
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

21st, November 2012 Reviews

Mass death never sounded so cute: Dumb Ways to Die

We go to Australia where, instead of frightening the bejeezus out of you, an animated safety video prefers to indulge you in a little fun without giving you a boring, stern lecture.... More »

21st, November 2012 Flashback 4

The greatest keep-fit devices of the 1970s

Were you around in the 1970s? Did you keep fit with the latest kit?... More »

21st, November 2012 Flashback

1949: the walls of Hitler's ruined alpine retreat near Berchtesgaden

he walls of Hitler's ruined alpine retreat near Berchtesgaden, Germany are covered with the names of tourists who have visited it since the war... More »

21st, November 2012 Reviews 1

Why does the Guardian describe Israel's actions in Gaza as bloodletting?

In war, words matter. The BBC knows it. The Guardian knows it. In a piece entitled "It's Palestinians who have the right to defend themselves" Seumas Milne writes that Israel started it... More »

21st, November 2012 Reviews 1

Hamas murders six collaborators in name of Human Rights (photos)

"The corpse of a collaborator [alleged] was tied to the back of a motorcycle and dragged through central Gaza City in front of a convoy of bikes, his pants pulled down and his arms splayed behind him..." More »

21st, November 2012 In Pictures

Seems legit

More »

21st, November 2012 TV & Radio 4

Doris' son recalls the great storm of 1987 in Ipswich (audio)

The tea towels... More »

21st, November 2012 The Consumer 1

Grow Up To Be Gay: children's toy of the day

You don't have to be gay... More »

21st, November 2012 Strange But True 4

Police hunt man who wiped poo on women in Ramsbottom pub

This s a new one on us.... More »

21st, November 2012 Reviews

Local news: Stares at a small bush in Woodfood Bridge

Small bush blocks driveway plan... More »

21st, November 2012 Strange But True

So. You got a car key stuck in your foot (photos)

You should see the hand brake... More »

21st, November 2012 Celebrities 1

Look what the did to skinny Adele with her ti*s out

Vogue undoes the most powerful woman in the world... More »

21st, November 2012 Reviews 2

Anglicans judge women unfit to be bishops

Women cannot be bishops in the Church of England. They cannot sit in House of Lords, as bishops are entitled. Maybe the women should establish a new branch of the Church... More »

21st, November 2012 Reviews

Rome statue of Pope John Paul II reworked to look like Ant McPartlin

Pope John Paul II looked like Benito Mussolini. Fact. It's why so many Italians loved him... More »

20th, November 2012 The Consumer

Nominative determinism: Jim Hall writes about PE Lessons

It's what his parents wanted... More »

20th, November 2012 Reviews 10

Why is the BBC biased against rich Jew friendly Israel?

"Israel pounds Gaza.."? (You may have heard that before..) Funny, isn't it, how the BBC has never mentioned Gaza pounding Israel..." More »

20th, November 2012 Flashback

1985: House spiders on drugs

When Nasa gave spiders drugs... More »

20th, November 2012 Politicians

Obama speaks in favour of decriminalising marijuana

On the day of his re-election Colorado passed Amendment 64 to legalise marijuana for recreational use... More »

20th, November 2012 Money

Can we call Margaret Hodge a tax avoider now?

Hodge is the Labour MP who currently chairs the Public Accounts Committee in the Commons. Yes, I know, dreary minutiae only a politics geek could enjoy... More »

20th, November 2012 Strange But True

Milwaukee police officer takes out water squiring clown (video)

The clown had been squirting water at cars... More »

20th, November 2012 TV & Radio

Four bored Scousers riding a bike with no wheels at Manchester Airport

Making their own entertainment... More »

20th, November 2012 Reviews 1

Killer gets a fate worse than prison - CHURCH!

AMERICA is a dangerous place filled with guns and cholesterol, but this time, they've gone too far... More »

20th, November 2012 The Consumer

Burger King starts delivering in New York

Cancel that table reservation at the palace. Burger King is delivering... More »

20th, November 2012 Flashback 1

World Cup Willie - a life in photos

World Cup Willie was the original football mascot... More »

20th, November 2012 Strange But True

Masturbator tells police squad 'I'm nearly done'

Anyway, this mucky pup was found sitting on a staircase in an alley with his trousers down, in what the police refer to as "the throes of self-flagellation"... More »