
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

15th, November 2012 Strange But True

Scooter thief who jumped on trampoline bounces into arms of police

To Geraldton, Western Australia, where police have captured a 17-year-old scooter thief... More »

15th, November 2012 Reviews

Mum wants oak trees banned from nut-free school

To Ontario, where mum of two Donna Giustizia says trees by St. Stephen Catholic Elementary School are a danger to health... More »

14th, November 2012 Reviews 1

Did Ireland's anti-abortionists kill Savita Halappanavar? (protest photos)

Mrs Halappanavar was a 31-year-old dentist from India. She suffered a miscarriage. Aware that her baby - her first - was dying inside her, she asked for an abortion... More »

14th, November 2012 Reviews

Iran's Neda Soltani blames lazy media for her plight

The BBC has the story on Neda Soltani NOT Neda Agha-Soltan.... More »

14th, November 2012 Music 2

Kurt Cobain's 50 favorite albums

Hereeeeeeeeeeee's Christmas.... More »

14th, November 2012 Sports

Manchester United mercenary Robin Van Persie parks in disabled bay for two days

Well, Robin van Persie has reportedly been spotted leaving his car in a disabled spot for TWO WHOLE DAYS. That's right. For 48 hours... More »

14th, November 2012 Reviews

Foxes soon to control London after mugging mother-of-two

Fear and loathing grips the capital... More »

14th, November 2012 Strange But True 3

Probably the best dog video on the web ever

If you watch one video today, make sure it is this. More »

14th, November 2012 Politicians 2

Lancashire police tossed away Cyril Smith's sex case notes

Sir Cyril Smith. Was he a paedophile? Lancashire police make a statement on the former MP for Rochdale, now deceased... More »

14th, November 2012 Reviews

Off with the Beeb's cowardly time-serving heads - let Liz MacKean wield the axe

Won't happen of course. The Establishment will muddle on and blame the journos... More »

14th, November 2012 Sports

Andre Villas-Boas was 'terminated' at Chelsea

Chelsea chairman Bruce Buck explains the brutality of football management.... More »

14th, November 2012 In Pictures

Prince Charles and Camilla tour of New Zealand and Australia

The Royal Tour... More »

14th, November 2012 Reviews

Oh the Irony: Lord McAlpin tweeter George Monbiot bemoans bias

The world according to George Monbiot, Guardian columnist... More »

13th, November 2012 Flashback

1970: Marie De Pasqual founds anti-Women's Lib 'MOM' - Men Our Masters

A woman's place... More »

13th, November 2012 In Pictures

Larking about at the museum

More »

13th, November 2012 Key Posts 1

Revealed: Rochdale spanker Cyril Smith's links to Jimmy Savile and the BBC

We told you Sir Cyril Smith was next... More »

13th, November 2012 Flashback

1970s Women's Liberation Movement in photos

Women were fed up with being second class citizens. They wanted equality.... More »

13th, November 2012 Flashback 3

1942: Extracts from GI handbook 'Instructions for American Servicemen in Britain'

It's 1942 and American GI's are in Britain to save the world and get the girls. Before they arrive in Blighty, the Yanks are handed a copy of Instructions for American Servicemen in Britain. Highlights are... More »

13th, November 2012 Strange But True

An eyeball watches you from life's plug hole (photo)

As you circle the plug hole of life, Redditor Liammmin spots an eyeball watching for you... More »

13th, November 2012 Celebrities

Elmo can't stop talking about sex, but denies any wrongdoing with 16 year old

See, Kevin Clash - Elmo's voice and operator - has had to leave the show while he fights some allegations that he's been having a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old boy... More »

13th, November 2012 Celebrities

Alan Sugar's sexist Christmas gift tweet

Sugar introduces a masterclass in everyday sexism... More »

13th, November 2012 Politicians 1

Houses of Parliament Education Visits Officer invites Lords to 'speed date' underage teenagers

"As part of Parliament Week 2012 we are holding a ‘Political Speed Dating’ event where a group of 13-16 year olds will have the rare opportunity to chat in small groups with current Parliamentarians..." More »

13th, November 2012 Flashback

The lower-league legends who played for England

They came from nowhere… Meet the lower-league legends who graced the highest stage of all... More »

13th, November 2012 Celebrities

When Iggy Pop shagged a teddy on BBC children's telly Captain Sensible laughed

he BBC in the mire and floundering, time to look back at what Aunty dished up to the kidzzz in those dark, Satanic days of the 1980s. More »

13th, November 2012 In Pictures

MTV Europe Music Awards 2012: photos

To the 2012 MTV Europe Music Awards at the Festhalle Frankfurt, Germany... More »