
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

11th, January 2013 Politicians

Would Obama rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck?

Question of the week: During Barack Obama's Q&A on Reddit's Ask Me Anything... More »

11th, January 2013 Film

Quentin Tarantino and the truth about slavery (feat. Krishnan Guru-Murthy)

Channel 4 news has a mixed record with interviews.... More »

11th, January 2013 Celebrities

Hugh Hefner in birthday cakes: the sponge and Viagra icing photos

When 86-year-old Playboy mogul Hugh Hefner married 26-year-old Playmate bride Crystal Harris there was a cake... More »

11th, January 2013 Key Posts

Costa Concordia: Dry Francesco Schettino was saved by the 'effect of gravity'

“We saw Schettino. He was surrounded by his group of men. They were in casual sailor-wear. He had..." More »

11th, January 2013 Money

How the piggy bank got it name

In [the Midde Ages], when the question of where to keep money arose... More »

11th, January 2013 Money 3

No, we shouldn't pay MPs more

No, sorry, but no. The pay for a job is not a matter of "fairness".... More »

11th, January 2013 Reviews

Football sports betting: the winner of this season’s Premiership

Sponsored post... More »

11th, January 2013 Celebrities 1

Jimmy Savile: so much for the truth

Jimmy Savile was “a prolific, predatory sex offender" who used his fame to “hide in plain sight”.... More »

11th, January 2013 Royal Family 10

The Mona Kate: Catherine Duchess of Cambridge's first portrait

Enigmatic... More »

11th, January 2013 Celebrities 4

Dear Kelly and Sharon Osbourne: it's not bullying, it's your jobs

Kelly is Kelly Osbourne, the woman who used to look like a button mushroom but who now resembles pretty much every other inked, proud-to-be-skinny celebrity on the magic box... More »

11th, January 2013 Technology 1

How to answer your iPhone like a legend

Wigs. Beds. Phones... More »

11th, January 2013 Politicians

Greens hypocrisy over Jonathan 'Luther Jesus Mandela Ghandi' Moylan's fakery

When green activist Jonathan Moylan issued a fake press release that led to millions of dollars being wiped off the share price of coal company Whitehaven, he became God's representative on Earth... More »

11th, January 2013 Reviews 1

Ireland spends €40,000 a year on footballs for prisoners

Well, many of the ball gets impaled on razor wire... More »

11th, January 2013 Reviews

Police arrest 107 people for murder of woman who gave rapist sanctuary

Rough justice in South Africa.... More »

11th, January 2013 Flashback 3

The most controversial British TV shows ever

We here at Anorak yearn for some real outrage. The sort you got in the good old days of tweed jackets, cottaging, animal-strangling, urine-drinking and blasphemy… More »

10th, January 2013 TV & Radio

Bum sniffer caught red-nosed at train station toilets (video)

Just checking... More »

10th, January 2013 Celebrities

Klaus Kinksi - a life in photos

Kinski the paedophile... More »

10th, January 2013 Reviews

American Family Association leader says Hurricanes and bushfires are God 'spanking' gay humanity

In this video, we see American Family Association's Bryan Fischer explaining that natural disasters have a pupose... More »

10th, January 2013 Reviews

Taft school shooting: Unarmed teacher talked 16-year-old shooter into dropping weapon

Unarmed teacher save students... More »

10th, January 2013 Reviews

Photos: How Tim Holmes, his wife and five grandchildren endured the Tasmania bushfires

Tim Holmes saw his wife Tammy and their five grandchildren hiding for hours under a jetty to escape the bushfires... More »

10th, January 2013 Technology

Sellitonline attempts to profit on Facebook from Tasmania bushfires

FAIL! More »

10th, January 2013 Sports

New York Times reports on Baseball's death

No news... More »

10th, January 2013 Reviews

Climate deniers are Nazis, says Green Shirted FDR embodiment

What sayeth the Japanese..? More »

10th, January 2013 Reviews 1

Boobs on sale for advertising!

One mysterious individual has decided to sell the space on her boobies... More »

10th, January 2013 Sports

Sports journalists are obsessed with World Cup prostitutes

You always know when the big sports event is coming to town: the prostitute stories begin... More »