
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

17th, April 2013 Reviews 8

Have 4chan found the Boston Marathon bomber?

Show us all the photo and let the web investigate... More »

17th, April 2013 Politicians

Margaret Thatcher v Princess Diana: How People's Princess Tony Blair scooped David Cameron

Compare and contrast the deaths of Princess Diana and Margaret Thatcher, as told by Alastair Campbell, Tony's Blair's older spin doctor... More »

17th, April 2013 TV & Radio

BBC TV crew highlighting bad drivers races two sets of red lights

BBC Three really is car crash TV... More »

17th, April 2013 Flashback

Frightening food from the 1970s - 50 photos

Remember when food was terrifying, meat was a luminous pink and vegetables the work of John Wyndham nightmares?... More »

17th, April 2013 Books

The TEXAS-ISRAELI WAR 1999: Charlie Bagle, over

In 1999, those rebellious Texans kidnap the President of the US of A. Only a bunch of fearless Israelis can save him... More »

17th, April 2013 Strange But True

Carlo the orangutan steals the shirt off your back and puts it on (video)

The missing link... More »

17th, April 2013 Key Posts 3

Boston Marathon bombs: praying for Jeff Bauman Junior

And now some good news. Well, better news. The man was rushed to the Boston Medical Center ER. His name is Jeff Bauman Sr. He's lost both of his legs... More »

17th, April 2013 In Pictures

WTF - explain the images

What's going on? More »

17th, April 2013 Key Posts

The Boston Marathon Bombs were the work of Muslims, the Tea Party, whites, immigrants, Nazis, al-Qaeda, anarchists and the US Government

Who set off the bombs at the Boston Marathon? Everyone who has an agenda knows... More »

16th, April 2013 Reviews

Boston Marathon bombs: after the massacre the story in photos

In pictures... More »

16th, April 2013 Politicians

How the regional press reacted to the death of Margaret Thatcher

Love her or loathe her? More »

16th, April 2013 Money

Woo Hoo! Apple's new iPhone is coming!

Aren't you excited too? I know I am because it'll be just fabulous allowing me to pose even more effectively as a cool and in touch sort of person. You know, rather than the fat middle aged man I actually am... More »

16th, April 2013 Politicians 1

Turn Your Back On Thatcher: the funeral protest that might be a Poznan

Many people want to mark their opposition to Thatcher’s funeral, but do not want to risk arrest or being 'kettled' for hours. So I spoke to the Met police today to get permission for a mass back-turning protest... More »

16th, April 2013 Politicians 1

What the Margaret Thatcher death parties taught us

What did we learn for the Margreat Thatcher death paries? Personally, I learned nothing. But others did... More »

16th, April 2013 Technology 1

Every birthday celebrating on your Facebook Wall

Like! More »

16th, April 2013 Reviews

Louisiana bans saggy jeans

People, for some reason, get the hump about the way other people wear clothes. Be it too much cleavage, a hijab, a comedy slogan or the tightness of trousers... More »

16th, April 2013 Money 2

Mario Soares: Portugal will never be able to pay its debts

Portugal will never be able to pay its debts, however much it impoverishes itself. If you can’t pay, the only solution is not to pay... More »

16th, April 2013 Reviews 1

Boston Marathon Bombings: Carlos Arredondo is the illegal immigrant who was there to help

Carlos Arredondo becomes the face of hope in America... More »

16th, April 2013 Strange But True

On girl two nostrils: the condom challenge

The Condom Challenge is about making your own entertainment... More »

16th, April 2013 Reviews 6

Boston Marathon massacre: it was about hurting 'rich white people in the West'

The Boston Marathon massacre was heinous crime. But to the ABC’s Virginia Trioli it has a message... More »

16th, April 2013 Reviews 1

52 live animals found in Plymouth house fire triggered by roast dinner

We don't know what they were cooking at a home on Fullerton Road, Ford, Plymouth, when the fire took hold... More »

16th, April 2013 Sports

Biking Boofheads told to stop bragging about sex lives

In Brisbane, Australia, Tennyson Ward councillor Nicole Johnston has started a petition... More »

16th, April 2013 Madeleine McCann 2

Madeleine McCann: the Costa Teguise angle gets revised

The 62-year-old arrested as part of an investigation into the alleged abduction of a three-year-old girl at Costa Teguise, Lanzarote, has been released on bail... More »

16th, April 2013 Sports 1

The plot to turn Chelsea boss Rafa Benitez into a fool

In "Rafa lost the plot", the Sun's Steven Howard says Chelsea manager Rafa Benitez is a failure... More »

16th, April 2013 Politicians

Andrew Mitchell now working as a solver of 'reputational threats'

Nice work if you can get it... More »