
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

2nd, November 2012 Celebrities 2

BBC Radio 1 controller Johnny Beerling forgets to remember the Jimmy Savile he 'knew well'

What did you know about Jimmy Savile, then..? More »

2nd, November 2012 Sports

Chelsea fan Gavin Kirkham might not be exercising logic

The Daily Mail is aghast and agog. Jonathan McEvoy can't get his head around the sight of a white Chelsea fan apparently pretending he's a monkey... More »

2nd, November 2012 Celebrities 1

Coco Austin sticks out her chest and soldiers into Superstorm Sandy

What does facing disaster bring out in you?... More »

2nd, November 2012 Flashback 1

James Meredith: in 1962 he forced President JFK to confront bigotry (photos)

. On 1 October, 1962 James Meredith enrolled as the first African American student at the segregated University of Mississippi in Oxford.... More »

2nd, November 2012 Strange But True

Man licks all Cathedrals in Britain

The Ely Weekly News reports on Lawrence Edmonds. He aims to lick all of the UK’s Anglican cathedrals... More »

2nd, November 2012 Money

Polly Toynbee really needs to learn some economics

OK, so there are some nutters out there (like me!) who think that we should leave the European Union. There are arguments about why this might not be a good idea. But this is not one of them... More »

2nd, November 2012 Reviews

Local News: Nothing happened between Wind Street and Swansea Castle

Read all about it! More »

2nd, November 2012 Celebrities

Nana Gouvêa models Superstorm Sandy fashion (photos of the glamour model who became a meme)

Disappointingly, stars were either too rich to be on the Jersey Shore or busy praying on Twitter to get truly involved with Superstorm Sandy. Nana Gouvêa saw her chance... More »

2nd, November 2012 Politicians 12

Mitt Romney has been sent by God

"In the dream, Romney was clearly favorable from a divine perspective..." More »

2nd, November 2012 Flashback

Music To Murder By and other helpful albums

What tunes go best with selling valves? Put he mix tape down. There's an album... More »

2nd, November 2012 Strange But True

Trick or treating kids get free cocaine in Manchester

Trick or treat?! More »

2nd, November 2012 Strange But True

Grandmother says crack found in her vagina was planted by granddaughter

To Brazil, where Berenice Fernandes, 74, says the 55 crack rocks found in her vagina are not hers.... More »

2nd, November 2012 Flashback 23

The Best of British isn't made here

Just one of our chosen icons remains British, and this is the tip of the iceberg.... More »

2nd, November 2012 In Pictures

Awkward family photos - the best of

More »

2nd, November 2012 Flashback

Life in East Germany in photos

East Germany came into being back in 1949... More »

2nd, November 2012 Technology

Google Maps in everyday life

Google Maps for your life... More »

2nd, November 2012 In Pictures

Everyday acts of rebellion

More »

2nd, November 2012 Strange But True

Mexican Jeep smugglers come undone on Arizona fence

Can you drive from Mexico to Arizona? Yes. But watch out for the fence... More »

1st, November 2012 Flashback

Is this the worst star prize in TV game show history?

Get a load of that raincoat... More »

1st, November 2012 In Pictures

Superstorm Sandy photos: living in the aftermath

Life after the storm... More »

1st, November 2012 Celebrities 3

Jimmy Savile: John Peel might have shagged Bella Thorne

First they came for the convicted paedophiles. Next they came for a man who made a living dressing up as Hitler and falling over... More »

1st, November 2012 TV & Radio

Countdown overrun by filth and immigrants

Today's Countdown Conundrum is "RAMMINGIT"... More »

1st, November 2012 Money 1

A nuclear bomb is not a dirty bomb

I'm not sure here whether it's the Mail getting things mixed up or whether we've actually got a government minister getting mixed up... More »

1st, November 2012 Celebrities 2

Revealed: 10 reasons why the BBC sacked Danny Baker

"We dwell amid pinheaded weasels who know only timid, the generic and the abacus." - Danny Baker More »

1st, November 2012 Flashback

1972 gift special: a life-size doll of you

It's 1972. Cosmetic surgery is not yet so advanced. Dolly the sheep is but a dream But you want to create a replica of yourself. What to do?... More »