
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

9th, February 2013 Celebrities

EastEnders' lifer Ian Beale looks like a sloth

..and so does Noel Gallagher... More »

9th, February 2013 Politicians

Labour and LibDem peers gang up to amend the Defamation Bill: Psmith Journalist shines light on our hideous libel laws

The laws governing libel make British journalists look askance with envy to their American peers.... More »

9th, February 2013 Reviews 2

Parents seek Asperger’s diagnosis to rise above the rest

Louise Carpenter looks at the work of Psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen and his colleagues at Cambridge’s Autism Research Centre... More »

9th, February 2013 Reviews 1

Jobseeker dumped 20lbs of dog poo on Hanley job centre's carpets

"The staff spoke to me like I was dirt and said they would stop my money. I was angry..." More »

9th, February 2013 Reviews

French ecology minister opens school for wolves

France has proposed the "National Wolf Plan", a government plan into "educating" wolves... More »

8th, February 2013 Celebrities

The Daily Mail reaches the heights: A-listers parade their ears

Mail writer Clare Coulson got to thinking. And she's come up with anew angle: ears... More »

8th, February 2013 The Consumer

Hessian is the off-the-peg brand

Hessian is an invader, an ode, a brand in waiting, a pitch to the market... More »

8th, February 2013 Reviews

Domenico Ferrara accused of rigging TV talent show to let his teenage daughter Giovanna win

Did Domenico Ferrara, 56, get all his friends and relatives, and their friends and relatives in Villaricca, Italy, to vote for his 13-year-old daughter Giovanna... More »

8th, February 2013 Reviews

It's raining pseuds at Elliot Abrams'

It's raining pseuds at More »

8th, February 2013 Reviews

Mental whale probably tries to kill humans in canoe (video)

While riding in a canoe, a gigantic humpback whale leapt out of the water and almost landed on top of their vessel!... More »

8th, February 2013 Sports

BBC predicts Chelsea to beat Wigan 40-1

The more serious you take this guessology, the better. But then along comes Hulk Hogan to tell us that Stoke will beat Reading... More »

8th, February 2013 Sports 1

Patrice Evra says Manchester United's never lost to Barcelona in the 2009 and 2011 Champions' League finals

We're all for up-beat, positive thinking. And so too is Partrice Evra, the Manchester United defender. In readiness for his side's Champions' League match against Real Madrid, Evra tells media.. More »

8th, February 2013 Money

Those tax dodging swine at Amazon!

GRRR! Amazon! Coming over here, making vast sales, and not a penny of tax do we see out of them. Or... More »

8th, February 2013 Film

£75,000 raised to build Star Wars Death Star

And so, in a bid to stop any of these new Star Wars films from taking off, an unlikely project has arisen: Star Wars fans have raised £75,000 to build an actual Death Star... More »

8th, February 2013 Politicians

Mike Freer is a hero of the free

He understands that debating gay marriage and gay rights is an ugly business... More »

8th, February 2013 Reviews

Preacher abuses talking congregant at First Baptist Church of Hammond (video)

Do you talk in Church? Larry Smith is a sermoniser at the First Baptist Church of Hammond. Indiana. As it says... More »

8th, February 2013 Sports 1

Beitar Jerusalem get the bigoted fans they deserve

People have torched the club house of Israeli Premier League side Beitar Jerusalem. Why?... More »

8th, February 2013 Strange But True 2

Who is wiping animal sperm on women in Bury?

Is he back, the phantom animal-sperm tosser?... More »

8th, February 2013 Celebrities

Beyonce Knowles Super Bowl derp and Mr Microphone show in photos

Did you stay up to see Beyonce perform in New Orleans? It was tough going... More »

8th, February 2013 Sports 2

Surfer take a tumble in Nazare, Portugal: can he swim to safety? (video)

Can he get out of the way before wall of water lands on him?... More »

8th, February 2013 Celebrities

Heidi Montag books a flight to Heaven to check on dead Spencer Pratt

For the past two weeks, OK! has led with news of Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt. Having paid big to get the US reality TV star on Celebrity Big Brother, Richard Desmond is keen to eke out their fame in his mag... More »

8th, February 2013 Reviews 4

Findus dishes up horses for courses

Findus beef lasagne contains up to 100% horse meat. No artificial meats. Just trusty horse meat... More »

7th, February 2013 Reviews

Daniel Hernandez Jr is the reluctant hero talking to piers Morgan

Hernandez Jr., was a congressional intern who stepped up... More »

7th, February 2013 Technology

Cosmos watch: Earth like planet spotted but Apophis is going to blow us up

Good news and less good news... More »

7th, February 2013 In Pictures

Pretty women making ugly faces - the best of

More »