capture of Boston Marathon bomb suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19... More »

19th, April 2013 Sports

Me And The Boston Marathon Bombs: The LeBron James story

Quick, To The Journalismobile!... More »

19th, April 2013 Reviews

MI6 safehouse features on Google Maps

The Secret Intelligent Service will be having kittens this morning as one of their buildings appeared on Google Maps, complete with sarcastic reviews... More »

19th, April 2013 Key Posts 3

What they all said about peaceful all American kids Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev

Right up until the moment Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev allegedly planted bombs and blew people watching the Boston Marathon to bits they were just regular guys... More »

19th, April 2013 TV & Radio

Boston Marathon bombs: BBC interviews a man with a dildo sat on his fridge

With the Boson Marathon bombings dominating the news, the BBC spoke to one man... More »

19th, April 2013 Strange But True

Two-tonne bell falls on man, just like in the cartoons

Dropping the clanger... More »