
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

19th, April 2013 In Pictures

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev in photos

The brothers... More »

19th, April 2013 Reviews

Boston Marathon bombs: Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

New suspects... More »

19th, April 2013 Reviews 5

Boston Marathon bombs: Mike Mulugeta and Sunil Tripathi are innocent

The manhunt... More »

19th, April 2013 Celebrities 3

Victoria Beckham's little cookbook of love

Love is a condiment... More »

19th, April 2013 Celebrities

Rolf Harris - a life in photos

Can you see what it is yet..? More »

19th, April 2013 Celebrities 9

Rolf Harris arrested as part of Operation Yewtree

The tabloids report what many who get their news on the Internet knew... More »

19th, April 2013 Reviews

Photos of the Boston Marathon bomb suspects

Is this you? More »

19th, April 2013 Celebrities 1

Who carries Tom Cruise's red carpet mobile heating system? (Video)

The heater man's been warming Tom's back... More »

19th, April 2013 Politicians

The Margaret Thatcher commemorative candle snuffer

It's what she would have wanted... More »

19th, April 2013 Money

The European Carbon Trading system isn't dead yet

One of the great policy bubbles of our times has been cap and trade for carbon emissions, and on Tuesday it may have popped for good... More »

19th, April 2013 Politicians

Laugh as Toronto's mayor walks into camera full tilt

"Ah f*** man. Holy Christ!" screamed the furious mayor as he wobbled around holding his eye... More »

19th, April 2013 Reviews 1

Men deported for being too good-looking

HANDSOME people have dreadful lives don't they... More »

18th, April 2013 Reviews 2

Texas fertiliser plant explosion: the terrifying video

That is terrifying... More »

18th, April 2013 In Pictures

Photoshop awards 2013

Great uses for modern technology... More »

18th, April 2013 Reviews

Local News special: playing badminton with a stroppy Shropshire pheasant called Phil (video)

“At first we didn’t really notice him but we began to realise he was not like other pheasants – at first his stalking was very innocent..." More »

18th, April 2013 Strange But True

American etiquette: naked man eating cherry tomatoes with frozen sausage in pants wows shoppers

To Washington State, where a man is sat in his wheelchair in an aisle of the Capitol Hill QFC store. He is eating cherry tomatoes... More »

18th, April 2013 Strange But True

Drunk Australian's attracted to crocodiles (and the Queen's biscuit tin?)

Two stories from Australia about drunken men an crocodiles... More »

17th, April 2013 Key Posts

In pictures: the 2013 Breaking News Photography Pulitzer Prize winners

Photojournalism does not get better than this... More »

17th, April 2013 Reviews 1

Boston Marathon bombs: confronted by horror the people are not terrorised just closer together

After the bombs ruined lives at the Boston marathon we learned again that terrorism destroys. It frightens and reduces. But it doesn't win... More »

17th, April 2013 Reviews 9

Boston Marathon bombs: Lu Lingzi is non-white victim number 3

Not everyone is rich and white, Virginia Trioli... More »

17th, April 2013 Politicians

New Zealand parliament erupts in Maori love song as same sex marriage bill is approved

"Open the doors"... More »

17th, April 2013 Reviews

Apology of the week: the Sun reviews the ‘Real life Mr Bump'

Whoops! More »

17th, April 2013 Politicians 4

How many people attended Margaret Thatcher's funeral?

Anything from one to 250,000 were there... More »

17th, April 2013 Sports

Liverpool star serves time on Newcastle and Millwall fans

Former Liverpool and Denmark player Jan Molby uses his EuroSport column to tells readers: "Disgusting violence must spell the end for late weekend kick-offs"... More »

17th, April 2013 Politicians

Margaret Thatcher's Funeral in 48 photos

Thatcher's funeral was a made-for-media event. The mountain of puff and guff that paved its way were hard to ignore. We did as nation meet Thatcheration point. .. More »