
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

24th, January 2013 Key Posts

AVN corporate sex awards 2013: winners and photos

America takes its porn seriously... More »

24th, January 2013 The Consumer 2

Shergar's DNA found in Burger King burgers and Waitrose pork pies?

A smidgeon of DNA was found at ABP Foods’ Silvercrest meat processing factory in Ireland. No-one was hurt. Well aside from the horses... More »

23rd, January 2013 Sports 1

#Pray for charlie morgan: best reactions to Eden Hazard's attack on 'King of all time-wasting ball boys'

The best reaction to the kicking Hazard... More »

23rd, January 2013 Sports 2

Chelsea brat Eden Hazard kicks Swansea's ballboy in the ribs - video

Chelsea continue to epitomise the graceless, ugly, greedy side of football... More »

23rd, January 2013 Celebrities

Lea Michele is Uriah Heep with L'Oreal glossed hair

Quote of the week... More »

23rd, January 2013 Sports 3

Alan Pardew turns Newcastle United into a more French version of the Arsenal he mocked

Newcastle turn the Gunners... More »

23rd, January 2013 Sports

The worst ski-jump in the world

Last Sunday, a professional ski jumper made a complete hash of his attempt when he slipped and fell down a slope in Sapporo, Japan, on his bony little arse... More »

23rd, January 2013 Reviews

How the Guardian works: Alan Rusbridger passes the buck on Julie Burchill

How the Guardian newspaper works.... More »

23rd, January 2013 Reviews 1

Mirror ignores Simon Fox in its biased story of how HMV died

His Master's Voice, indeed... More »

23rd, January 2013 In Pictures

Snow Britannia - photos of the 2012-2013 winter

It's been raining or snowing for weeks. The snow looks better than the rain... More »

23rd, January 2013 Sports

Arsenal 'fine sheet' leaks online: Mertesacker plays the German banker

A holding role of the big German... More »

23rd, January 2013 Politicians

What Bill Hicks knew about Obama: peace in our time

You know what happens when Obama went behind the screen?... More »

23rd, January 2013 Celebrities

Lupe Fiasco is bizarrely repetitive

Fiasco was thrown off stage at a Barack Obama inauguration party. He's black. He said some anti-Obama things. Is that why he was removed?... More »

23rd, January 2013 Reviews

France smells of sweat, garlic and bd eggs

What does France smell of..? More »

23rd, January 2013 The Consumer

Condoms or no condoms, sex is great says Sex Professor

The Daily Mail Reporter has news: "It's official: Condoms DON'T make sex less enjoyable..." More »

23rd, January 2013 Reviews

Police at schools bring their prejudice to the playground

The police state... More »

23rd, January 2013 Sports

Southampton's Jason Puncheon show Gary Lineker for to hit the target

Football chant of the day... More »

23rd, January 2013 Reviews 2

Mali Army use gun shot sounds in training (video)

Without ammunition to spare for training, soldiers in Mali make their own sounds of war... More »

23rd, January 2013 In Pictures

Innovation - there I fixed it

There! I fixed it... More »

23rd, January 2013 Money 1

Comment is free? Guardian worker writes of executives lavish excess

”Afternoon Alan - I’m a member of Guardian staff, posting anonymously..." More »

22nd, January 2013 Sports 9

Lance Armstong is Liverpool's Luis Suarez but not Gareth Bale nor any other noble Briton

Bill Leckie says Liverpool's Luis Suarez "is Armstrong MKII". That's Lance Armstrong, the fabulously talented cyclist who used illegal drugs to become a living legend... More »

22nd, January 2013 Strange But True

How to repair and mourn your 'Dutch wife' sex doll

Until about 30 years ago, the typical 'Dutch Wife' (love doll) sold at sex shops in Japan was of the inflatable type... More »

22nd, January 2013 Celebrities

Beyonce on the sweet surrender of Blue Ivy Carter's birth: The Epi-fanny

She just let go. You had a saw fanny. She had an epiphany... More »

22nd, January 2013 In Pictures

Barack Obama inauguration and White House party photos

Feel the adulation... More »

22nd, January 2013 Reviews

Face of the day: Lindsay June Sandiford faces the firing squad

Tough justice... More »