
Anorak News - Pop culture, media, sport and weirdness

20th, September 2012 Celebrities

Paris Hilton thinks all gay men have AIDS does she?

When Donna Summer made some dodgy comments about AIDS, her career vanished down the toilet. At least Paris Hilton has no talent of to waste... More »

20th, September 2012 Film

John Travolta goes half cocked at Salma Hayek's cleavage: Savages photo call

Who cares what kind of a film Savages proves to be... More »

20th, September 2012 Key Posts 8

Arm all police officers? Depends if you're Jean Charles de Menezes, Marc Duggan, Pc Fiona Bone or Pc Nicola Hughes

PC Fiona Bone and PC Nicola Hughes were murdered on duty. Last summer, when Marc Duggan was shot dead by polcie, the call was for less police guns... More »

20th, September 2012 Politicians

Nick Clegg sings his apology: he never did make the world better

And it's goodbye from Nick Clegg... More »

20th, September 2012 Reviews

Fresco artist Cecilia Gimenez wants royalties for revealing true face of Jesus (but not his wife)

Cecilia Gimenez, the famous Spanish artist, wants money for her rendering of Jesus... More »

20th, September 2012 Gifs

The Patriarch gets into a car

Dignity More »

20th, September 2012 TV & Radio

Video proof that cats are better than dogs - is the toxoplasma gondii talking?

Are cats better than dogs? Or have cats just turned humans into their slaves? Is this the sond of toxoplasma gondii?... More »

19th, September 2012 Books

Buy work by Roger Hiscocks

FNAR More »

19th, September 2012 In Pictures

Awkward black and white photos - 10 of them

More »

19th, September 2012 Celebrities

The Kardashian Klan are in panto - plot and photos

Kim Kardashian stars in Booty & The Beast... More »

19th, September 2012 Celebrities

21st Century Presidents v The 3 Disgraces

Lindsay Lohan, singer Britney Spears, and socialites Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton are ready to be mocked... More »

19th, September 2012 Celebrities

Lindsay Lohan has been arrested, which is a massive surprise!

The LAPD must be sick of the sight of Lindsay Lohan by now. She's been arrested so many times that she's probably got a worn arse-groove on bench at the station... More »

19th, September 2012 Key Posts

World Cup Mascots: From Willie to the Nutty Armadillo

SO, an armadillo it is. Not the most obvious choice for Brazil’s World Cup mascot, but then the nut had already been by Crystal Palace’s legendary P. Nut... More »

19th, September 2012 Film

The Hobbit trailer is here! Sadsacks rejoice!

Warner Bros. has released a brand-new trailer for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (surely it's a pretty 'expected' journey involving that pissing ring?)... More »

19th, September 2012 Money 2

Why George Osborne is screwing with updating benefits

Because, you see, the thing is that updating benefits in line with average wages would, in normal times, increase benefits faster than inflation... More »

19th, September 2012 Key Posts 7

The Guardian continues to lie abut the Mavi Marmara raid

There is much dispute as to what happened. But Conal Urquart is misleading... More »

19th, September 2012 TV & Radio

Honesty in journalism: Lucy Yang is trapped by flood waters

Up the creek with a microphone... More »

19th, September 2012 Flashback

Comic book star Archie's 1972 vision of life in 2012

Flashback to a 1972 Archie comic where our hero time-travels to the year 2012... More »

19th, September 2012 Key Posts

The best of the New York Bubble Project - making adverts better

The Bubble Project lets anyone with pen add their thoughts to speech bubbles stuck onto pubic adverts... More »

19th, September 2012 Sports

Local News: Nephew of Thierry Henry's cat found alive and well in Reading

Setting out to prove that any story can be shone with a sprinkle of celebrity dust, Get Reading reports on Alan Cooke's cat... More »

19th, September 2012 Strange But True 10

Cross dresser who raped neighbour's pet goat to death escapes prison

To West Virginia, where Mark Lucas, 20, is accused of raping his neighbour's pet goat in his bedroom... More »

19th, September 2012 Flashback

The catfish that triggered the Tokyo earthquake - pictures

What causes earthquakes? The Japanese thought it was a giant catfish... More »

19th, September 2012 Celebrities

When Kym Marsh married in OK! we pined for Jagger and Bianca

Last week, OK! showed us Kym Marsh (Coronation Street actress formerly married to EastEnders actor Jack Ryder) tie the knot with Jamie Lomas (actor on Hollyoaks)... More »

19th, September 2012 Reviews 4

Joe Hildebrand and Rebecca's Kay's Jew stare (video)

Following violent protests in Sydney against the film Innocence of Muslims, Today Tonight features a cheery exchange between journalist Joe Hildebrand and Muslim convert Rebecca Kay... More »

18th, September 2012 Reviews

Who created the Dale Cregan Hero page on Facebook?

Fiona Bone, 32, and Nicola Hughes, 23, have been murdered in Abbey Gardens, Hattersley, Greater Manchester... More »