
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

19th, March 2013 Strange But True

Woman finds entire cat in her 'pork' sausage (photo)

Ever find a kitten inside a sausage? Krod Yotchomrang, 52, did... More »

19th, March 2013 Technology

Russian dash cam video of the day: the wing mirror two-step

In this video of life on the open road, two Russian truckers exchange wing mirrors... More »

19th, March 2013 Strange But True

Idiot police rough up idiot who jumped over their heads (video)

For every laughing policeman who will dance at the carnival, there is another humour-bypassed, flat-footed goon who hides behind his badge and pepper spray... More »

18th, March 2013 Reviews

In full: The Royal Charter on Self-regulation of the Press for Publication

"We are in the middle of a liberal berserker..." More »

18th, March 2013 Flashback

On This Site: photos of Iraq then and 10 years after the invasion

On This Site is a photo essay of what life was like after the 21-days war that was Operation Iraqi Freedom and what it looks like now.... More »

18th, March 2013 Photojournalism

In photos: The Irish Kennel Club Pet Dog Expo 2013.

It's what St Paddy would have wanted... More »

18th, March 2013 Reviews 1

Earth Hours kills Gaia faster

Earth Hour is a goodly waste of energy... More »

18th, March 2013 Politicians

Republican who voted no to legalised weed found in possession of little green bag

Small that? More »

18th, March 2013 Books

Sorted Book: a sideways look at the library

You know how when you’re in a library and you walk along the stacks of books and turn your head to the side and read the titles?..' More »

18th, March 2013 Sports

Twitter 'troll' apologises to boxer on live TV... and he shouldn't have

James O'Brien, the 'troll' in question, appeared on ITV's Daybreak and said: "Sorry Curtis"... More »

18th, March 2013 Sports

Pope Francis hates Liverpool

Can Pope Francis affect Southampton v Liverpool in the Premier League? ... More »

18th, March 2013 Money

The Guardian's publishing flat out economic ignorance about Bill Gates, billionaires and capitalism

It's just the purest ignorance to try and say that markets and capitalism are the same thing: as ignorant as saying that under socialism there will be no food shops. More »

18th, March 2013 Sports

Paul Merson remembers playing for Arsenal with Reading's Eamonn Dolan: no, that was his brother Pat

Paul Merson forgets... More »

18th, March 2013 Fashion

Kickstarter of the day: The Shirt Shirt (silent 'r')

We make shirts that say the word "Shirt." They are available in black or white, and they are going to be the next fashion craze... More »

18th, March 2013 Money

The British Economy explained in a nutshell

A rough guide to the British economy is that it's a middle of the road, middle ranking, European economy... More »

18th, March 2013 Books 2

Emma Watson won't be getting really naked in Fifty Shades of Grey

"Who here actually thinks I would do 50 Shades of Grey as a movie? Like really. For real. In real life."... More »

18th, March 2013 Sports 1

Greek footballer Giorgos Katidis says he had no idea he was giving a Nazi salute

It could happen to anyone... More »

18th, March 2013 Reviews

Indian police blame Swiss victim for rape

Who to blame? More »

18th, March 2013 Flashback 2

July 1951: A grocer's shop window in London

Yummy sago... More »

18th, March 2013 Strange But True

Hen lays the massive egg within an egg

"I'm more than 80 now, but I have never seen eggs like this before."... More »

18th, March 2013 Strange But True

Man banned from 'all libraries on the face of the earth'

Yeah, libraries. How quaint. If Carter transgresses again will he be banned from riding a Penny Farthing to the video store?... More »

18th, March 2013 TV & Radio

Cow attacks film crew (who are begging for it)

Go cow! More »

18th, March 2013 Celebrities

How a young Nicholas Cage got the girls (gifs)

An acting masterclass... More »

18th, March 2013 Reviews 6

Hacked Off are Hitler's Nazis fighting The Sun's Winston Churchill: the Press freedom vote

Thoughts on tonight's Press vote... More »

17th, March 2013 Reviews

Hot for Teacher essay writer sues school that expelled him for $2.2m

Corlett, 57, was booted out of Oakland University, Detroit, for writing the essay Hot For Teacher. He was inspired by the Van Halen song of that name. He's now suing. He wants $2.2 million.... More »