
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

26th, February 2013 Celebrities 1

Message to 110,000 Americans: we don't want Piers Moron back!

There's a campaign over in the US to get Piers Morgan deported. The White House has an online petitions system and once they get 25,000 signatures then they promise to, well, to say something about it, at least... More »

26th, February 2013 The Consumer

Fancy eating a baby's head for £35?

Of course, this would be the ideal gift for anyone you suspect of being a potential murderer or, indeed, just a general grump in your family who really, really hates children.... More »

26th, February 2013 Politicians

Prime Minister gets a good look at presenter's vagina (video)

Socialist Party leader Ivica Dačić got an eyeful when presented with a glamorous presenter wearing a very, very short dress. And then it all went a bit Basic Instinct... More »

26th, February 2013 Reviews

The Pope Auditions: Father Guido Sarducci makes his pitch

Father Guido Sarducci, rock critic for the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano, makes his pitch for the top job in the Roman Catholic Church.... More »

26th, February 2013 Key Posts

Readers identify the Tenby beach monster: it's a Me-ex

Mal Roberts: "me ex".. More »

26th, February 2013 Reviews

Southwark police fail to arrest immigrant black killer for rape: at least they're not racist

Jean Say, then 62, killed his daughter and son in 2011. He cut the throats of his children Regina, eight, and Rolls, ten, in their beds.... More »

26th, February 2013 Fashion

How to tie an Eldredge Knot in your neck tie

“Tying a four-in-hand every day got old. So I looked up how to tie other knots when I happened across this video tutorial..." More »

26th, February 2013 Money

The real problem after the Italian election: tell all those creditors to go screw

Well, you can call it a problem if you like, personally I'd call it a godsend... More »

26th, February 2013 Reviews

Surrey school bans pupils from walking and cycling to class

That Olympics Legacy in action: Betchworth school, Surrey, has decided to ban children from cycling and walking to school... More »

26th, February 2013 Music 1

Bee Gees And Michael Jackson Collaboration Caught On Video

FACE it - The Bee Gees are one of the greatest groups to ever cut a record ever.... More »

26th, February 2013 Reviews

Crufts to feature disgusting mongrels

Crufts, like Hitler, always believed in pure breeds, showcasing the finest in incestuous hound relationships and making them scampered around before an audience that smelled of Brut, hairspray and wax-jackets... More »

26th, February 2013 Reviews

Cardinal Keith O'Brien, Jimmy Savile and blowing smoke up the Catholic Church

He's accused of sexual impropriety against four priests, three of them still serving. Piers Paul Read says in the Times that "his resignation suggests that there may be some fire behind the smoke"... More »

26th, February 2013 Books

William Faulkner's Post Office regination letter and dream of working in a brothel

Between 1921 to 1924, he worked as he University of Mississippi's postmaster. He didn't enjoy it. This is his resignation letter... More »

26th, February 2013 Strange But True 1

Rabbits invade airport as animals continue quest to rule Earth

Again, the Anorak stands alone as the only publication willing to tell you the truth about animals and their dead-eyed quest to overthrow mankind... More »

26th, February 2013 Strange But True

Google Maps grasses up man cheating on fiance

"When Sasha came home, I immediately called him to the computer and asked him to find that address in the map. When the image loaded, Sasha's face changed in colour..." More »

26th, February 2013 Fashion

Bad fashion fails

Mickey Mouse is in this year... More »

26th, February 2013 Money

BT's worth more as scrap copper than it is as a telecoms company

I did actually check this with BT, you know, that real reporting stuff. And they said yes, that number's about right... More »

26th, February 2013 Reviews 1

Jon Venables: those who tweeted his photo are charged with contempt of court

Anyone who knows the case and who cares about justice should not have broadcast the pictures... More »

26th, February 2013 Celebrities 7

The Onion had no need to apologise for calling Quvenzhane Wallis a c*nt

The Onion called 9-year-old Best Actress Oscar nominee Quvenzhane Wallis a c*nt. The Onion tweeted... More »

26th, February 2013 Strange But True

Boy riding to school impaled on his bicycle (photos)

Made in China... More »

26th, February 2013 Celebrities

Kate Upton in bodypaint (photos)

One day all sports kits will look like this... More »

26th, February 2013 Strange But True

Maciefj P can't remember what happened to his missing genitals

A swift appraisal revealed that his penis and testicles had been surgically removed... More »

26th, February 2013 Celebrities


As I awake this morning / When all sweet things are born / A robin perched on my window sill... More »

25th, February 2013 Technology

Scientists make suit that give you Spidey Sense!

Mr Mateevitsi said: "When someone is punching Spider-Man, he feels the sensation and can avoid it. Our suit is the same concept."... More »

25th, February 2013 Sports 3

Every Spurs striker say Tottenham will beat Arsenal - for 17 years they've all been wrong

Can Spurs finish above Arsenal in the Premier League? Tottenham have not finished a season ahead of Arsenal since 1995... More »