
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

9th, October 2012 Celebrities

Doll of the day: Belle Rosen in the Poseidon Adventure

Doll faces... More »

9th, October 2012 Technology

The machine that can make anything (video)

Anything. Really. ANYTHING! More »

9th, October 2012 Money

Yeah, Facebook and Twitter are good, but better than sex?

Sure, the two little technology products are pretty good but seriously, better than sex?... More »

9th, October 2012 Politicians 2

Dr Paul Broun wants Darwinists to tolerate his Creation Theory

How do you get a job on the US House of Representatives science committee, like Todd Akin, he of the rape-activated Portcullis anti-birth womb, and Paul Broun, a medial doctor?... More »

9th, October 2012 Reviews 5

Azhar Ahmed of West Yorkshire given community order for offensive Facebook comment

Anti-Free speech news of the day: Azhar Ahmed of W Yorkshire has been given a community order for posting an "offensive" message on Facebook after six UK soldiers died... More »

9th, October 2012 Key Posts

Fainting QVC presenter makes Top 10 TV Faints

Have you heard of Cassie Slane?... More »

9th, October 2012 Books 1

Jimmy Savile Book of the day: 'Love Is An Uphill Thing'

"The rags-to-riches autobiography of JIMMY SAVILE OBE..." More »

9th, October 2012 Politicians 1

Epic video of Australian MP tearing sexism a new one

PM Julia Gillard (who once said "screw you!" to US Congress, so she's not a woman to be trifled with) went to town on an MP called Peter Slipper.... More »

9th, October 2012 Strange But True

Woman says marijuana in her genitals was not hers

Vida Golac, 18, of Golden Gate Estates, says the marijuana in her vagina is not hers... More »

9th, October 2012 Money

The glory of green energy: only three years until the lights go out

Well isn't this an interesting how d'ye do then? It would appear that we've a more than just minor chance of the lights going out in about three years' time... More »

9th, October 2012 Strange But True

Man dies trying to win python at all-you-can eat cockroach eating contest

To Ben Siegel's Reptile Store in Deerfield Beach, Florida, where Edward Archbold has been eating cockroaches and worms in a contest to win a python... More »

9th, October 2012 Celebrities

Lady Gaga meets Julian Assage

Lady Gaga met Julian Assange at the Ecuadorean embassy, London, she did not spend the night... More »

9th, October 2012 Celebrities

Watch Lady GaGa puking on-stage!

After Justin Bieber puked his little infant ring up on-stage recently, it seems that he may be at the start of something of a craze... More »

9th, October 2012 Celebrities

Freddie Starr gets eaten alive

When we last saw Starr, he was wearing non-age-inappropriate khaki shorts and on a plane to Australia for I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here!, a show now renamed I Wandered Into Jimmy Savile's Dressing Room... More »

8th, October 2012 Sports

Garth Crooks picks West Brom and Scotland's James Morrison for the England team

Garth Grooks is an expert... More »

8th, October 2012 Key Posts 3

The top ten dubious songs of the Jimmy Savile era

Lyrics to watch the underage girls go by... More »

8th, October 2012 Celebrities 16

Jerry Sadowitz was right about Jimmy Savile

What Jerry Sadowitz said about Jimmy Savile.... More »

8th, October 2012 Technology

The Facebook Like-A-Hug jackets cuddles you with each new Like

Get yourself a Like-A-Hug jacket and whenever someone likes you the thing inflates... More »

8th, October 2012 Celebrities 2

Arnold Schwarzenegger finally comes clean and admits to rather liking Hitler

For years, Arnold Schwarzenegger has denied that he ever liked Adolf Hitler.... More »

8th, October 2012 Key Posts 69

Stupid Matthew Wood sentenced by stupid court for stupid April Jones joke

Stupid Wood has appeared at Chorley Magistrates' Court. He wrote something on Facebook about April Jones and Madeleine McCann that social media narks and police didn't like.... More »

8th, October 2012 Reviews 3

April Jones: Mark Bridger almost weeps in court

Bridger has appeared at Aberystwyth Magistrates’ Court.... More »

8th, October 2012 In Pictures

Breaking the rules - photos of some who dared

More »

8th, October 2012 Strange But True

Who is the Croydon cat shaver?

Stephanie Warton, 60, of Shirley, Croydon, says someone is shaving her Barney... More »

8th, October 2012 Sports 2

In praise of Ashley Cole - he's right about Terry, the FA and Shearer

Can we now all agree to like Ashley Cole?... More »

8th, October 2012 Strange But True

Man jumped into zoo lion pen after row with wife

"The man indentified as Suryanarayan Das (45) from Chhatrapur in Ganjam district all of a sudden climbed on the wall and jumped into the lions enclosure..." More »