
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

23rd, November 2012 Sports

Spurs fans knifed: Lazio and Roma fans have been getting away with it for years

Ashley Mills, 25, from Brentwood, Essex, was with around 30 other Spurs fans having a drink in Rome ahead of Tottenham's match with Lazio... More »

22nd, November 2012 Technology

Student Andrea Hernandez suspended for refusing to wear school tracking system

When student Andrea Hernandez from John Jay High School’s Science and Engineering Academy in San Antonio, Texas, was told to wear a tracking device to check on her attendance, she declined... More »

22nd, November 2012 Reviews

Using MDMA to treat post-traumatic stress disorder

News that Drs Michael and Ann Mithoefers are beginning to test the drug in veterans is out... More »

22nd, November 2012 Celebrities

Kate Winslet's CBE acceptance speech (photos)

Kate Winslet is now a Commander of the British Empire... More »

22nd, November 2012 Money 3

More Google tax dodging: and this time the might actually get done

Here's a story where Google might actually be forced to cough up... More »

22nd, November 2012 Celebrities

Gulnara Karimova: the yoga photos

PSSST! Want to see Gulnara Karimova, 40, daughter of Uzbekistan’s leader, Islam Karimov, doing the downward dog and other yoga poses?.. More »

22nd, November 2012 Books 7

Julie Burchill: Unchosen: The Memoirs of a Philosemite

A while back I (along with others) received an email from the divine goddess Julie Burchill. She was seeking my financial support for a book she wants to publish called Unchosen... More »

22nd, November 2012 Strange But True 2

Say hello to the Bigfoot of Tunbridge Wells

Boring places are always the ones who have fantastical creatures. There's no Chupacabra of Camden or Mothra of Manchester, because people are far, far too busy to sit around and let their minds play tricks on them.... More »

22nd, November 2012 Film

The Rank Gongman bangs the paper disc

The Gongman tolls.... More »

22nd, November 2012 Reviews 14

Biased BBC takes The Israel Test: Mishal Husain wonders if attempted murder is any crime at all?

Gil Hoffman, Chief Political Correspondent and Analyst with the Jerusalem Post, speaks to BBC's Mishal Husain about the ongoing conflict in Gaza.... More »

22nd, November 2012 Sports

Play 'Football Manager' and get a job in the Azerbaijan Premier League

Some bright spark has actually landed a managerial job in the Azerbaijan Premier League thanks to Football Manager... More »

22nd, November 2012 In Pictures

NUS protest is a damp squib (photos)

There was no violence at the National Union of Students (NUS) protest on Wednesday 21 November. As such, not one national newspaper led with it.... More »

22nd, November 2012 Flashback 2

Sexism watch: Daredevil slips into 'something barely legal'

"You male chauvinist...ow!'... More »

22nd, November 2012 Reviews

Win cow sponsorship: Local news in Rutland

The moos.... More »

22nd, November 2012 In Pictures

Awkward family Christmas photos

Happy holidays... More »

22nd, November 2012 Sports

Chelsea fans rejoice: Roberto Di Matteo is gone and you didn't get Harry Redknapp

Roman Abramovich has sacked Roberto Di Matteo as the team's coach. It's news right up with the shockers that Katie Price sleeps on her back.... More »

22nd, November 2012 Key Posts

Not a dry eye: New Yorkers recall a 27-year romance

This is love... More »

22nd, November 2012 Reviews

Happy Thanksgiving and stuff The Moral Statisticians

Eat, drink, smoke and enjoy. An American great wants you to. In 1893 Mark Twain wrote in The Moral Statisticians... More »

22nd, November 2012 Reviews

Pictures of Peru's Huanuco bullfighting festival

These photos are from the Yawar Toro center, taken during a festival on the outskirts of Lima, Peru... More »

22nd, November 2012 Politicians 1

Racists hated ''incompetent' George Bush for being black

Is that racist? US Democrat James Clyburn’s hears accusations that UN Ambassador Susan Rice is incompetent... More »

21st, November 2012 Reviews

Thanksgiving in Utah at the Indian Center (without William Shatner)

Hundreds of frozen turkeys are lined up before being handed out to Utah families at the Indian Walk-In Center... More »

21st, November 2012 Technology 3

Shapad by Time: the clock shaped by powder

Time to powder the old nose. And thanks to the “Shaped by time” by Studio Toer, the powder tells you when it's good to go... More »

21st, November 2012 Technology 2

Your brain on alcohol

Dazed and confused... More »

21st, November 2012 The Consumer

Free air tickets for the dangerous flying obese

Fat to fly... More »

21st, November 2012 Celebrities

Susan Boyle album tweets as #susanalbumparty

Hashtag of the year... More »